【英國】 英倫扮工室 VIII

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2017-08-27 20:08:03
睇左出面幾版macao eu居留權個post

2017-08-28 00:50:13
我想問有冇方法可以live睇hbo黎緊果集GOT 難得放假
2017-08-28 01:12:51
可唔可以直接當第三個人係visitor ?
同埋agent 個面會唔會有咩方法check 到?
因為我問過間2 bedrooms apartment 佢話我三個人住要收貴啲租
但唔明點解2bedrooms 唔可以三個人住
2017-08-28 01:51:36
可唔可以直接當第三個人係visitor ?
同埋agent 個面會唔會有咩方法check 到?
因為我問過間2 bedrooms apartment 佢話我三個人住要收貴啲租
但唔明點解2bedrooms 唔可以三個人住

This is because any house rented out to at lease three people (who are all unrelated to each other) is classed as HMO (House in multiple occupation). The landlord will need to get a HMO licence in order to rent the house out legally.

HMO licence is there to protect the tenants as HMO would required the landlord to have annual checks on the smoke alarms, electricity and gas system within the HMO property.

2017-08-28 02:13:37
我想問有冇方法可以live睇hbo黎緊果集GOT 難得放假

Now tv one month subscription
2017-08-28 02:23:36
可唔可以直接當第三個人係visitor ?
同埋agent 個面會唔會有咩方法check 到?
因為我問過間2 bedrooms apartment 佢話我三個人住要收貴啲租
但唔明點解2bedrooms 唔可以三個人住

This is because any house rented out to at lease three people (who are all unrelated to each other) is classed as HMO (House in multiple occupation). The landlord will need to get a HMO licence in order to rent the house out legally.

HMO licence is there to protect the tenants as HMO would required the landlord to have annual checks on the smoke alarms, electricity and gas system within the HMO property.


oh is it not 4 or above?

That is the government's definition on HMO from the link in my earlier post -

A house in multiple occupation is a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from 1 ‘household’ (eg a family) but share facilities like the bathroom and kitchen.
2017-08-28 02:25:10
可唔可以直接當第三個人係visitor ?
同埋agent 個面會唔會有咩方法check 到?
因為我問過間2 bedrooms apartment 佢話我三個人住要收貴啲租
但唔明點解2bedrooms 唔可以三個人住

This is because any house rented out to at lease three people (who are all unrelated to each other) is classed as HMO (House in multiple occupation). The landlord will need to get a HMO licence in order to rent the house out legally.

HMO licence is there to protect the tenants as HMO would required the landlord to have annual checks on the smoke alarms, electricity and gas system within the HMO property.


oh is it not 4 or above?

但可唔可以好似第一頁個巴打咁當其中一個係visitor ? Thanks bro
2017-08-28 03:36:50
可唔可以直接當第三個人係visitor ?
同埋agent 個面會唔會有咩方法check 到?
因為我問過間2 bedrooms apartment 佢話我三個人住要收貴啲租
但唔明點解2bedrooms 唔可以三個人住

This is because any house rented out to at lease three people (who are all unrelated to each other) is classed as HMO (House in multiple occupation). The landlord will need to get a HMO licence in order to rent the house out legally.

HMO licence is there to protect the tenants as HMO would required the landlord to have annual checks on the smoke alarms, electricity and gas system within the HMO property.


oh is it not 4 or above?

但可唔可以好似第一頁個巴打咁當其中一個係visitor ? Thanks bro

The problem is that when local council housing officers come with the police to enforce housing law, they will look for evidence - they will not take your word for it.

I don't think the local council housing officer would believed that only 2 people lived in the house below, the other 29 are just 'visitors'!

2017-08-28 08:26:47
hi Das 巴打點
2017-08-28 15:22:29
hi Das 巴打點

我同屋企人傾左傾都係算數 下次如果再睇樓收好哂啲野先
2017-08-29 09:56:10
hi Das 巴打點

我同屋企人傾左傾都係算數 下次如果再睇樓收好哂啲野先

點解唔搵agent,永久blacklist 呢兩個同埋個agent
我又覺得唔係好關landlord 事
2017-08-29 18:29:18
2017-08-29 20:31:58

學左幾耐,duolingo or alliance française?

Uni option unit
2017-08-29 20:32:19
2017-08-29 20:33:50
2017-08-29 21:02:58
2017-08-30 00:19:30
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞