影片也在網路上造成不小的迴響,就連導演本人也轉發影片,認同傑瑞德的想法:「這正是串流平台該做的事情。如果你手中握有一個 IP 且你必須為你的股東賺進大把大把的鈔票,這正是你應該要做的。」
由大衛艾亞所執導的《自殺突擊隊》於 2016 年上映,製作過程中因華納還受到《蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光》(Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)所帶來之批評的影響,為調整電影風格而經歷多次重拍和剪輯。電影的故事情節也遭到了不少的更動,包括死亡射手和哈莉奎因的曖昧情節,以及小丑的大半戲份。
「這是李史密斯(Lee Smith)以約翰吉洛伊(John M. Gilroy)的作品為基礎的完美剪輯,再加上史蒂文普賴斯(Steven Price)的精彩配樂——電影中沒有一首流行歌曲。故事有著傳統的角色成長弧線、驚人的表演,以及很棒的第三幕結局。」
大衛艾亞如此積極地為自己的作品爭一口氣,也讓許多人希望他真的可以向查克史奈德(Zack Snyder)導演一樣,獲得「應得的結果」。不過截至目前,華納影業和 HBO MAX 都尚未宣布任何有關導剪版《自殺突擊隊》的計劃。
阿阿阿阿閃2021-11-23 14:24:22
傷膝青年2021-11-23 18:20:31
阿阿阿阿閃2021-11-23 20:53:09
Henry Cavill has once again spoken about his desire to return as Superman – and he’s open to exploring the lighter side of the Man of Steel.
"I was very keen on really fleshing out Superman's early stages of his journey first. We had Man of Steel, and then we went quite a bit darker with Batman v Superman," Cavill said.
"If he were to succumb to the Anti-Life Equation and become bad Superman, I really wanted to make sure we saw the hero Superman, and we saw the true symbol of hope, the beacon of light, before we went down the path of darkness and then redemption. It’s still something I’m very keen to flesh out," Cavill said.