呢段錄音肯L定唔係有人告密 肯定係佢自己本人錄
1. 一開始頭幾句已經認晒低威 道歉 + 表明希望下台
‘As a Chief Executive to have caused this huge havoc (浩劫) to HK is unforgivable.’
‘If I have a choice, the first thing is to quit.’ -> 重申自己已成中共塊壘,不能下台
I make a plea to you for your forgiveness -> 希望得到大家原諒
->>>>>>> 我好慘架但我都唔想 可以既話我都想辭職論調 想和理非同情佢
2. 否定解放軍選項+國慶死線
’Beijing does not have a deadline’
‘They (Beijing) and ourselves have no expectations that we could clear up this thing before 1st of Oct.’
‘CPG (Central People’s Government) has ABSOLUTELY no plan to send in the PLA (解放軍)’
->>>>>告知全香港所有人 混亂將會持續, 特區政府無法應允訴求
->>>>>>>>>但無論如何混亂 都唔會出解放軍 (例見環時不斷吹風 指香港秩序並未完全失控)
3. 我冇野可以做
My power is VERY VERY VERY limited
Once an issue (反送中) has been elevated to a NATIONAL level, to a sort of sovereignty and security level (中共最L驚果d野) +
unprecedented tension between the two big economies
-> 佢係冇空間可以政治處理呢個問題
->>>>>>不斷重覆 我冇嘢可以做到 但我都唔想 可以既話我都想辭職乜乜乜.......
4. ****極重要***!!
‘The Chief Executive who, unfortunately, has to serve two MASTERS by constitution, that is the CPG and THE PEOPLE OF HK’-> 安撫市民
其實我, 一個行政長官 係憲制責任上都要服務你香港人架 ->>>> 提升個人形象 想人同情佢
5. 自己 even中央 都沒有短期解決方法 ->>> 展望大灣區
They would play long -> 中央長期會支持香港
‘After everything has been settled, the country will be there to help with maybe positive measures, ESPECIALLY in the Greater Bay Area’
->>>>>> 都話短期內唔會可以settle到
6. 最後 [廢話]
再次強調自己好慘 出唔到街乜乜乜
‘extremely difficult for me to go out’
‘my whereabouts will be spread around the social media…’
‘you could expect a big crowd of black T-shirts youngsters waiting for me’
大意->>>>> 不斷重覆 我好慘架但我都唔想 我同你道歉啦 可以既話我都想辭職論調
意義->>>>>>> 想和理非同情佢 想跌落地下執返渣沙
->>>>>>>想大家停止示威 因為大灣區將會等緊你
因為呢段錄音係瞞著中央講 (eg 明示自己唔能夠辭職, 特首憲制責任上都係serve香港人)
期望某d中央官員聽唔明 (我認真)
加感覺professional d 希望大家信真係一個內部商界既會議 真係有人告密