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2022-10-05 11:38:15
2022-10-05 11:43:40
Your credit score is incredibly important. The magical little number can define our financial status in the eyes of many. If you’re wondering, “What is a credit score, anyway?” – don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.credit score =ability to reapy

What is a credit score?
A credit score is a three-digit number that banks, credit card companies, and other financial institutions use to evaluate your creditworthiness, or how likely you are to pay back debt. This includes personal loans, lines of credit, and insurance.

Your score is calculated through careful analysis of information in your credit report by the credit bureau, either Equifax or TransUnion. Financial institutions use this information to help make decisions about the services and products they offer you, such as interest rates and insurance premiums.

This information also relates to your debt: how much you have, how long it takes you to pay back, what type you have, and how long you’ve had it.

Credit scores typically range from 300 to 900 depending on the scoring model, and the higher your score is, the easier it may be for you to access these financial products and services. Credit scores, in the eyes of financial institutions, reflect your behaviour when it comes to credit. For example, missed or late payments may lower your score, while being in the habit of paying your bills on time may improve your score. You can use Borrowell to check your credit score for free. Now that you know the answer to, “What is a credit score?” – let’s move on to why it matters!

Popsicle credit score with labels
Why does my credit score matter?
Your credit score is a measure of trust: the higher your score, the more trust lenders and institutions will have in your ability to pay them back. A good credit score can help you improve your financial well-being and make getting a mortgage, buying a car, or starting a business a lot easier (and cheaper!).

As the popsicle shows, your credit score is affected by payment history, credit utilization (how much credit you use out of what is available to you), your credit history, credit mix (types of credit), and your number of credit inquiries.

What can I do to improve my credit score?
You can improve your credit score in a number of ways. Here are just a couple of tips. For more details, check out 8 tips to improve your score.

1. Pay your bills on time. Set up pre-authorized payments on all of your bills, especially the ones that report to the bureau (mortgages, student loans, auto loans, and credit cards). These can also include your utilities, cell phone, insurance, etc. Paying your bills on time accounts for 35% of your credit score.

2. Watch your credit utilization. The amount of credit you have available is more important than you might think. Often times, we run up balances on our cards and are unaware of the damages it can cause. Credit utilization is the ratio of your credit card balance to your credit limit as listed on your credit report. So if you have a combined credit limit of $10,000, keep your total balance under $3,000.

We hope we’ve answered your question, “What is a credit score?” By keeping your credit and financial security consistent (such as making payments on time and regularly), you will be seen as more responsible.

The Bottom Line
There are lots of different factors that impact your credit score. Being aware of why it matters and building good financial habits is a great first step! Don't forget to track your progress - you can sign up for Borrowell to check your free credit score in under 3 minutes. You'll receive weekly updates to your score and report, and checking the Borrowell app won't impact your score. You can also find which financial products match your profile and your likelihood of approval.
2022-10-05 11:45:00
Does Switching Credit Cards Affect Your Credit Scores?
Your credit scores may be impacted — either in a good or bad way — when you switch credit cards. Here are a few things to expect.

Cancelling The Credit Card
Depending on the credit scoring model used, around 15% of a credit score calculation is based on the credit history or age of the credit accounts. As such, if you cancel your current credit card to switch to another, it may negatively affect your credit scores as it’ll be lowering the average age of your credit accounts.

Generally, it is recommended to keep old credit card accounts open, unless there’s a high fee associated with it. If there’s no fee, keeping your credit card account open and active (1-2 transactions a month) can be beneficial for your credit.

Applying For A New Credit Card
When you apply for a new credit card, your creditor will want to see a copy of your credit report. This is known as a “hard inquiry,” and when this happens, your credit scores may be negatively affected. It’s important not to apply for too many credit cards within a short period of time to protect your credit scores from too many hard inquiries.
Credit Limit Changes
If you decide to cancel your current credit card to switch to another one, it may impact your credit limit. If your new credit card has a lower credit limit, it can affect your debt-to-credit ratio which usually accounts for 30% of a credit score, depending on the credit scoring model used.

For example, if your old credit card had a credit limit of $5,000 and your new credit card has a credit limit of $3,000, it will impact the way your debt-to-credit ratio is calculated. If you have a balance of $1,000, your debt-to-credit ratio would be 20% for your old credit card and 33% for your new credit card.

Generally, a lower credit utilization ratio is better for your credit scores, and your credit limits play a key role. If you’re able to get a higher credit limit on a new card, your credit utilization ratio may be positively impacted. But the opposite may also be true if the credit limit on your new card is lower.

Switching Credit Cards With The Same Bank
Switching to a new credit card with the same bank may be the easier way to go. The new credit card will be under the same bank account, so there will likely be no need to re-apply for a credit card or have a credit check performed. You may even be pre-approved for certain credit cards.

That said, you probably won’t be able to take advantage of any introductory welcome bonuses that new clients would have available to them.

Switching Credit Cards With A Different Bank
The biggest perk of switching cards with a different bank is that you’ll benefit from introductory signup bonuses, such as a 0% introductory APR, free welcome bonus points, or waived fees in the first year.

Just be aware that you’ll likely need to go through a new credit card application process. This means the creditor may perform a credit check, which may pull your credit scores down temporarily.

Tips On Switching Credit Cards
Before you switch your credit card for a new one, consider the following tips:
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