
258 回覆
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2021-09-03 10:08:02
I am the champ
2021-09-03 10:15:56
the students should be required to shall take the vocational training courses with a view to grasping the to grasp fundamental understanding of for future career planning.

學Grammar In Use正on9
2021-09-03 10:17:50
連打message/公司internal email都寫到好似essay咁
好多人英文擺明唔係好 但又想用啲fancy word 搞到好怪

反而啲鬼佬用字係好簡單隨意 靠聯想/比喻多
逢親postive既野就用good, netgative既野就用not good
2021-09-03 10:18:54
Hi Peter,
Your idea is good ! Keep it on!
George Bush
2021-09-03 10:45:01
咁都係因為佢地唔熟d字同vocab唔夠多, 好多情況用字係愈少syllable愈好, 但寫essay, report, business email呢d就相反
2021-09-03 10:46:41
你講個問題都係睇情況, 的確大多數情況少d passive voice用返plain english會好d
2021-09-03 10:52:11
同埋都係睇地區啦, 英國特別係london d人講野用字同sentence structure多數advance d, 北美人講野會淺白d
2021-09-03 10:59:40
Students shall receive vocational education for future planning.

2021-09-03 11:01:01
**should receive
2021-09-03 12:51:56
打錯係understanding for future

2021-09-03 12:52:42
2021-09-03 12:53:41
2021-09-03 12:54:34
如果本身英文唔差 個問題可能係你唔識直接講重點 諗下啲內容 / 篇野既目的都會有幫助
2021-09-03 12:56:15
2021-09-03 17:45:55
the students should be required to take the vocational training courses with a view to grasping the fundamental understanding of future career planning.
1. 你寫完之後要問自己: should be required係passive voice...咁係咪學生"被要求" 還是學生"有需要"?
2. with a view to grasping 呢個係累贅甚至詞不達意 係咪應該"to grasp"?
3. 兩個 "the"係指緊一些特定左嘅嘢 除非你上文有講係乜嘢 否則呢度唔係用the
4. 睇唔到你用relative clauses 其實relative clauses係補充資料 佢本身好好用/有其作用 唔應該被視為累贅
5. 你問題似係英文語感嘅問題: 要睇多啲/用oxford dict online睇例句 oxford dict好多例句/要睇a an the嘅用法例句

你可以再寫一些例 特別係有relative clause嘅例 不過你要寫埋中文你要表達啲乜
2021-09-03 18:20:41
There are many criminals re-violating law after they were set loose from jail. In order to ease the situation, the government is supposed to launch certain schemes or policies to address the problem.

2021-09-03 18:36:20
There are many criminals re-violating law after they were set loose from jail. In order to ease the situation, the government is supposed to launch certain schemes or policies to address the problem.

查有冇re-violate呢個字 冇就用violate again
查set loose from用唔用得 否則用release from
查situation係咪配ease 否則用個啱嘅verb

my version: Many criminals commit crimes again after releasing from jail. In order to solve this problem, (後面keep返你嘅字 因為我覺得冇問題).
2021-09-03 18:38:55
用多#3 ching講嘅participles
BTW, 我仲未見到你用adj clause
2021-09-03 18:44:10
ease the phenomenon?
2021-09-03 18:44:33
2021-09-03 18:44:40
要睇一個noun可以配乜verb or adj...可以用macmillan dictionary 查完一個noun後click橙色box "explore collocation"
2021-09-03 18:45:03
2021-09-03 18:47:24
2021-09-03 18:47:40
refer to #72
查phenomenon可以配乜verb (provided that phenomenon is a right word)
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