[港台電視31] 歷史二三事 History on Tuesdays (2)

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2022-06-28 23:33:37
2022-06-28 23:46:26
2022-07-05 22:36:24
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
性愛、藥物與酒精 05/07/2022

首集的焦點分別是性愛、藥物與酒精,主持人Kate Quilton與Tamal Ray會探討全新男性避孕藥、無宿醉酒精,以及深受大學生歡迎的聰明藥有何作用。而特派記者Morland Sanders則從不同角度,了解備受爭議的藥用大麻。此外,一班愛好杯中物的女性會嘗試戒酒一個月,測試對健康的影響。
The first of a brand new health series; this week is all about sex, drugs and alcohol. Kate Quilton and Tamal Ray investigate a range of subjects including the new male contraceptive, a supposed hangover free version of alcohol and study drugs. While investigative reporter Morland Sanders looks at whether it’s time to lift the ban on medical marijuana. Finally, a group of women trial a month off the booze to see if it really makes a difference to their health.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年7月5日 星期二晚上11時10時30分

2022-07-05 22:42:32
2022-07-12 22:31:38
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
壓力與血壓 12/07/2022

壓力會影響身心健康,但人類似乎很難避過壓力。引吭高歌是否可以減壓?空氣污染怎樣威脅血壓以至心臟?最新的科學突破,如何有助大腦長期保持健康?特派記者Morland Sanders則走入生物駭客的世界,親身測試無壓力睡眠。而一群患有高血壓的志願者,會測試不同食品對降血壓的作用。
In this episode Kate Quilton and Tamal Ray look at a health problem that affects us all - stress. They investigate whether singing can measurably influence the stress markers in your body, the surprising effects of pollution on our heart and the latest science around long-term brain health. Investigative journalist Morland Sanders delves into the world of biohacking and a group of volunteers with high blood pressure trial the impact of foods that can supposedly make a difference.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年7月12日 星期二晚上10時30分

2022-07-12 22:43:33
2022-07-12 22:58:55
2022-07-19 22:32:46
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
疼痛與疾病 19/07/2022

Kate Quilton與Tamal Ray會從不同角度研究疼痛與疾病,包括骨骼再生科技、紫錐花的抗感冒療效,以及治療腰背痛的最新外科手術。特派記者Morland Sanders則會探討基因測試的利弊。一群飽受腰背痛困擾的患者,自願接受瑜伽練習、整骨療法或物理治療,測試哪一種比較有效。
This week Kate Quilton and Tamal Ray investigate the subjects of pain and disease. They look into the latest scientific approaches for growing bone, the curative effects of Echinacea, and the latest surgical approaches to treating back pain. While journalist Morland Sanders delves into the world of online DNA testing kits and a group of volunteers test out whether yoga, osteopathy or physiotherapy can help ease the pain of chronic lower back pain.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年7月19日 星期二晚上10時30分
2022-07-19 22:36:17
2022-07-19 22:57:42
2022-07-26 22:35:47
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
飲食與腸道細菌 26/07/2022

主持Kate Quilton與Tamal Ray會探討飲食與腸道細菌。除了研究飲食與情緒之間的關係,亦會了解母乳共享的民間網絡如何形成,當中有何隱憂。
肥胖會增加患癌風險,除了飲食,醫學界出現一種介入式的減肥方法,特派記者Morland Sanders會為大家報導。一群志願者更會進食革命性的餐單,看看對腸道有何影響。

The final week of this health series looks at the subject of diet and gut bacteria. Kate Quilton and Tamal Ray look into the benefits of bacteria on our mental health, the underworld network of breast-milk sharing and whether an online genetics test can tell us what diet we should be on. Meanwhile, investigative journalist Morland Sanders finds out the latest on obesity and cancer, and a group of volunteers eat a revolutionary new diet to see if it can make a difference to their health.

雙語廣播:粵語/英語 (電視版)
播出時間:(首播) 2022年7月26日 星期二晚上10時30分
2022-07-26 22:44:00

2022-07-26 22:57:03
2022-08-02 22:30:25
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
對抗衰老 02/08/2022

心境可以保持年輕,身體又是否可以?在本集中,Kate Quilton與Javid Abdelmoneim醫生招募了八名志願者參加一項實驗,在五周內改變生活方式,希望能逆轉生理年齡。走路、睡覺、飲食…抗衰老從基本做起,效果令人驚訝。

兩位主持還會介紹新興的健身班應用程式,與及探討極端環境訓練,對減慢衰老速度的效用。而Kate更專訪英國國家芭蕾舞團,見證音樂與舞蹈,如何幫助帕金遜症患者重拾人生樂趣。此外,特約記者 Sam Renke 會第一身報導,健身行業如何對待殘障人士。

In How to Beat Ageing, Kate Quilton and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim enlist eight volunteers to take part in an experiment to see if making simple lifestyle changes can knock years off their biological ages in just 5 weeks. Can walking quicker and getting a good night’s sleep really help turn back your biological clock? The results are surprising.

Javid and Kate will also explore the latest technological innovations in home gym applications, whether training in extreme environments holds the key to staying young in body and in mind, and how doing a good deed can benefit the mind and the body, helping us to live longer. Kate visits the English National Ballet to see how dance can help people with Parkinson’s disease, but is also beneficial to all of us. Plus, guest reporter Sam Renke explores how the fitness industry treats people with disabilities.

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
2022-08-02 22:41:44
2022-08-02 23:05:48
2022-08-09 22:24:41
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
對抗壓力 09/08/2022

Kate Quilton 與 Javid Abdelmoneim醫生邀請了十位來自不同行業的志願者參與實驗,希望透過簡單的生活技巧,去幫助他們紓緩壓力。少飲酒、多運動、見朋友,再加上正念療法,能否成功將繃緊的身心放鬆?


In How to Beat Stress, Kate Quilton and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim enlist ten stressed out volunteers from around the UK – from a firefighter to a paramedic to a chef - to take part in an experiment to see if making simple lifestyle changes can help alleviate their stress. Can cutting back the booze and caffeine, hobbies, and mindfulness really be the simple stress busting solutions we all need?

Work is the most common cause of stress for us in the UK, with 59% of us experiencing it. Kate visits Lego to see why they are one of the companies leading the way with employee wellbeing and runs a one-week experiment to see if small changes can make a big difference to a pressured sales company. Javid shows how spending time in green spaces can reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure, reducing our stress levels. Plus, for the 10 million people in the UK with phobias, can the pioneering treatment of virtual reality be a game changer?

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)

2022-08-09 22:45:05
2022-08-16 22:26:36
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
對抗疼痛 16/08/2022


Kate與 Javid兵分兩路,探討不同的議題:痛楚究竟是生理、還是心理作用?野外冷水泳是否具有紓緩痛楚的神奇功效?誰更能忍受痛楚—男或女?一位患有基因突變的蘇格蘭無痛女性,是否掌握未來治療慢性痛症的關鍵?

In How to Beat Pain, Kate Quilton and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim enlist nine volunteers from around the UK to take part in an experiment to see if simple techniques can help improve their chronic pain in just six weeks. Chronic pain effects twenty-eight million people in the UK, that’s a staggering forty three percent of us suffering with persistent pain like migraines or back pain. Can activities such as yoga, Tai chi and acupuncture be the pain-relieving solutions that will help alleviate our symptoms?

Javid and Kate also investigate how much pain is in the mind, explore the beneficial effects on pain of cold-water swimming, and attempt to answer an age-old argument: who tolerates pain more – men or women? Plus can a Scottish woman who doesn’t feel pain due to a genetic mutation, hold the key to the future treatment of chronic pain?

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
2022-08-16 23:08:00
2022-08-23 22:33:28
健康啲‧長命啲 (Live well for longer)
對抗肥胖 23/08/2022


In How to Beat Fat, Kate Quilton and Dr Javid Abdelmoneim enlist ten volunteers with a history of failed dieting to take part in an experiment. Can adopting simple techniques help them to lose weight and eat more healthily in just 6 weeks? And can a ground-breaking new biological test help the scientists keep them on track? With the average Britain starting and failing 189 diets in their lifetime, can simple tweaks to our lifestyles rather than dieting help us all keep the weight off and live healthier?

Javid and Kate will also explore why plant-based diets are being increasingly used in sports and how they can help with weight loss and improved health. Javid finds out that the weight loss dream works best in a team when it comes to men. Do people snack less when they know how much exercise it would take to burn off those calories? Plus, have scientists found a way to mimic gastric surgery in a capsule?

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
2022-08-23 22:44:37
2022-08-23 23:06:49
2022-08-30 22:33:23

mRNA - 醫學新希望? (mRNA - Hype or Hope?) 30/08/2022

mRNA vaccines are the beacon of hope in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. But their potential goes far beyond this. Over 150 different mRNA-based therapies and vaccines are currently being developed around the world. But what is the true potential of mRNA technology? Where are the risks? Is mRNA technology the new game-changer in medicine – or is it just hype?

TV Version: Bilingual Broadcast (Cantonese/English)
2022-08-30 23:18:51
Tesla 有份
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