If your graduate course at Oxford requires a 'strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours' in the UK system, you will usually need a bachelor’s degree with an overall GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0 or 4.0 out of 5.0.
If your graduate course at Oxford requires a 'first class undergraduate degree with honours' in the UK system, you will usually need an overall GPA of at least 3.7 out of 4.0 or 4.5 out of 5.0.
英制的確係計hon同%,唔係計gpa,但人地做左咁多年國際生生意,你估人地蠢嫁咩通常已經有概定一套轉換方法,例如美國咪照睇4-point based gpa囉,澳洲嘅咪照睇7-point based gpa(部分係咁啦)
問題就係,當已經熟知香港大學多數沿用hon嘅時候,要幾耐先接受到呢個轉變?雖然香港都係用gpa計分,但因為最後出嘅係hon,多數係申請中期有需要先會再問gpa, 所以可以預期改變後頭幾屆如果想再讀書嘅時候會面對呢啲問題,需要同學校解決