[別人貪婪時我度縮,別人度縮時我更加度縮] 拜仁慕尼黑球迷討論區 玖拾壹

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2021-08-15 12:42:01
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2021-08-15 18:52:31
同埋夏蘭特真係好癲 推波佢弓步等於人地二步
沙歷咸美斯都話拜仁一直有留意 不過我唔覺佢甘心留係德甲
2021-08-15 19:33:02
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2021-08-15 19:45:26
2021-08-15 19:46:15
FC Bayern mourns the passing of Gerd Müller

The FC Bayern world is standing still today. The club and all its fans are mourning the death of Gerd Müller, who passed away on Sunday morning at the age of 75. Müller made history with Bayern and the Germany national team. He scored an incredible 566 goals in 607 competitive appearances for Bayern and still holds the record for the most goals scored in the Bundesliga with 365, as well as being top scorer seven times. He got 68 goals in 62 caps for the national team.

Der Bomber originally joined Bayern in summer 1964 and won the Intercontinental Cup, three European Cups and a European Cup Winners’ Cup. He was a Bundesliga champion and DFB Cup winner four times each. With the national team he won the 1972 European Championship and the 1974 World Cup, scoring the winning goal in the final in Munich against the Netherlands. After retiring, he remained with the club for a long time as a youth coach. He’s survived by his wife Uschi and a daughter.

President Herbert Hainer: “Today is a sad, dark day for FC Bayern and all its fans. Gerd Müller was the greatest striker there’s ever been, and a fine person and character of world football. We’re all united in deep mourning with his wife Uschi as well as his family. FC Bayern wouldn’t be the club we all love today without Gerd Müller. His name and memory will live on forever.”

CEO Oliver Kahn: “The news of Gerd Müller’s death deeply saddens us all. He’s one of the greatest legends in the history of FC Bayern, his achievements are unrivalled to this day and will forever be a part of the great history of FC Bayern and all of German football. As a player and a person, Gerd Müller stands for FC Bayern and its development into one of the biggest clubs in the world like no other. Gerd will forever be in our hearts.”

2021-08-15 19:51:45
Rip Gerd
2021-08-15 20:05:45
2021-08-15 20:33:48
rip gerd muller
2021-08-15 20:42:04
2021-08-15 21:07:01
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