Ben Affleck is no longer interested to be a part of IP contents, hinting he may be done with Batman role.
“I don’t want to do IP movies where you have this sort of built-in audience. That’s something I was interested in and liked, and I just don’t like anymore.”
邦拿2021-12-15 21:46:00
Goodbye Ben其中一個最好嘅蝙蝠俠
阿阿阿阿閃2021-12-17 13:57:08
華納兄弟影業在美國時間週四排定了三部未來新片的檔期,其中一部為 DC 宇宙即將亮相的全新超級英雄《藍甲蟲》(Blue Beetle)的首部個人電影,預計將於 2023 年 08 月 18 日上映。該片由來自波多黎各的導演安吉爾曼努埃爾索托(Angel Manuel Soto)執導,曾參與編寫過《夜魔俠》(Daredevil)與《捍衛者聯盟》(The Defenders)兩部漫威 Netflix 影集的馬可拉米雷茲(Marco Ramirez)則擔綱編劇。