LIHKG Current Affairs Posts English Translation Thread

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2019-09-03 09:41:35

LIHKG Current Affairs Posts English Translation Thread – 連登時事Post英文翻譯

This is a temporary response to the suggestion posted in 理個係因應以上Post 既建議既臨時回應。

The intention is to serve as an accessible overseas record. 原意係要提供一個外國人容易明白既紀錄。Usage is free and without permission。吾需要問批准使用。

I have limited time/energy so the focus will be on popular 由於時間/精力有限,本人只專注翻譯熱門:
- Analysis 分析
- Scheduling 時間表
- Tactics/Strategy 策略/戰略

I apologize in advance for mistranslation or misdirection BUT translation always has to be filtered through the translator’s viewpoint. 提前為誤譯、誤導道歉,但翻譯總係要經過譯者觀點既過濾。

Suggestions and contributions are welcomed. 歡迎提供建議/自己既翻譯。
2019-09-03 09:43:31

[Continually Updated] Hongkongers’ Schedule for September

(As of 9:30am, 3rd September 2019)

7 September:
"Salary to USD" – Mass Deposit Withdrawal Day

Date: Whenever
Place: Any Bank

8 September:
Protest for the US Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act
Date: Open Discussion
Place: Open Discussion

13 September:
Mid-Autumn Celebrations in Each District

14 September:
Secondary Students’ “Shining Bauhinia” Gathering

Organizer: Youthire (Currently applying for Letter of No Objection)
Time: 16:00-21:00
Place: Wong Tai Sin Plaza

15 September:
Open Discussion

22 September:
Open Discussion

29 September:
Global Anti-Chinazi Gathering
Time: Open Discussion
Place: Open Discussion

1 October:
Open Discussion
2019-09-03 09:44:48
2019-09-03 09:46:03

Actually, Carrie Lam’s Recording Shows Us the Way to Victory

Analysis 3rd September 2019 00:21:30


The key point is this: “It has taken China a long time to build up to that sort of international profile and to have some say…”

That means we have to work on ‘negative outreach’ to damage China’s international image, stressing the CCP’s breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and bankrupting China’s credibility! All influence, damage and breaches that China has done in Hong Kong has to be uncovered and discussed! Let’s see how you can reach a trade agreement with China! Eat grass locusts!

Besides this, China has seen a lot of domestic shit in the past few years. We should find a disseminate a few choice incidents, seeking to spread it as far and wide as possible, and damage China’s international image (like the kindergarten sexual abuses). Let’s see how China can ‘Rise as a Great Power’?
2019-09-03 09:47:27
推 多謝樓主
2019-09-03 10:06:45
Hong Kong Police are Fascists
2019-09-03 10:09:12

[仔細分析] 林鄭段錄音肯撚定係佢自己故意流出
[Detailed Analysis] It’s Fucking Certain that Carrie Lam Leaked Her Own Recording

3rd September 2019 05:39

It’s fucking certain that this recording was not somebody else passing secrets, but something recorded by herself. Could even be her holding an iPhone and recording it for Hongkongers to listen to.

1. First Few Sentences: Grovelling, Apologizing and Saying That She Wants to Step Down
‘As a Chief Executive to have caused this huge havoc (浩劫) to HK is unforgivable.’
‘If I have a choice, the first thing is to quit.’
-> Repeats that she herself has already become a brick in the Chinese wall and cannot quit.
I make a plea to you for your forgiveness -> Hope that everybody can forgive.

->>>>>>> ‘I’m so pitiable, I didn’t want this, if I could I would resign’ vibes, hoping to get the sympathy of the peacenik protestors.

2. Denying the PLA Option + National Day Deadline
‘Beijing does not have a deadline’
‘They (Beijing) and ourselves have no expectations that we could clear up this thing before 1st of Oct.’
‘CPG (Central People’s Government) has ABSOLUTELY no plan to send in the PLA (解放軍)’

->>>>> Telling all HKers that the unrest will continue, and the SAR Govt cannot accede to demands
->>>>>>>>> But no matter the unrest, the PLA will not be sent (also note Global Times continuously opining that HK’s order has not gone out of control)

3. I Can’t Do Anything
My power is VERY VERY VERY limited
Once an issue (反送中) has been elevated to a NATIONAL level, to a sort of sovereignty and security level (中共最L驚果d野 the things China is most fucking scared of) + unprecedented tension between the two big economies

-> She doesn’t have room to politically solve this problem
->>>>>> Repeatedly saying ‘I can’t do anything, it’s not my intention, if I could I would resign’ blah blah blah…

The first admission that the Chief Executive under the Constitution [Basic Law] serves the people!

‘The Chief Executive who, unfortunately, has to serve two MASTERS by constitution, that is the CPG and THE PEOPLE OF HK’-> pacifying the populace

‘Actually I, a Chief Executive, under my constitutional responsibilities have to serve you HKers’ ->>>> raising personal profile, wanting people to sympathize with her

5. Neither she nor even the Central Government have a short-term solution ->>> Look to the Greater Bay Area

They would play long -> China will support Hong Kong long-term
Repeat again
‘After everything has been settled, the country will be there to help with maybe positive measures, ESPECIALLY in the Greater Bay Area’

->>>>>> So I did say this cannot be settled in the short term
So why not quiet down and wait for the Greater Bay Area
2019-09-03 10:09:22
6. Lastly [ramblings]
Emphasizing again that she herself is very pitiable, can’t go out etc etc etc

‘extremely difficult for me to go out’
‘my whereabouts will be spread around the social media…’
‘you could expect a big crowd of black T-shirts youngsters waiting for me’

The whole recording:
Gist->>>>> Repeat continuously: ‘I’m pitiable, I don’t want to, I apologize, if I could I would resign’ vibes

Meaning->>>>>>> Want the peaceniks to sympathize with her, trying to salvage something out of the wreckage
->>>>>>> Want everybody to stop, because the Greater Bay Area is waiting for you

Why Reuters?
Because this recording was made without the Central Govt’s knowledge (e.g. revealing that she cannot resign, the Chief Executive has a constitutional responsibility to serve HKers)
So not possible to use Red Media, and local media similarly untrustworthy

Why English?

Hope some Central Govt officials won’t understand (I’m serious)
And make it more professional, hoping that everybody believes it’s just an internal meeting with business that somebody leaked
2019-09-03 10:10:30
I can help with translation if needed.
2019-09-03 10:11:03
You can post here too!
2019-09-03 18:12:31
2019-09-03 18:24:15
Thanks OP for your effort
2019-09-03 22:51:54

[Posting in the place of] I am the Classmate of the Boy Who Lost His Teeth

3rd September 2019 20:50

Hi everybody, I am the classmate of the boy who lost his teeth! He thanks all of you for supporting him! I’m now with him in the hospital, he has to be placed in observation! Lost 2 teeth and needs stitching on his lip, but no need to find him a dentist! He’s fixing it in the hospital! Plus I’ve already asked him to keep the hospital receipt and claim it from the 612 Fund. He just wants a little bit of private space during this period, please don’t disturb him. Thank you to everybody who was worried for him!
2019-09-03 23:12:07

[法律] 搵到逼黨鐵交cctv方法,一定要推!個post沉得好唔合理
[Legal] A Way to Force MTR to Hand Over the CCTV, Please Upvote! This Post Shouldn’t Sink to the Bottom

I can’t stand it anymore, have to help post!

So a few days ago, I was dreaming about a conversation with friends in the legal field, about how there might have been deaths at Prince Edward MTR Station. Then one person (let’s call him Pig) said the following:

We need to get the CCTV to know if anyone died, it’s now so easy for someone in the government to just lie.

Obtaining a Court Order to force them to hand over the CCTV is actually real easy, two methods:

One: Article 41 of the “High Court Ordinance” states that the court can allow pre-action discovery.

Now just in case you don’t understand, pre-action discovery is “the power to force disclosure of documents before legal proceedings begin”, which means that if somebody has the intention of suing the HK Police and MTR, then before suing they can APPLY TO THE COURT TO ISSUE AN ORDER MANDATING COMMIE RAIL TO HAND OVER CCTV FROM AUGUST 31, then sue CommieRail and HK Police. If CommieRail doesn’t hand them over in the face of a court order that is Contempt of Court.

Another method is to sue CommieRail and Police first, then get the CCTV under Order 24 of the Rules of the High Court ‘Discovery and Inspection of Documents’.

Whichever method is OK, but SPEED IS KEY because the CCTV isn’t kept for that long.

Then friend B (Dog) asked: Hey, we want to know if anybody died, how can we sue CommieRail and the Police

Post is too long, to be continued:
2019-09-03 23:21:00

Forgot to post Part 2

Friend A: silly pig, of course we can’t sue randomly, they are now so imperious. But don’t forget, August 31 was a police-executed, CommieRail-tolerated terrorist attack, so in theory anybody affected by this attack can sue. It’s only coincidental that we can also examine if anybody died and what actually happened

But there are several problems with undergoing this sort of thing:

1. Need to find somebody affected by the attack. In particular it’s best of course to find somebody beaten directly by the police, then others in the carriage during that time. It’s very reasonable to have headaches, heat stress from witnessing such horrible attacks, you know.

2. Legal fees: ultimately this sort of High Court case is rather expensive, your average citizen can’t handle such fees.

So the pressing issue now is to do 2 things: 1) find a victim and 2) see if he has the money to sue. If there is, then find a lawyer’s chambers and get to work, it’s best to find one that has helped our heroes and does civil cases.

So here are some references for you:

Article 41 of the High Court Ordinance:
Order 24 of the Rules of the High Court:

And then I woke up.
2019-09-03 23:34:44

Do People Understand What ‘Flash Mobbing’ Is?

September 3 2019 22:11

We’ve talked about ‘Flash Mobbing the Doghouse’ from August 5 until today, but when the fuck have we actually flash mobbed?
Every time it becomes a standoff, waiting for the dogs to surround us, does everybody understand that we’ve already fucked the dogs over the moment they put on shields and gear.

Once we lure the dogs out, we should know to scatter immediately, they have to hold the road for 3-4 hours before they can reenter the doghouse, and then have to de-gear, write reports, that’s what’s fucking meant by fucking over dogs: mental torture!

Once it becomes a standoff, once someone gets arrested, they will bring him into the doghouse to work off their anger; fucking over dogs is about keeping them pent-up without release.

Do people want our brothers to have their bones broken or be sexually assaulted.
Frontliners, I thank you so much for being so brave, it’s been 3 months, you’re still battling for HK.

But people need to start being rational, think more about tactics, our biggest drawback is we are not as organized, as led as the dogs are, they improve every time, are able to catch more people.

But at the same time, being without organization or leadership is our greatest strength. All we need is to ‘genuinely Be Water’, not be impulsive, scatter immediately once the dogs gear up, that is the highest level of fucking over dogs.
2019-09-03 23:39:56
2019-09-03 23:50:27
Example Post 4:

3 September 22:49

9月7日 (六) 1PM
機場交通壓力測試 (重考)

7 September (Saturday) 1 PM
Airport Transportation Stress Test (Re-Attempt)

HK Citizens:
- Enter the airport as tourists to observe airplane take-off and landing
- If you don’t know where to go, change cars a few more times
- Must pay fare to get on CommieRail

Residents of Ukrainian/French nationality:
Each does his part, free expression, no severing but be careful.

On the other hand, how to ‘avoid the balls but grab the tube’:

[Post on Action] Can You Guys Come In and See How We Can Grab the Airport by the Tubes Yet

9月8日 (日) 2PM

8 September (Sun) 2 PM
Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act Gathering
U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong & Macau

2019-09-04 00:13:56

[行動post] 肯入黎睇9.7點樣揸機場輸精管未
[Post on Action] Can You Come In and See How We Can Grab the Airport by the Tubes Yet

3 September 2019 19:55

After considering yesterday’s comments I’ve decided to amend and repost
Please see which group you are in

First, let’s take the picture from the next post “For an Airport Stress Test, We Don’t Actually Have to Enter the ‘Airport’”


There aren’t many new flow sources for people after the Tsing Ma Bridge. Within the brown frame lies 97% of HK’s population
Which means, if the traffic into Lantau is blocked, the effect is basically the same as entering the airport to block


Drivers in future don’t actually have to go to the airport
I’ve heard in a dream that this is enough


Or else just head back after crossing the Tsing Ma Toll Plaza
Declaration of Interest: I don’t have a Car; brothers familiar with the road can comment on this again.

The theory is similar to the Driver Group; no need to ride until the airport
And definitely no need to walk to the airport
Basically the goal is to paralyze the stretch of road entering Lantau
It’s enough to ride to Park Island and then head back in a rolling series of rides
I’ll wait for the bus nerds to detail which station to go to
Brothers without money can ride back to Tsing Yi and do it again; those with money can go further then come back


Actually paralyzing Tsing Yi Station is enough
But then there’s a 99% chance they skip Tsing Yi; so have to deal with the other stations on the Tung Chung line
Ride back and forth, back and forth; once we have enough brothers start obstructing the carriage doors when free
With even more brothers the station is naturally paralyzed
The key point is that it’s not difficult to find an outgoing ride from Tsing Yi, no need for another Exodus from Egypt

From now on, 1 PM is the gathering time
But every time many brothers will be late
On 1 Sep, even though there weren’t many Yungmo brothers at 1 pm, people were rushing to make roadblocks.
Yungmo brothers, please believe our peacenik brothers can achieve things
But if, if peacenik brothers really don’t dare to screw with the airport after 1 Sep
And Yungmo brothers don’t see any possibility of blockage by 3pm, then it’s free expression time
But be peaceniks before 3pm

That’s about it, I’ll amend and repost again once everybody has commented
As to what clothing, what gear: there are a lot of posts on that, everybody decides for himself

But if people don’t want to screw with the airport after 1 Sep
Then just assume that what I’ve said above is garbage
2019-09-04 08:17:18
2019-09-04 08:35:23
Fight for freedom, stand with Hong Kong
2019-09-04 08:39:03
can't push
2019-09-04 09:04:46
Liberate Hong Kong
Revolution of our times
2019-09-04 09:05:17
2019-09-04 09:05:59
thank you bro
let us know if we can be any help
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