LIHKG Current Affairs Posts English Translation Thread

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2019-09-04 09:15:12

[Forwarding] An Ex-Royal Marine Asks People To Consider A Blind Spot

4 Sep 2019 00:28

I met an ex-Royal Marine, who had gone through anti-riot training 2 days ago. He asks for people to consider the following blind spot, the key points I am listing out on his behalf.

1. Purpose of Surrounding the Doghouse?

Is it to lure the Anti-Riot Police out and make them sweat?

Or does it serve a psychological purpose, because having lost every time, we want to win for once?

2. Surrounding the Doghouse Plays into the Paws of the Doggies

When the doggies are all hiding in the house

People can’t observe their numbers, gear, movements.

People can’t know when they’ll rush out, like at Tin Shui Wai Police Station or Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

People can’t avoid their random gunshots from windows, like at Kwun Tong Police Station.

He says “We Anti-Riot Task Forces enjoy aircon in HQ and wait for you to tire before rushing out, but you have to be scared every second you are there.”

“Previously our commander would bring us to the wilderness for training purposes, the enemy could appear any time, harass us with pebbles. We feared leaving the HQ and running about the most, why do youngsters today willingly present themselves on our doorstep?”

He wants to teach a concept to people: “Tactical Initiative”

Once you can observe the doggies’ gear, numbers and direction on the street, people can scatter, like how you fuck over dogs.

Once doggies can observe your numbers and movement outside the doghouse, they can start preparing to rush out and catch people.

This explains why nobody has gotten caught these few days at Sham Shui Po, but people have gotten caught at Tin Shui Wai Police Station.

He wants to share some of the toughest rounds of anti-riot training with people:

1. Anti-Riot police don’t know when protestors will appear, which creates immense psychological pressure. In a doghouse-surrounding scenario, they can just sit in their air-conditioned rooms, point at you and laugh.

2. If protestors roam everywhere near the doghouse, that forces anti-riot teams to run around in full military gear, working up a sweat.

3. If protestors roam everywhere near the doghouse, that forces the senior officers of anti-riot teams to use vast amounts of time sweeping away a district’s protestors. When anti-riot teams arrive, and don’t see anybody, commanders usually will think that their own decision was wrongly made.

4. If protestors roam everywhere near the doghouse, forcing anti-riot teams to linger in the street for a longer amount of time, then they find it harder to distinguish between average citizens and protestors, and it’s very likely that they do collateral damage, shoot tear gas in error, cause a U-turn in public opinion.

5. Once protestors fully scatter once tear gas has been deployed, and anti-riot teams can finally go back in and rest, this is the time for protestors to come back out.

Having reminded us of these points, this Marine hopes everybody will have a clear mind in the future, and not present themselves for execution on the doorstep.

Also remember, the time between anti-riot teams receiving the call to deciding to push can be within 30 minutes. In other words surrounding for 30 minutes is presenting yourself for execution willingly

Hope this Marine has given people something to think about, he absolutely does not support people screwing around like this

Source: 司徒小龍

Note: the above opinion is the opinion of the ex-Royal Marine and does not represent my stance. I am only forwarding opinions, and do not support any illegal activity.
2019-09-04 09:20:36
2019-09-04 09:21:18
2019-09-04 09:24:26
Hong Kong Police are Fascists!
2019-09-04 09:25:34
Can someone post it to Reddit ?
2019-09-04 09:27:02
Even old vagina upvote this post
2019-09-04 09:31:19

This Morning at Prince Edward Station, Somebody Was Taken by Dogs into the Control Room for Jumping the Barrier

4 Sep 2019 01:01

Posting on somebody’s behalf

This morning at about 11am
A friend at Prince Edward Station witnessed a brother being surrounded by 5-6 blue-shirt dogs
And also a large bunch of CommieRail pink-vest people
And then the brother was hauled by dogs into the Station Rest Room (the video is in possession)

After half an hour the friend went to Prince Edward Station again
And asked a CommieRail yellow-shirt staff (no pink vest)
= Friend = CommieRail staff

: What did the kid do just now to be caught by the police
: Because there are citizens who are instigating this non-cooperative action… jumping over the barrier
: Isn’t jumping over the barrier solved by fine? Why are police catching people
: er…er…er…
: Were there already police hiding inside the Rest Room, and you call them out to catch people once you see somebody jumping over the barrier?
: er…er… anyway don’t let us see you jumping over the barrier

CommieRail cooperates smoothly with the Triad Police
Brothers jumping over barriers should be careful
It’s certain that they’ll force some crime onto them
Even if there are no CommieRail staff nearby
Now it’s certain that many stations have Triad Police standing by

Not trying to influence people not to jump barriers
But all in all, be careful in everything
2019-09-04 09:32:47
let's put this post on Twitter
2019-09-04 09:34:44
Thanks for your help, support
2019-09-04 09:35:14
Thank you buddy !!!
2019-09-04 09:38:11
2019-09-04 09:45:11
You are amazing!
2019-09-04 09:53:30
2019-09-04 10:16:53
2019-09-04 10:17:55
2019-09-04 10:27:57
2019-09-04 11:28:40
2019-09-04 11:33:13
2019-09-04 11:45:53
2019-09-04 11:48:19
2019-09-04 11:49:00
2019-09-04 11:53:58
Prince Edward station on 903: Police brutality nearly resulted in death. Victim in critical condition

A young man was arrested in Prince Edward station. Police violently subdued the young man, causing him to vomit, faint, and become severely disorientated. Police officers continue to move the victim, where he eventually became unconscious. Police continued to attempt to move the young man, repeatedly telling him to get up, and ended up forcefully dragging him on the floor.

A first aider on site suspected that the young man suffer from cervical or spinal fracture, and was in critical condition. He immediately requested police to uncuff the victim in order to administer effective treatment, but his effort was in vain.

According to the first aider, the victim vomited, had neck pain, and is now in a deep coma with GCS of 3/15. The young man’s pulse dropped during treatment and had shortness of breath. These symptoms are all signs of spinal injuries. These injuries may cause the victim to become tetraplegic, or may even interfere with the respiratory system, resulting in death. Similar situations are categorised as severely critical in hospitals, and care is always administered immediately. Yet the police tried to interfere with care in such critical situation.


2019-09-04 11:57:33
The original post

[English Speakers] Prince Edward station on 903
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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