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2022-10-07 00:37:29
2022-10-07 00:49:09
個八婆周參選分薄咗啲票, Doug Ford 個細佬釘咗, Doug 係臨時拉夫,所以咪俾Tory冷手執個熱煎堆。 市長通常係做到佢唔做, 因為好難有强勁對手挑戰個位。
2022-10-07 01:03:24
2022-10-07 01:15:03
2022-10-07 01:37:54
2022-10-07 01:39:12
幾多月過嚟 我嗰部一拆箱就發現花咗
2022-10-07 01:51:12
2022-10-07 01:52:56

2022-10-07 01:54:41
2022-10-07 01:55:36
2022-10-07 01:57:16
2022-10-07 02:00:21
至少呢邊不論連鎖咖啡店同超市咖啡都多選擇 價錢合理
2022-10-07 02:06:17
佢係咩都冇 之前評分佢政綱交通係最差
見啲加拿大youtube channel 講多倫多交通都冇人頂得順佢
2022-10-07 02:06:29
2022-10-07 02:09:53
2022-10-07 02:13:43
2022-10-07 02:24:39
Second cup 連鎖嚟講算唔錯喎
上返highway 7間hatch更加唔洗講
2022-10-07 02:26:52
2022-10-07 02:32:14
2022-10-07 02:42:02
2022-10-07 02:47:06
2022-10-07 02:56:51

Rob Ford pulls out of mayoral race, Doug Ford steps in

'Our supporters need us to continue what we’ve started,' Doug Ford says of late switch

CBC News · Posted: Sep 12, 2014 11:37 AM ET | Last Updated: September 13, 2014

Toronto city Coun. Doug Ford says it's with mixed emotions that he has agreed to "take the torch" from his brother, Mayor Rob Ford, and enter the ongoing mayoral campaign after his brother withdrew earlier in the

In an unprecedented move that shocked many political observers and made international headlines, Coun. Ford registered as a candidate for mayor shortly before the official deadline at 2 p.m. ET, after it was revealed the mayor would be forced to withdraw after learning just days ago he has an abdominal tumour.

In making the switch, the Fords have once again catapulted Toronto's political landscape into uncharted territory, an ongoing theme that has largely defined a latter half of Mayor Ford's time at city hall marked by admissions of crack cocaine use, alcohol abuse and profane encounters with critics.
Doug Ford, brother of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, announces he will be running for mayor in place of his brother's bid for re-election, outside his mother's house in Etobicoke, Sept 12. (Fred Thornhill/Reuters)
Surrounded by cheering supporters and a sea of media at a news conference at his mother's home on Friday evening, Doug Ford said he is running because he "couldn't bear the thought of city hall returning to the old days at the expense of the good, honest, everyday people."

“Together we’ve always been an unstoppable team," he said. "Rob said, 'Just because I have to sit this one out, it doesn’t mean I won’t be by your side. Our supporters need us to continue what we’ve started'. ”

Doug Ford took several short pauses to gather his composure as he recounted conversations with his brother over the past several days, and said that the mayor asked him to apologize on his behalf to the people of Toronto for dropping out of the election race.

"He wanted to make sure I told people just how much he really cares," he said.

Decision to run made this week
Coun. Ford also insisted the switch "was never in the works" prior to his brother's most recent health problems, and was not proposed during the mayor's stint in addictions rehabilitation this summer.

Mayor Ford withdrew his name from the mayoral race after being hospitalized on Wednesday after doctors discovered a mass in his abdomen. His clinical team is awaiting the results of a biopsy, and it remains unclear how long the mayor could remain hospitalized.
2022-10-07 02:58:19
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞