
1001 回覆
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2018-08-17 18:02:25
2018-08-17 18:45:29
Google Pixel 3 XL notch spotted from a mile away in latest spy shot
2018-08-17 21:12:27
有冇巴打買過dbrand skin
2018-08-17 21:23:19
好彩 Pixel 3 唔係咁
2018-08-18 01:45:52
真心一問 而家買pixel 2點睇 用緊iPhone 7真心想轉 pixel3起碼11月先可入手 另外如果真係買2推介邊度買 GoogleStore邊個國家又或者係香港嘅水貨連鎖店唔記得叫咩名
2018-08-18 01:50:00
2018-08-18 06:21:05
3唔算大啦 2先叫大
2018-08-18 08:56:55
2018-08-18 10:03:13
而家pixelbook做緊特價,用埋$50 coupon, $699買到pixelbook好似幾抵。
2018-08-18 12:55:40
2018-08-18 18:13:34
flash-all.bat / flash-all.sh 入面
fastboot -w update image-sailfish-ppr1.180610.009.zip

刪咗個 -w
就唔會wipe 就咁重flash

fastboot flash system_a system.img
fastboot flash system_b system_other.img

(當然要睇返你係用緊 A 定 B,對應返嚟flash)

爆到去6-7 GB 係因為 System A/B
例如Pixel 1 嘅Factory image係 A 係 2.02GB, B 係吉嘅placeholder 328MB
但我地由O up 上去,係 A O升去P ,B依然係 O
所以只要有update 過就會A B 都會大過 2 GB

但係System AB加埋都只係4GB,所以我係唔明點上到去6-7GB
加埋boot bootloader radio vender AB之類都只係5GB
可能係計埋啲System odex 抄咗去 /data,所以爆到6-7 GB?
但減到去 1.1GB 真係好誇張!

但如果你次次都要手動清空個 System B
咁咪冇咗 Seamless OTA Update 個功能囉?

同埋想問由6-7GB 減到去 1.1 GB ,
嗰5GB 啲空間真係用得返?
因為System partition 嘅位係唔喺user space /data 之內,
定係Android Pie 係Dynamic Volume 咁Share storage?
搵唔到 Android P 嘅分割Partitioning 嘅技術文件
2018-08-18 23:04:46
nokia 9會唔會仲好屌過Pixel 3
2018-08-18 23:11:26
2018-08-19 12:12:17

2018-08-19 12:15:43
2用16:9 大下巴都叫工常呀

3緯18:9 都要大下巴喎
2018-08-19 12:20:47

2018-08-19 20:00:34
啲detail係好好 但係啲顏色唔靚
2018-08-19 21:03:09
2018-08-19 21:37:05
淘錯左2塊PIXEL XL 既貼
2018-08-19 21:52:09
冇呀 我覺得saturated太刺眼
2018-08-19 23:34:34
2018-08-20 00:55:27

2018-08-20 08:28:40
2018-08-20 09:50:56
好彩 Pixel 3 唔係咁
3唔算大啦 2先叫大
2用16:9 大下巴都叫常呀

318:9 都要大下巴喎

2018-08-20 10:20:22
But subsequent reports including one from German tech site Winfuture.de provide some more clues. According to these rumours:

This will be the first flagship watch entirely designed and manufactured by Google. The company is yet to launch a smartwatch of its own. Earlier, it chose to partner with LG on its Watch Style and Watch Sport.
The company is not working on one, but on three Wear OS devices. They are codenamed Ling, Triton and Sardine. Rather than three separate products, its more likely these are variants of the same watch that differ in terms of size and features.
The watches will have GPS, LTE and VoLTE support.
Some of the variants will have a heart rate sensor and the ability to track stress along with other health features. Expect more fitness coaching and guidance than we’re used to seeing. We’ve recently learned that Google is working on wearable health and fitness AI assistant to help whip you into shape. It will disect your daily habits and suggest ways to lead a healthier lifestyle. This will tie in nicely with the Pixel Watch.
All variants with sport Qualcomm’s new chip the Snapdragon Wear 3100 which uses an ARM Cortex A7 architecture and Adreno 304 GPU. This is the first time since 2016 that Qualcomm has upgraded its processor. The company has already confirmed it will be out this fall. A press conference is scheduled for September 10th when we’ll learn more.
Some sources suggest the watches could be used to replace passwords acting like a physical security key. The average person is said to have 19 passwords, and lets face it – lots of these are unsafe, weak repetitive choices. Its only a matter of time before passwords are replaced by key fobs, fingerprints, voice and facial recognition. No one will miss them!
Expect an always on Google assistant as a key feature of the new timepiece.
Looks are just as important as functionality. Unfortunately many Wear OS watches are bulky animals, designed in a way to accommodate large batteries. A stylish design of Google Pixel Watch should be on the cards.
Wear OS watches are not well known for stonking battery life. However the new Qualcomm chip is said to bring with it a significant boost in battery performance. By extension, the Pixel watch should benefit from this. Battery life will of course depend on other specs. The device is likely to have added power modes, too.
Google may have accidentally leaked the release date of the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. Both could be out on October 4th, which might also be the date we’ll see the first Pixel-branded watch. A pre-holiday sales launch would make perfect sense.
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