(Sprint Quali) F1 2021 意大利站 討論區

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2021-09-07 17:42:52
2021-09-07 17:43:01
2021-09-07 17:43:38
大機會,今朝都睇到有啲消息話alfa簽咗nyck de vries
2021-09-07 17:44:01
2021-09-07 17:44:54
2021-09-07 17:45:09
2021-09-07 17:45:31
alfa要NY 就爽
2021-09-07 17:47:24
2021-09-07 17:48:01

Learning alongside Lewis, 明自己角色啦
2021-09-07 17:48:27
George Russell Roscoe
2021-09-07 17:48:40
His work ethic and performance have continued to impress during his three seasons with Williams; he is now ready to make the step to Mercedes and to continue his career development alongside Lewis Hamilton, after signing a long-term contract with the team.


2021-09-07 17:48:58
James,my tyres are gone
2021-09-07 17:49:49
2021-09-07 17:50:10
2021-09-07 17:50:14
Despite that caveat, Wolff made no bones about how impressed he’d been with Russell, who’s been signed to a multi-year deal with Mercedes – and who Wolff was backing to form a strong bond with seven-time champion Hamilton at the team.

2021-09-07 17:50:44
2021-09-07 17:51:28
練心態 希望到時輸唔好學Ham狗做怨婦
2021-09-07 17:51:30
2021-09-07 17:51:46
講真 我係羅素就照砌
砌贏黑狗, 平治搵得羅素
咁驚西咩! 照砌,砌贏咸狗
2021-09-07 17:51:59
2021-09-07 17:52:16
2021-09-07 17:53:38
素喺自己ig 作文,長到唔想睇

2021-09-07 17:54:44
2021-09-07 17:54:55
2021-09-07 17:55:25
It's official. Next year, I'll be a
Mercedes F1 driver. This is a special day for me
personally and professionally, but also a day of mixed
emotions. I'm excited and humbled to be joining
Mercedes next year, which is a huge career step, but it
also means I'll be saying goodbye to my team-mates
and friends at Williams. It has been an honour working
alongside every member of the team, and an honour to
represent the Williams name in F1. Since I joined in
2019, we have worked tirelessly to push each other
forward and bring the team back up the grid where it
belongs. We've battled for every qualifying position,
every point, and every tenth of a second. No matter
how tough it's been, nobody has ever given up, and
that has inspired me every day. I've loved every
moment in what I'd describe as a true heart and soul
racing team, and I'll be pushing harder than ever to
make sure we end our story in the best possible way.
Looking ahead to next season, I'd be lying if I said I
wasn't absolutely buzzing. It's a huge opportunity and
one I want to grab with both hands. But I'm under no
illusions as to the scale of the challenge; it's going to
be a steep learning curve. Valtteri has set a high bar,
consistently delivering week in and week out, scoring
wins, pole positions and helping win multiple
championship titles. My target must be to reward the
trust that Toto, the team, and the board have placed in
me by ensuring I play my part in continuing that
success and I want to do my new team-mates proud.
Of course, one of those new team-mates is in my
opinion the greatest driver of all time. I've looked up to
Lewis since I was in go-karts and the opportunity to
learn from someone who has become a role model both
on and off track can only benefit me as a driver, a
professional, and a human being. For now, though, I
have nine more races as a Williams driver, and I want to
make sure they are the best nine of my time with the
team. Then, and only then, can I turn my attention to
2022. A huge thank you to Williams, to Mercedes and
to everyone who has supported me in getting to where I
am today. I couldn't have done it without every single
one of you.
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