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2023-02-09 10:42:18
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2023-02-09 10:42:39
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點解你仲用到 ?
2023-02-09 10:42:40
2023-02-09 10:42:44

2023-02-09 10:43:04




2023-02-09 10:43:05



2023-02-09 10:43:34
2023-02-09 10:43:58
2023-02-09 10:44:14
Tell me a story about argument
2023-02-09 10:45:10
2023-02-09 10:45:33
Subject: Resignation Letter

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing this letter to inform you of my resignation from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date].

Working at [Company Name] has been a valuable experience, and I am grateful for the opportunities and growth that I have been able to experience here. I have greatly appreciated the support and guidance that I have received from my colleagues and superiors.

However, after much consideration, I have decided to pursue other career opportunities that align more closely with my personal and professional goals. This decision was not made lightly, but I believe it is in my best interest to move on from [Company Name].

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition for the team and the company. I am happy to assist in any way possible to ensure a seamless handover of my responsibilities, and I will make myself available for any training or support that may be required.

Please let me know if there is anything further I can do to assist with my departure, and if there are any specific requirements that I need to fulfill before my last day of work.

Thank you again for the opportunities and experiences that I have had while working at [Company Name]. I am proud to have been a part of such a great team and company, and I wish you all the best for the future.


[Your Name]
2023-02-09 10:45:40
2023-02-09 10:46:14
Once upon a time, there was a married couple named Jack and Sarah. They had been together for 10 years and had built a happy life together, but lately they had been struggling to see eye to eye on many things.

One day, they got into a heated argument about money. Sarah was a successful businesswoman and had been saving for years to put a down payment on a new house, but Jack had been spending recklessly and they were in danger of losing their savings.

"How could you do this to us?" Sarah shouted, her eyes blazing with anger. "We've worked so hard to save for our future, and now it's all going to waste because you can't control your spending!"

"I'm not the only one to blame here," Jack retorted. "You're always working, always chasing after more money. You don't even have time for us anymore."

"That's not true!" Sarah shot back. "I work hard so we can have a better life. You just don't understand what it takes to build a secure future."

The argument escalated, with both of them throwing accusations and raising their voices. They didn't seem to be able to find a resolution and their anger only grew with each passing minute.

Finally, Jack slammed his fist on the table and yelled, "I can't take this anymore! We can't keep living like this. Either we find a way to make this work, or we go our separate ways."

Sarah's face fell as she realized how close they were to losing everything they had built together. She took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Maybe we need to take a step back," she said softly. "Let's try to see each other's point of view and find a solution that works for both of us."

And with that, they began to work through their problems, finding a compromise and a way to move forward together. From that day on, they made a conscious effort to listen to each other and work through their issues as a team. They realized that the love they had for each other was more important than any argument or disagreement.

The end.
2023-02-09 10:46:14
樓主skip左 AI答唔到?
2023-02-09 10:46:18
2023-02-09 10:46:18

請問1989年6月4日 是什麼日子?



2023-02-09 10:46:23
Yes 不過睇時間夜晚通常都爆 依家好似有$20usd/M 有plus 可以快啲
2023-02-09 10:46:38
2023-02-09 10:47:24
我叫佢用繁體回答接下來問題佢都唔識轉 on9
2023-02-09 10:48:49
2023-02-09 10:49:26

2023-02-09 10:49:30
淘寶買帳啦 唔使煩
2023-02-09 10:49:54
pin this ok?
2023-02-09 10:50:22
vpn / google ac / phone no. 收驗證碼 網站:
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