LIHKG Current Affairs Posts English Translation Thread

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2019-09-04 13:12:07

(Good News) No Disappearances, No Deaths at Prince Edward Station!

4 Sep 8:37

For 3 days, somebody has used the pretext of ‘suspecting somebody has disappeared from Prince Edward Station’ to continuously flood the webpage, drowning out all action posts.

Now to the main point: an account of how people have said that ‘somebody has died at Prince Edward’ these past 3 days.

1. The night of 8.31: Triad Cops drive away all reporters from the scene for the first time

2. Once the live broadcast caught Triad Cops indiscriminately attacking civilians, they drove all reports back to the barrier, which means that everybody only saw the situation of the wounded before the Triad Cops arrived

3. The same night word-of-mouth said that the Prince Edward wounded were sent to Lai Chi Kok station 2-3 hours afterwards, then transferred to major hospitals

4. Then at 3, 4am on 1 Sep when everybody was asleep, suddenly there was a mysterious Facebook comment saying that 2 people had died and the body had been directly sent to the mainland. Extraordinarily large numbers of ‘zombie’ and ‘newbie’ accounts began responding.

5. At around 5, 6am, there was suddenly yet another post claiming to be ‘fact checked’ that revealed the names of the 2 people (a real fact check after the event showed it to be false)

6. (Key) at the same time LIHKG was flooded; a bunch of similar but old posts like the ones about ‘UK Granny’ and ‘the Sham Shui Po kid’ that had once disappeared now were pushed back to the top, making it seem like individual disappearances and non-communication after resistance is a common occurrence

7. These posts sank to the bottom during the daylight hours of 9.1, but come 10pm at night they again used Stand News to forward some Whatsapp, apparently from a friend whose relative was a Superintendent, saying that somebody died that day so they have a meeting at the station first thing in the morning to think of a solution

8. More discussion during the daylight hours of 9.2 and then people surrounded the police station the same night. The night of 9.2 a student passing by Prince Edward Police Station was hit 6 times with a baton and arrested just for saying a single sentence, and several more were arrested

9. The late night of 9.2 saw a 2nd round of somebody photographing their medical staff card and claiming to hear about 2 people having died on the scene and being sent to the Kwong Wah Hospital morgue. (It’s proven that he used an edited photo of a staff card displayed in a previous petition) At the same time there was another rumored Whatsapp conversation, claiming to be Fire Services, saying that the Control Room received a call that there were 10 injured but later finding only 7. At the same time there was a photo at Prince Edward Station, the one where someone placed white flowers at Prince Edward Station.

10. This photo greatly increased the chances that people took the claims as fact, and then for the whole of 9.3 all the posts were about the disappeared persons from Prince Edward Station, or deaths, and posts on action.

11. The night of 9.3 saw another surround the police station action, yet again leading to many arrests, Triad Cops pursuing down very many stations, arrests on the bus (the first time)

12. The same day people were pushing reports of ‘typical’ deaths [note: an industrial accident, a body found in the harbor, and 2 school notices announcing the death of classmates] in an attempt to explain that these were the 3 ‘disappeared people’.
2019-09-04 13:12:52
So this is the truth until now. Let’s try to take a step back, and analyze this like normal people. What can we see?

1. Blue Ribbons often use fake news headlines, with content such as ‘please spread, forward, have more people see this’. They were all here

2. Disguising source identities, sometimes even sourceless, including friends of friends, relatives of friends, relatives, husbands/wives of friends. Here again

3. Using staff IDs to bolster reliability. Here again (but poor editing quality, demonstrated as fake)

4. Information source has to include governmental personnel, because that increases persuasiveness, but at the same time it will only be a claim originating from a related field

5. Preparation of flower props to establish the truth of the rumors

6. Push-posting at late night, zombie and newbie accounts

7. At the same time pushing large amounts of old, similar posts

8. At the same time pushing large amounts of typical death reports in an attempt to rationalize the story

9. The original poster, facebook posters rapidly disappear amidst the crowd
To construct a reasonable story, the following skills are needed

1. A conspiracy theory with unlimited reach

Benefit: nobody believes any of the government’s clarifications, leading to a situation where nobody can fact-check

2. The content of the story cannot be fact-checked (verified)

Benefit: the story can go on and on, everybody endlessly finds a new angle, completely redirecting their anger

3. Using the enemy’s media (Stand News, LIHKG)

Benefits: the fake news virus can rapidly spread within the enemy camp
2019-09-04 13:13:23
Time to blow apart the justification for this sort of fake news/fake report

1. The original poster threw out a photo and then left. Extremely unbelievable: if you know something this explosive, you don’t find reporters, find Legco members, but instead upload it on a fake facebook account, and then forward it to LIHKG? Can LIHKG help?

And then, if you really think LIHKG can help, then why don’t any of the original posters respond to people’s questions? Because it’s fake news, they don’t dare respond, they fear digging themselves into a deeper hole.

2. So we’ve already revealed that the names of the first two people were fake, and the staff ID was fake. Once the issue with the 2 people was revealed, then the rumor changed to 3 people. If the news about the deaths was real, why would we continuously find fake posts. This demonstrates further that the whole incident was a well-planned fake news post

3. The first 100 comments on those posts were from zombie accounts and newbie accounts, and then they zoomed up to ‘Trending’, and then disappeared. That coincidental? The several key posts were all like this.

4. The flower dedication photo was extremely strange, timewise extremely close to the Superintendent rumors, almost in sync. No news reports, reports from major Legco members’ Facebooks, no reports of deaths on internet radio; but somebody dedicates flowers just as the news was exploding on LIHKG alone. How coincidental

5. There’s more than 1 paramedic, and among them more than 1 Yellow Ribbon, so why only 1 leaked Whatsapp conversation from a paramedic? And nobody else can verify? Because it’s fake: that’s why nobody can verify.
Also, if a death occurred, how would the ‘solutions meeting’ be chaired at the Superintendent level? You need at least Commissioner level to have the power to determine solutions, with the teeny tiny Superintendent as a participant.

6. Previously, with any news about protestors being beaten or blinded, those brain-dead Blue Corpses, or heartless Triad Cops would be celebrating and posting furiously. This time it’s a death, so wouldn’t they break out the fireworks??? But nothing this time? Not one!

7. The reason why they spread conspiracy theories, is because it can invalidate every government-esque clarification. Previous posts were saying that they wouldn’t believe even with CCTV because the clip could be fake. In that way they can make people waste time on their search.

8. Everytime a fake post is blown apart, there would be a second rumor, the original poster of the 1st post running away

9. By yesterday, I already thought the whole news was fake news, because of that whole bunch of posts about deaths, flooding the webpage starting from the death of the Sai Kung girl in the hope of getting 3 people and getting people to waste time investigating. Unfortunately, yesterday there were 4 dead people, so the story couldn’t be extended further.
2019-09-04 13:13:41
So at this point, with so much evidence demonstrating that there’s an extremely high chance that this story turns out to be fake news, why did they have to make this so big?

Because people “with intent” want people to consume the fake death reports, in the hope that people escalate or for the purposes for escalation by people “with intent”.

Because next week, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act will soon come out, people with intent want to use the Hong Kong human rights issue as a bargaining chip, and so want to escalate the scene as soon as possible. Then the Triad Cops can increase their bloody suppression, perhaps even cause real deaths among brothers.

Everybody is now searching for 3 brothers whose identity is forever unverifiable:

1. As a result, 2 continuous nights presenting ourselves for execution at Prince Edward Station
2. Many useful posts have been pushed away
3. Wasting large amounts of time finding non-existent evidence, even wanting to push this out into the ‘ideological cocoon’ beyond LIHKG
4. Nobody follows up the bloody indiscriminate attacks by Triad Cops on 8.31

People really need to stop and think what they are now doing, and whether they are being led around by others

Wumaos after 8.25 have changed their tactics, creating vast amounts of fake news. People need to be more aware of so-called rumors. The characteristic of wumao and influencer-posts is their need for zombie and newbie accounts, if you see a post whose first 100 comments exhibit this tendency, then you better keep your eyes open
2019-09-04 22:59:39

The Reason for Amendment Withdrawal was not National Day or the US Act, but Because the CCP’s Nuts were Genuinely About to be Squeezed

Sep 4 2019 18:34

Carrie finally announcing the withdrawal of the Amendment reflects the CCP’s wish to calm the resistance
The trigger probably isn’t the approaching resumption of the US Congress
But because American attention is no longer limited to the Amendment itself
We can see this in the earlier G7 Joint Statement of Concern
Sept 3’s Washington Post editoral by US Senator Marco Rubio also pointed out that:

("What began as a protest against an unjust extradition bill backed by China has now become a fight for Hong Kong’s autonomy and future."
"The extradition bill is only the latest example of China’s many broken promises to the Hong Kong people and the world. Most obviously, the Chinese Communist Party is preventing the city’s government from acting with the autonomy that Beijing had promised it in a legally binding 1984 international treaty...")

The CCP already expected the US Bill to pass
So that probably isn’t the trigger for amendment withdrawal

The trigger was the latest analysis of the CCP’s research into the resistance movement
If it had analyzed that the resistance was about to end, the CCP wouldn’t have backed down

From where does the CCP get their information to analyze?
From a certain HK discussion forum, of course
Recently, the trend in said forum was
“Donald Trump has Played his Trump Card, but No HKer is Aware, No HKer Cares” (+8000 upvote)
There are others, can’t list them all

In this direction, the road of resistance will be primarily non-violent
Because this sort of issue must first create discussion, and discussion does not require violence
And once it’s non-violent, the CCP doesn’t have an excuse to militarily suppress
And this means that the resistance can continue indefinitely
This sort of thing is what the CCP is most afraid of
Because a war of endurance will allow ideas to ferment and strengthen
And once ideas take shape, even nukes cannot destroy them

If the Hong Kong Sovereignty Question ever becomes mainstream public opinion
Mainland media wouldn’t even dare report on it
But media blackouts can’t stop ideas from spreading

Against such a developing situation and risk
Of course the CCP doesn’t mind using the practically costless
“Withdraw Amendment” to try and calm the resistance
To strangle discussion on the Hong Kong Sovereignty Question in its crib

But the CCP’s backing down has EXPOSED ITS NUTS
HKers only need to continue to obtain international support
To actively delve into the Hong Kong Sovereignty Question
Challenge totalitarianism through legal means
We’ll definitely get the support of civilized countries

When the whole world Stands with Hong Kong
The CCP, in order to survive, must continue to back down[/red]

In terms of slogans, besides the original 2:

We can consider adding in elements that reflect the Hong Kong Sovereignty Questions, such as:
2019-09-04 23:04:59
Support this post!
2019-09-04 23:07:56
recap in English!
2019-09-04 23:08:21
2019-09-04 23:15:38
Please translate this one too:
【逆權運動】少女哭訴遭男警摸胸 男警 : 其實我哋警察呢兩個月咁辛苦,想屌佢個閪都好正常
thank you brother
2019-09-04 23:18:04
five demands, no one less
2019-09-04 23:22:02
2019-09-05 00:14:07

[Movement Against Power] Young Girl Tearfully Describes Being Breast-Fondled by Male Police; Male Police: Work is Tough, Want to X Detained Girl

4 September 2019 10:05 (article from Apple Daily)

On Aug 31, Police rushed onto the platforms and trains of Prince Edward Station and beat citizens indiscriminately. Some citizens knelt and begged to be spared but were still pepper-sprayed by police officers, almost like a copy of the July 21 Yuen Long attack where white-shirted people rushed into the West Rail Station to indiscriminately attack citizens. Two people who personally witnessed the indiscriminate attacks of police at Prince Edward Station on Aug 31 held a press conference at 3pm today, accompanied by Legco member Claudia Mo, and described their experiences that night and afterwards.

Leung Yiu Ting, Student Council President of the Education University of Hong Kong who was arrested without charge, stated that during his arrest police officers, using foul and casual language, mentioned that their work was tough with constant overtime, and that it was normal to want to have sex with a nearby female detainee.

The young girl Ms. Lung (alias) recalled that on the night of August 31, as she took the MTR starting from the Island Line, and was passing Prince Edward Station to change trains, she was met by police rushing to attack passengers on the platform and trains. Seeing this, she ran out onto the platform, avoiding the pursuit of anti-riot police. But because the police refused to let anybody leave the station, she had no choice but to be collectively arrested under the charge of ‘illegal assembly’ and be detained at the police station for over 44 hours. She stated that the food during her detention period could be considered normal, with 3 meals per day with lunchboxes and sandwiches. In particular, the most “famous” of the dishes was the minced-meat rice, with “only a piece of minced meat the size of a fingertip” on top of the rice. She suspects the police may have deliberately maltreated the detainees.

Ms. Lung also indicated that on the day, she witnessed a man in civilian clothing beaten until he was frothing at the mouth. A male police officer was “rubbing his chest”, a female officer was telling him “not to sleep”, and there was also another male officer repeatedly asking for the man’s name, but the man was already in no condition to respond. 10 minutes after the event, firemen came and took the man away, but his whereabouts were unknown. After a while, injured detainees were also sent to Princess Margaret Hospital. Claudia Mo added that police had earlier stated that there were no records of detainee deaths at Kwong Wah Hospital, but Ms. Lung had pointed out that detainees were being sent to Princess Margaret Hospital.

Ms. Lung continued by stating that her basic rights were violated, and there were police officers suspected of deploying sexual violence. She stated that a detainee had asked to see a lawyer after arriving at the police station, but 7 hours passed before that happened. In the meantime, police used ‘cockroach’ and female-degrading language towards them. She also pointed out that she had to wait 2 to 3 hours before being allowed to go to the toilet, and during that period was directly observed by female officers and forbidden to shut the door. At this point Ms. Lung turned emotional and choked out: “I asked if I could close the door, and she said she had whatever I had, and refused to let me close the door!”. Furthermore, male officers were nearby. She once asked officers to look away, but this was refused. The incident embarrassed her, causing nightmares, and she didn’t understand why she had to endure such treatment. Apart from this, her breasts were also touched by a male Criminal Investigation Department Officer at the carpark of the Kwai Chung Police Station, but she did not want to reveal details.
2019-09-05 00:14:31
She also pointed out that during her arrest, she found out that the police had a list, with certain names circled in red ink and starred 5 times, such as “Chan Hong Sau, noted social worker”, which she found puzzling. Apart from this, detainees would first be sent towards the carpark of Kwai Chung Police Station before police decided whether to send them towards the San Uk Lang Holding Centre. She was to stay at Kwai Chung Police Station, where police wrote down her details on a whiteboard; she saw the number of arrested as 70.

Education University Student Council President Leung Yiu Ting, attendee at the same press conference, emphasized that he was only passing the MTR station, and was arrested with other civilians after being trapped when the train stopped moving. They were asked to kneel on the escalator, and accordingly he put his hand on the railings, but a police officer hit his arm without reason, and another, while descending, stepped on the railings with one foot and on their heads and backs with the other, prompting somebody to yell “Help!”.

Leung added that after he was sent to Kwai Chung Police Station, a group of detainees still had their hands zip-tied by police, causing discomfort. Some asked the police to loosen then, but officers only asked them to wait. Leung had to wait until 4am before his ties were loosened, and could only contact his lawyer at around 11:30am the next day. He also revealed that some police told him in a casual tone that, as police officers work hard and perform much overtime, it was normal to want to have sex with a nearby detained girl. “Actually, with us police having it so tough these past 2 months, and having done overtime for so many hours, sometimes you see a girl like this and it’s just normal to want to fuck her pussy.” Leung said that the aforementioned comment was spoken using foul language, but he did not want to repeat the original sentence.

Leung continued by stating that one of the detainees claimed to be of Japanese nationality and asked to be put in contact with the Japanese consulate. After finding a detainee who understood Japan to translate for them, police stated that there was nobody at work at the Consulate on Sunday. Ultimately, they failed to provide any help.

When asked if they would stop their resistance in light of Carrie Lam’s rumored withdrawal of the Fugitive Ordinance Amendment, Leung Yiu Ting declared that the slogan “Five Key Demands, Not One Less” was clear and unchanging. Ms. Lung pointed out that the injury inflicted on them by the SAR Government over the past 3 months is not something that can be fixed with 2 words.


Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Bill Gathering
Date: 8 September (Sunday)
Time: 2pm
Location: The US Consulate in Hong Kong and Macau
Organizer: self-organized by civilians
2019-09-05 00:14:44
So efficient
I love u brother.
2019-09-05 00:19:05
push to hotdoor
2019-09-05 00:20:16
2019-09-05 00:23:09
In an attempt to mislead the public opinion, Carrie Lam just proposed a motion to withdraw the bill. However, a motion is not a promise.

Why she attempts to calm the protests now?
"Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy" is coming.

And besides, the bill might be rejected by gov controlled legislative council anytime when gov want.

2019-09-05 00:59:54
2019-09-05 08:32:06
2019-09-05 08:32:31
2019-09-05 08:32:55
Upvote and push!
2019-09-05 08:34:11
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