Charles Schwab 好似就黎破產咁

306 回覆
11 Like 255 Dislike
2023-03-14 10:29:52
2023-03-14 11:47:09
2023-03-14 12:57:25
2023-03-14 16:22:13
ching 係咪wire
2023-03-14 16:39:13
2023-03-14 17:04:34
2023-03-14 17:07:55
2023-03-14 18:04:11
2023-03-14 20:35:18
2023-03-14 22:44:55
An account with IB HK, however, may still be eligible for some protection by SIPC if it acts as an "introducing broker" which clears through a SIPC-member "clearing broker," such as Interactive Brokers LLC. At the risk of oversimplification, the introducing broker provides front-end services, such as opening the account, providing the interface with your account (for example, by a webpage, app, or telephone), and taking your orders. The clearing broker provides back-end services, such as executing your orders, issuing statements, and actually holding your investment. In this situation, in most cases, the SIPC-member clearing broker is the entity that has actual custody of your cash and securities. If the introducing broker fails, then your investment should still be safe with the clearing broker, and if the clearing broker failed, then SIPC would protect your account.

今日SIPC 回

Securities and cash held for investors by Interactive Brokers LLC (which is a SIPC member) are protected by SIPC.

Securities and cash held for investors by Interactive Brokers Hong Kong (which is not a SIPC member) are not protected by SIPC.

If you have concerns about SIPC protection for your securities and cash you should contact your broker and ask which entity actually has custody of your account holdings.

看起來很大可能冇得保....就算有都是所有IBHK 客人分果USD500k+USD250K現金 賠償額....
同昨日IB CS 講ge 野好大出入
2023-03-14 22:56:32
2023-03-14 23:33:47

SIPC protection is available only with respect to cash and securities credited to a customer account at a SIPC-member brokerage firm in liquidation or in a direct payment procedure under the Securities Investor Protection Act (SIPA). If a foreign brokerage firm has opened an account for its customers at a SIPC-member firm, and if the member firm is placed in SIPA liquidation, each of the foreign firm’s customers may be eligible for SIPC protection on a pass-through basis. It is important to emphasize that SIPC protection is only available in a SIPA proceeding, and is not available in any non-SIPA bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding of a non-SIPC member firm.
2023-03-14 23:50:36
2023-03-17 04:54:59
成個禮拜了 執咗未?
2023-03-17 04:56:20
2023-03-22 00:01:57
Don't bin c
2023-03-22 00:26:21
2023-04-04 20:28:58
2023-04-12 17:34:20
2023-04-12 17:54:00
2023-04-12 18:00:02
建議問律師 有冇人出錢請個律師傾一粒鐘問問
2023-05-06 03:39:28
又一個月了 執咗未?
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