LIHKG Current Affairs Posts English Translation Thread

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2019-09-06 09:29:22
Actually MPED only has 9 members, but 5 of them are in districts where somebody is already there. Last time at Hiu Lai District, it was ultimately only after Cheung Lung left the movement himself that MPED agreed to ‘regurgitate out’ the District.

[[Facebook Post:

Movement to Prevent Election by Default

Response regarding the resignation of Cheung Lung as Admin Officer for the Hiu Lai District

Regarding the resignation of Mr. Cheung Lung as Admin Officer for the Hiu Lai District on 25 Aug 2019, MPED respects his personal decision and thanks him for his efforts in Hiu Lai District over the past months. This movement knows that on the coordination problem, many communicative misunderstandings have appeared, which have resulted some friction between democratic comrades. This is truly not the original intention of the movement, and not for the benefit of Hong Kong. Fortunately, Mr. Cheung Lung is an honorable man, and having weighted the costs and benefits on all sides, has decided to resign as Admin Officer of Hiu Lai District for the sake of the bigger picture.

This movement hopes that the team servicing Hiu Lai can maintain its democratic stance for Dual Suffrage, and spend more of its remaining time on district work, with the goal of fighting for “Five Key Demands, Not One Less” and realizing the expulsion of the pro-establishment camp, helping Hiu Lai locals achieve their wish of “Recover the Council, Return the Seat”.

This movement has deeply experienced the passion and thought of democratic supporters. Under the principle of “the bigger picture”, this movement will, to the utmost of its ability, attempt to coordinate between a group of comrades who support democratic ideals and seek Dual Suffrage. Currently, we are discussing coordination issues with a group of comrades and are strongly avoiding the possibility of generating communicative misunderstanding. We hope this group of democratic supporters can wait patiently, and not allow the pro-establishment camp to attack us over communicative misunderstandings. Support each other.

Lastly, we wish a bright future for Mr. Cheung Lung.

This time, MPED’s Au Tsung Yin began campaigning in the district a whole month later than Camille, and she doesn’t have any connection with University District. After locals complained that she was ‘clashing’ in the district, she quickly deployed the MPED name. She said she would coordinate, but in the end threats were still what she used to force the freshman out.

[[Au Tsung Yin Facebook Post:

I have always supported democracy, and want to hear opinions and voices from many sectors. This platform has always accepted the opinions of differing people, but expresses regret at the repeated smearing and even personal attacks that I have suffered.

I understand people have different opinions, and we all are thinking about HK’s future. So I hope everybody can engage in “No Splitting, No Severing, No Snitching” in order to do his part for this society.

As for the issue of ‘clashing in the district’, as I am a member of MPED, and we are still in coordination, I will announce any developing news immediately. Thank you all!


Honestly, with non-party-affiliated Tam Heung Man creating this highly-suspect MPED, does she really want to help Hong Kong, or does she want to take votes away as a B-Team for the pro-establishment camp, or does she want to create her own faction?
2019-09-06 09:34:22
Free HK democracy now!
2019-09-06 13:06:07

[拋磚] 緊急!!兩個改動即可防止政府5毛再帶風向
[Throwing Out a Suggestion] Urgent! Two Changes to Prevent Govt and Wumaos from Leading the Conversation

6th September 2019 10:54

Urgent!! I’m asking for the addition of pinned posts and an option to switch between English and Chinese
For posts that are not pushed; replies are no longer enough
Lin Chai (LIHKG founder), please be aware of this!
Can everybody upvote this post so that Lin Chai sees it!
Very important! Everybody please read in full!

Two days earlier, the government only leaked a little information and the entire page was like ‘withdraw withdraw withdraw’
Even before they mentioned ‘withdrawal’, we fell into chaos first. All the useful posts disappeared
Even though in the end withdrawal did happened
But this has happened before, other posts flooding in just before an activity

7.21, 8.31, publicity, reports, analysis, explosive news, action, all immediately disappear
And normally, if we don’t join in the ‘[Misleading] Headline Brigade’ nobody reads our posts
If we join then people fuck us
Nobody reads or pushes suggestions
Not-yet-withdrawn is treated as withdrawn
Non-fact-checked posts are pushed until they flood the front page

A beautiful demonstration of how to be led by the Government
Whatever Carrie wants you to say, you say

As such, if we should improve:

1. Strongly Suggest Adding Pinned Posts
First place 5-8 places for pinned posts at the top of the page, to show the top 5 posts netizens want pinned (can be per section or for the whole of LIHKG)
Within each post, each person can only ‘recommend pinning’ once every 30 minutes, 5 times every 2 hours. The effect of ‘recommend pinning’ needs to be stronger by multiples than, or perhaps added to, normal post-pushing. It’s not enough to just decide on the basis of ‘recommend pinning’ votes: upvotes need to be beyond a certain number before ‘recommend pinning’ comes into effect! Also divide between Useful Posts and Consensus Posts, so netizens can both discuss and access important information.

2. Ability to Switch between English and Chinese Versions
Didn’t we agree to open up an International Front/Bring in Foreigners. An English channel in my opinion is not really workable: posters already need to translate reports before people even read them, and we’re talking about discussions in English? In any case, people need an English version before they’ll come, so if English/Chinese switchability comes into being, that increases the efficiency of idle people’s free expression. After adding the ability, we can ask foreign users to choose which version they want the content displayed in. If nobody is willing to help translate, then we can consider using Google translate api to provide an English version which can then be amended by netizens. Actually, sort of like how wiki does it
Right now the Government has gotten a head start on us in opening an International Front: they’re buying ads in foreign newspapers. We can’t be left so far behind that we can’t even see their rear lights!

Please contribute suggestions
2019-09-06 13:38:15

We’re Now Repeating the Mistakes of the Umbrella Period

6 September 12:31


From editing a clip showing that police were throwing petrol bombs at Yeung Uk Road
Editing a medical staff card during the petitions to claim that somebody died at Prince Edward (death not confirmed but we should keep our eyes open)
To yesterday editing words to laugh at the police finding a samurai sword from a trouser pocket
Today somebody was saying that a dog was wearing a white card [instead of his ID]

In truth, all the above are destroying our credibility
If it’s proven to be fake just once, foreign media might not believe us again
We all know how important foreign help is
Yes, they will also check
But I’m talking about us being one of the channels by which the media finds information
Meeting a brother to interview him
Then broadcasting the information
If we keep on creating rumors
We become the source of fake news,
In the end nobody believes us, nobody believes that our publicity shows the truth
If we lose the publicity war we’ll soon be screwed

Just a light check of the above will have revealed problems
We don’t need to rely on fake news or manufactured rumors to attack the other side
Because they have gifted much more damaging ammunition to us
6.12, 7.21, 8.11, 8.31
You fuck CCTVB, laugh at Blue Ribbons making rumors: how can they believe such retarded information
But we ourselves keep on making rumors and editing photos
Becoming the retarded people we laugh at

It’s not a question of moral values
But a question of effectiveness
Manufactured rumors and fake news are tools that damage us and benefit others

Of course it’s possible that the other side is manufacturing rumors to attack our credibility
But those who broadcast and forward rumors are also helping attack themselves
Everybody please remember how rumors caused us to disintegrate during the Umbrella period
Fact Check means fact checked
Firsthand info means firsthand info
Secondhand info means secondhand info
Everybody please fix this, don’t die by your own hand

2019-09-06 16:06:35
2019-09-07 08:35:29

Do You Guys Want to Kill the Movement?

7 September 2019 04:27

For the past 2 weeks, have you guys discovered that our local publicity has decreased by a lot?
A bunch of unsubstantiated rumors on Trending? Nobody pushing proper stuff?
It’s fine if you demolish CommieRail, but come on, you still need to explain to people why you are doing this
And not just by saying: “You’re still asking this now? If they still want to sever in this day and age let them”
Actually a lot of HKers are like this, the smallest thing and its “too violent”, actually a lot of people don’t understand why you want to demolish CommieRail
Now the trains and periodically skipping stations, actually a lot of people find this inconvenient
In the past, after surrounding the Revenue Department there was an apology campaign, now not even a shadow
What about leaflet distribution, street booths?
Have you found out that there have been much less peaceniks for the past 2 weeks? Because they don’t understand what the yungmos are doing
You can fight if you want to, but you need tell people why you are doing this

Somebody also mentioned, yes yungmos are very brave now, but they’ve forgotten that peaceniks form their rear support
When fewer peaceniks come out, dogs can catch people much easier. Now it’s only tens of yungmos demolishing CommieRail
Surrounding the doghouse, fighting on the barricades: there is a greater mobility in fewer people, but it also seems that everybody is getting caught in one fell swoop
Please remember how we came to this point from June, July, Edward Leung mentioned it before
Politics is about turning non-supporters into supporters. Not everybody goes on LIHKG, not everybody knows what you are doing
Don’t be blinded by rage, if we fight against each other we must lose
Only by fighting for public opinion, for numbers and morale do we have a chance
If we lose like this, our dead friends won’t forgive us
2019-09-07 08:46:35

今次沙田賀新婚行動非常成功 同時證明到幾樣野
Today’s Wedding Congratulation Action at Shatin was Very Successful; And Also Demonstrated A Few Things

September 6 2019, 22:08

Today’s wedding congratulation action was very successful

1. The wedding post attracted many post-monitoring dogs

2. Dogs are really scared of people screwing with their daily lives, especially when it comes to weddings or funerals

3. Simply posting a few wedding posts was enough to lure out 8 police vans

As to effectiveness

Not only does this put psychological pressure on dogs and bitches

It can also put fear into Sirs when they hold celebrations and funerals

Give them a taste of white terror

So far, why should protestors be afraid when seeing police? Wrong, it should be police who are afraid when they see us. This is the correct direction, they need fear.

Sometimes psychological damage is more effective than material damage!

So many people celebrating a once-in-a-lifetime event like a marriage; how does his extended family back home think about that?

But it doesn’t matter actually, if not satisfied with the wedding he can hold another one again

For those who say that it wasn’t a success, be brave and rebut me here
2019-09-07 08:57:00
hkpopo will be killer by chinazi
2019-09-07 09:46:33

I Want Everybody to Think Clearly as to What Happened Inside San Uk Lang

7th September 06:23

First, the post is a bit long
But I truly ask you to read it

Remember what people said before?
It is the dogs who have to explain
Not us who have to help the other side explain
So whatever information comes, we just throw it out there first?

Fact checking is important, but only limited to information that benefits us
And not to help the other side fact check information that damages them!

Recently, why are more and more people here saying
Don’t forward anything that isn’t fact checked?
We now want the dogs to produce evidence
To prove that they didn’t rape anybody!


Think about it, how many lies have the dogs told these past 2 months?
When have they not then been slapped in the face with evidence?
And what were the consequences for them? NONE!

Previously they said that it was not a bean bag round that punctured the girl’s eye
Even Mr. Ko came out to lie for the government!
You still believe the Hospital Authority?

The dogs are now coming out to influence people
Saying that there’s no evidence, it’s ungrounded
Telling people to fact check before believing in the gang rapes

And you all then stand on that side without reason?
But on the Prince Edward Station incident
You were all standing on the dead person’s side
But both were similarly without evidence

Don’t forget, dogs also have LIHKG accounts
And not just a few!

I ask you a question
Men were already beaten like that in San Uk Lang
So what about the women? There aren’t any cameras there for fuck’s sake!
And with so fucking many independent cells
You’re telling me there were no molestations, no rapes?
You yourself wouldn’t believe it, motherfuckers!

Remember that out of 2000 police complaints
Only 0.9% actually got investigations?
Why? Because the person in question didn’t have conclusive evidence
So do you think the remaining 99.1% of complaints
Were all fake?


Saying that nobody’s stood up yet, so don’t believe it
Hey come on, let’s say if it was just somebody being lynched
What’s the harm in coming out?
But now it’s a rape!
A gang rape!
A girl facing several, or maybe tens of men
Both using violence against and raping her!
How do you expect her to just come out like that you fucks?
Thank God she hasn’t killed herself!

You try and think that if it was a man being ass-raped by ten people
Would he have the courage to come out and talk?

You all know
Those who were beaten inside
None of them dared say they were beaten by dogs

So if they get raped
How could they have the courage to say that they were raped?
Dogs have all her information
How hard is it to secretly dispose of several women?
Just the threat of revealing all the details of their family is enough
For the girls to fear bringing trouble onto their family
So they won’t dare talk about it

Some people say, if they came out anonymously then they’ll be fine
Hey, don’t be so dumb, OK?
Even if they come out anonymously
And say that they were raped
The dogs will know which girl said it
Entering San Uk Lang and getting raped there:
You think the dogs wouldn’t know who it was?

Without complete protection
She basically wouldn’t be able to come out
And furthermore, the incident just happened
How do you tell people to give evidence under the shadow of what just happened?
2019-09-07 09:47:37
And also
Really, don’t you think that the recent events can be strung together?
First the San Uk Lang rape
Was already rumored before 8.31

Once Carrie knew about it, then she recorded a clip saying she would withdraw
The purpose was to release the clip to attract the public’s attention
Don’t you remember that her hair in the clip was kind of weird?
Like she pre-recorded it?

And then 8.31 happened
I ask you, even if somebody actually died
Do you need 48 hours to clear corpses?
Back then, 30something stations had their barrier machines broken
And why was it only Prince Edward that needed to be fixed for so long?

Prince Edward is the interchange station that handles the most people in Hong Kong
Would the DogRail really leave it unused for 48 hours?

Have you considered that this move was deliberate?

Dogs did something wrong
Made such a big incident out of Prince Edward
But they decided to compound the wrongs
Turning everybody’s attention to 8.31
And then deliberately holding back the CCTV
Letting the whole incident become even more suspicious
Directing everything towards the theory of somebody being killed

Do you know why the MTR coordinates so closely with the Government?
Don’t forget how many things the Government has helped them suppress
See if people nowadays still talk about the stuff on the Central-Shatin Line?
Fundamentally, DogRail now belongs to the Government

And then when they reveal the CCTV clip
At this time, even if somebody was killed
Or nobody was killed
The main goal of the dogs has been successfully achieved
Which is to divert the public’s attention from the stuff at San Uk Lang

At most after the incident, they’ll sacrifice a few guys
Because even if somebody dies
They’ll just prosecute on manslaughter
The lynching in the hospital is already an example right? [Prosecuted for assault]

After 8.31, Carrie released the clip
At this time, everybody already knows
Whether she says withdrawal or not, it’s meaningless
She fundamentally wouldn’t dare push it again

Why when she has never said it before
She now comes out and says it?
Saying she’s a lagging computer is just us fucking around
Jokes are jokes, don’t really think she’s that fucking dumb
We already know the shittiness of Carrie’s actions
This move of hers is only to turn citizens’ attention
Once again towards her
And can even make some foreigners think that we already won

The dogs know
That all this noise already makes people think something happened
So why not direct the flow
And turn everybody’s attention from rape to murder

You might [not] understand
Not understand why the dogs have to do this
Isn’t killing worse than [sic: rape] by a lot?

Why is the government so afraid of the news of rape spreading?

Which headline would shock the world?
Which one is the big nuclear explosion?

Even if they killed protestors
CCP can just tell the world that

But do you think the CCP will let you tell the whole world
2019-09-07 09:48:05
Having read until here
I believe clever LIHKGers will have a lot of thoughts
I hope you understand clearly


PS. Influencer dogs who are monitoring posts, hello
You willingly get in bed with rapists
Don’t care about what your stance is
I won’t comment on your stance either
I won’t even hold your use of excessive force in suppressing protestors against you
At least you can lie to yourself that you are doing something
Now it’s a rape motherfuckers!
Do you even fucking know how to police?
What is the point of the police’s existence?

If you still have a conscience, then snitch in secret

If not, even if your just deserts don’t come on you
They’ll come on your kids
Don’t think that you’re spared because you haven’t participated
If you knew, and not just let it happen
But also helped cover up
You are also their accomplices in crime!
2019-09-07 10:09:28
Follow me on Twitter:
2019-09-07 10:42:35
2019-09-07 10:46:06
2019-09-07 10:48:33
2019-09-07 10:49:57
2019-09-07 10:50:41
2019-09-07 12:14:56

你班仆街迫我po多次 (教你說服道德撚)
You Assholes are Forcing Me to Post This Again (Teaching You How to Convince Holier-Than-Thou Shits)

7 September 10:56

THIS IS A WAR, don’t fucking talk about taking aim at the regime and not creating secondary fronts.

The power of the servile classes ([obedient classes]) comes not from how noble our morality is, BUT BECAUSE WE HAVE NOTHING AND HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. It is precisely because of this that we have superior courage: it takes frontliners using their lives to stop bullets, fighting to the death, for there to be the slightest chance of victory. IF WE WIN, THEN WE CAN IDLY TALK ABOUT MORALITY; IF WE FUCKING LOSE, YOU WILL FOREVER LIVE IN AN IMMORAL WORLD. War is fucking cruel, the strong eat the weak, we can’t constantly be embodying justice.

Peace [is] gained through blood; democracies are also gained through a group of democrats who decide to ignore others’ opinions. Today, if we draw lines on the basis of morality, we lose our greatest strength. If we can still win with that, that’s still acceptable, but if we lose because of self-imposed limits, the Communist Party will not talk morality with you: see the killings at Prince Edward, the rapes at San Uk Lang etc. An unscrupulous CCP vs fossilized HKers: if we don’t discuss violence, HKers will already have fucking lost based on will alone.

CCP is the net, HKers are the fish within the net. IF WE FISH FAIL TO STRUGGLE BECAUSE IT MIGHT HURT OTHER FISH, OR EVEN STOP THE STRUGGLING OF OTHERS, THE RESULT IS THAT THE FISHERMAN HAULS US ALL INTO HIS SACK. Without the determination of ‘we burn, you burn with us’, or to die on the battlefield, there is no way we can have the final victory.

If you find it too much to go to the secondary front at Shatin, then don’t go: return to Prince Edward/create publicity whatever, it’s already said in ‘be water’ that you think clearly about what you want to do and do it. Have some trust in frontliners ok? WE CAN DISCUSS TACTICS, BUT BLIND DISMISSAL IS A NO.

PS if the moral high ground, foreign opinion was so important, we would have won in 2014 already.
2019-09-07 12:16:16
立即普選 否則攬炒
2019-09-07 12:16:22
2019-09-09 09:08:35

[置頂]新戰線 撚狗大賽
[Pin] New Front: Fucking-Over-Dogs Contest

9 September 2019 07:38

It’s been three months: I don’t think I need to mention how many brothers have been fucked over by Triad Cops, how many have been randomly beaten or arrested; plus how they openly and uncontrollably launched a terrorist attack against citizens in Prince Edward on 8.31. Like everybody, I too resent how even until now, people can still be fucked over by dogs. How can we fuck over the dogs ourselves? Even though a lot of yungmo brothers and locals fuck them over constantly during the night, it’s time for the movement to escalate.

I announce that starting 13 September, every morning of every day we’ll go to the CommieRail to fuck over dogs like crazy! The aim is not the uncooperative blockage of the Rail, but for every morning there to be a couple hundred people entering and exiting trains together, so the dogs and Little Yellow People [MTR staff wearing yellow vests] don’t know how to plan defenses.

If you have to go to work, you can also participate: make it a point to pass Prince Edward when you ride! Remind people of the Triad Cop violence on 8.31

Why do we need to fuck over dogs every morning at the CommieRail station?
At night, brothers and locals fuck over dogs; what about in the morning? CommieRail has now applied for an injunction: if there are reports of activities within CommieRail, dogs basically have to be station at every CommieRail station every day. Our point is to make sure every dog, from day until night, doesn’t get rest

Why CommieRail?
Ever since People’s Daily made some comments, CommieRail has not only decided not to help protestors, but often coordinates with the mass arrests of the dogs. Two days ago at Tai Po dogs beat the back of a brother’s head so hard blood was spewing out; at 4pm yesterday they also randomly arrested 4 brothers. Over the past few weeks, many mass arrests have occurred in all CommieRail stations. They bear much responsibility for the arrest of our brothers

The Cooperation between CommieRail and Yi Jin [Vocational?] Boys will be a Dead End
- Shared from LIHKG Forum

1. Fuck over the dogs; let all of them come out on standby in every station, make sure they DON’T HAVE TIME TO RECOVER
2. The morning rush hour is when CommieRail sees its largest people flows, that’s when many workers go back to work. And if we manage to fuck over the dogs so they come out, that means they DISTURB THE POPULACE
3. Because CommieRail now loves to close stations: even 4 people raising placards in front of the control room door was a reason to close. Then if a lot of people come out to fuck over dogs, CommieRail will have to CLOSE STATIONS at any time, then the mass of working citizens will be even more dissatisfied with the way CommieRail and dogs go about things.

Public Telegram for Fucking Over Dogs in CommieRail

Telegram Channel for Fucking Over Dogs in CommieRail
2019-09-09 09:09:32
2019-09-09 09:10:56
Thank you bro
2019-09-09 10:10:57

Re:【緊急】831,我同德國記者去左訪問前線,好多感觸。求求大家幫手,港女尋人!!! URGENT!!!! - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Re: [Urgent] On 8.31, I Interviewed the Frontline with a German Reporter, Many Ideas. Please Can Everybody Help, HK Girl Looking for Somebody!!! URGENT!!!! – Shared from LIHKG

8 September 2019 18:22

Hi, us again.

Last Sunday’s post unexpectedly resonated broadly; a lot of people in different fields were offering various support and cooperation, including the legal field. Thanks to everybody willing to believe in us, thanks to all of you for agreeing to help the crazy ideas coming from the two of us. (HK Girl V: thanks)

We say that this sort of work is a crazy idea, because we have to be honest, submitting a complaint to the United Nations* does not carry a high chance of success. But this doesn’t cost money, so no matter what, EVEN IF NOBODY SUPPORTS, WE WILL INSIST ON DOING THIS FIRST. IF NOTHING IS DONE, WE WILL NEVER KNOW WHETHER IT CAN HAVE A GENUINE DIRECT OR INDIRECT EFFECT ON THE PROBLEM OF POLICE BRUTALITY. Everything that has happened in the last few months is categorically unacceptable; these assholes have lost their fucking minds and they’re ruled by no law; and it’s also absolutely unacceptable that even though local opinion has become thus, the Government continues to protect them.

After the announcement of formal withdrawal, the international media has wholly led their reporting with “Finally they Accede to Demands”; clearly they don’t understand the workings of this tyranny. So we want to push the problem of police brutality onto the international scene. The final objective is to apply immense pressure onto the Hong Kong Government, to reorganize the Police Force and establish an Independent Police Supervisory – we don’t accept the sloganeering method of handing a few Triad Cops over as sacrifices as a way of fobbing us the fuck off. Every lawyer or barrister who does criminal cases knows that these thugs have always been Triad Cops; the demonstrations over the past few months have only revealed the police’s real rotten face.

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