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2022-10-04 10:16:34
2022-10-04 10:16:38
2022-10-04 10:18:28
2022-10-04 10:19:39
32吋2K 唔多清
最好唔好買VA panel打機
2022-10-04 10:19:46
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2022-10-04 10:21:08
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2022-10-04 10:21:50
2022-10-04 10:23:00
搬咗係union 3個月到 傢俬都仲未齊
2022-10-04 10:23:39
唔係買tn panel 就冇問題
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2022-10-04 10:24:18
2022-10-04 10:24:41

Cold, dry weather, sun damage, and frequently licking your lips are just some of the reasons your lips might feel dry and chapped. To prevent and treat dry, chapped lips at home, follow these tips from board-certified dermatologists.

While it may seem that dry, cracked lips are something you must live with until spring comes, you can have soft, supple lips year-round. Here’s what dermatologists recommend.

Use non-irritating lip balm, lipstick, and other products that you apply to your lips. Many people mistake discomfort, such as burning, stinging, or tingling, as a sign that the active ingredients in a product are working. That’s not what’s happening. You’re actually irritating your lips, so you want to stop using any product that irritates your lips.

Ingredients to avoid while your lips are chapped: To help chapped lips heal, stop applying lip products that contain any of the following:

Flavoring: Cinnamon, citrus, mint, and peppermint flavors can be especially irritating to dry, chapped lips
Octinoxate or oxybenzone
Phenol (or phenyl)
Propyl gallate
Salicylic acid
Ingredients that can help heal chapped lips: While some ingredients can irritate dry, cracked lips, others can help them heal. When looking for products to use on your chapped lips, dermatologists recommend ones that contain one or more of the following:

Castor seed oil
Hemp seed oil
Mineral oil
Shea butter
Sun-protective ingredients, such as titanium oxide or zinc oxide
White petroleum jelly
It also helps to use products that are fragrance free and hypoallergenic.
If your lips burn, sting, or feel uncomfortable when you apply a product to your lips, it means you’re irritating your lips, so you want to stop using that product.

Woman applying lip balm in bathroom mirror
Apply a non-irritating lip balm (or lip moisturizer) several times a day and before bed. If your lips are very dry and cracked, try a thick ointment, such as white petroleum jelly. Ointment seals in water longer than waxes or oils.

Slather on a non-irritating lip balm with SPF 30 or higher before going outdoors. Even in the winter, it’s important to protect your lips from the sun. The sun can burn dry, chapped lips more easily, which could trigger cold sores.

To protect dry, chapped lips from the sun, use lip balm that contains offers SPF 30 or higher and one (or both) of these sun-protective ingredients:

Titanium oxide
Zinc oxide
While outdoors, apply the lip balm every 2 hours.
Drink plenty of water. Chapped lips are dry lips, so you want to stay hydrated.

Stop licking, biting, and picking at your lips. When lips feel dry, it may feel natural to wet them by licking them, but this can worsen the problem. As saliva evaporates, your lips become drier.

Picking or biting your lips also irritates them, which can prevent healing.

Lip licking can be a hard habit to break. When you catch yourself licking your lips, try applying a non-irritating lip balm instead.

Woman applying lip balm to her healthy lips
Avoid holding items made of metal with your lips. Paperclips, jewelry, and other everyday products made of metal can irritate your already sensitive lips.

Plug in a humidifier at home. A humidifier in your bedroom can be especially helpful, especially if you breathe through your mouth at night.
2022-10-04 10:24:51
食多左青瓜同蕃茄 平好多
當同自己講食多d 5顏6色野
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買部有濕度感應器嘅加濕機 識自動開關 咁就唔會太濕
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我都有特登search過VA panel ips感覺好啲
定係等埋black friday會有再平啲嘅deal
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11點幾我都有去north York centre 睇嗰舊雪山,可能同巴打有一面之緣
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係未買齊依家食飯仲係張細細地既電腦枱食 想打邊爐都唔得
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VA panel ghosting會嚴重過ips
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