計劃進修PhD/Research討論區 (12) Every man lives by exchanging

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2017-04-22 23:49:54

2017-04-22 23:50:00

2017-04-22 23:50:46


打算aim molecular genetics 但係而家sort of 做緊biotechnology (metabolic engineering)


Microfluidics, bioMEMS

Micromixers, micropumps, Self Assembly Molecules, micro-gradient generators, microcontact printing, micro incubators, micro cell sorting machine………


巴打知唔知有冇可能用microfluidic device整DIY HPLC given 我有photolithography 其實我唔知自己打緊咩

同埋有冇咩accessible既computer program/software去control 各種pump同valves

救命呀 我讀bio架 放過我啦

我自己用Labview 或者自己寫interface control arduino 或者raspberry pi

你用咩pump ? 同咩controller? Labview 最易用,GUI programming。

errr.... 我成日都覺得去到依個年代,好難再分咁deep 嘅stream, 咩bio, maths, physics, engineering。到最後都係logic/ Philsoshy。萬物本同源,同埋而家個世界變得咁快,唔好其他field s嘅嘢好快俾人/ AI取代。

我而家都要學machine learning, 寫個bot 認/數cell 做IoT microscope。
2017-04-22 23:59:27

2017-04-22 23:59:47

“We are in an age that assumes that the narrowing trends of specialization to be logical, natural, and desirable… In the meantime, humanity has been deprived of comprehensive understanding. Specialization has bred feelings of isolation, futility, and confusion in individuals. It has also resulted in the individual’s leaving responsibility for thinking and social action to others.Specialization breeds biases that ultimately aggregate as international and ideological discord, which in turn leads to war.”
2017-04-22 23:59:57

2017-04-23 00:03:39

2017-04-23 00:09:33

2017-04-23 00:12:09

2017-04-23 00:12:36

2017-04-23 00:13:26

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2017-04-23 00:16:24

2017-04-23 00:18:00

2017-04-23 00:19:42

2017-04-23 00:20:37

2017-04-23 00:21:21

2017-04-23 00:21:38

2017-04-23 00:23:11

2017-04-23 00:23:34


打算aim molecular genetics 但係而家sort of 做緊biotechnology (metabolic engineering)


Microfluidics, bioMEMS

Micromixers, micropumps, Self Assembly Molecules, micro-gradient generators, microcontact printing, micro incubators, micro cell sorting machine………


巴打知唔知有冇可能用microfluidic device整DIY HPLC given 我有photolithography 其實我唔知自己打緊咩

同埋有冇咩accessible既computer program/software去control 各種pump同valves

救命呀 我讀bio架 放過我啦

我自己用Labview 或者自己寫interface control arduino 或者raspberry pi

你用咩pump ? 同咩controller? Labview 最易用,GUI programming。

errr.... 我成日都覺得去到依個年代,好難再分咁deep 嘅stream, 咩bio, maths, physics, engineering。到最後都係logic/ Philsoshy。萬物本同源,同埋而家個世界變得咁快,唔好其他field s嘅嘢好快俾人/ AI取代。

我而家都要學machine learning, 寫個bot 認/數cell 做IoT microscope。

2017-04-23 00:24:03

2017-04-23 00:24:12


見過唔少journal啲reviewer本身stat唔好,睇漏曬啲mistake,連sample size係4都做得出statistical analysis

不過都有好多biologist識stat既,特別是而家好多big data,對mathematical tools 需求好大

P.S. 用左好多時間都未完全明曬PCA既原理 有冇巴絲可以深入淺出解釋下

成日新聞見到好哄動既"英國研究",仔細睇個sample size,sampling method都錯撚曬 入面主要都係bio同psycho

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.
2017-04-23 00:27:24

2017-04-23 00:28:50

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞