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J3J4 2021-08-23 22:38:05
神造論 d friend



It’s Malone, according to Karikó, who has been overstating his accomplishments. There are “hundreds of scientists who contributed more to mRNA vaccines than he did.”
MolaMolaMola 2021-08-23 23:56:11
我其實唔想屌你戇鳩, 但你做咩自己唔撚睇, 我真係戇鳩去睇你果篇文?

成篇都係政治攻擊, 但我揀幾個真係關事的部份比你

作者鍾意玩撚你呢D傻仔, 佢鍾意中間先講呀, 吹咩?

He was the first author on a 1989 paper demonstrating how RNA could be delivered into cells using lipids, which are basically tiny globules of fat, and a co-author on a 1990 Science paper showing that if you inject pure RNA or DNA into mouse muscle cells, it can lead to the transcription of new proteins. If the same approach worked for human cells, the latter paper said in its conclusion, this technology “may provide alternative approaches to vaccine development.”

These two studies do indeed represent seminal work in the field of gene transfer, according to Rein Verbeke, a postdoctoral fellow at Ghent University, in Belgium, and the lead author of a 2019 history of mRNA-vaccine development.

first author on a 1989 paper demonstrating how RNA could be delivered into cells using lipids, which are basically tiny globules of fat, and a co-author on a 1990 Science paper showing that if you inject pure RNA or DNA into mouse muscle cells, it can lead to the transcription of new proteins.
↑單係呢一段, 佢又係第一個, 佢又係用老鼠做過實驗, 咁你想叫佢做乜?

然後呢, 連果個Karikó都講佢唔係發明者
replied that she hadn’t told anyone that she is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and that “many many scientists” contributed to their success. “I have never claimed more than discovering a way to make RNA less inflammatory,”

1. Malone話佢係, Karikó唔係
2. Karikó話佢唔係, 但佢話"係全部人發明", 即暗示唔係Malone
3. 咁即係咩? 即係你仍然講唔出除左Malone仲有邊個係.

我已經覺得好戇鳩, 睇左3/4, 然後你篇野黎, 原來係用黎同意我.

唔好以為個作者好撚主觀咁屌鳩Malone, 就等於個事實都係咁先得架

我仲要唔要睇埋落去呀? 哥仔, 我好懶
非人類基因統合體 2021-08-24 00:15:56
課金王 2021-08-24 00:27:32
J3J4 2021-08-24 01:38:08

成篇就係講佢1989年起左個頭之後已經去左私人市場,冇做學術研究,之後30年有人 pick it up當時算非常冷門既 idea做左好多 break through先制成今時今日既疫苗

達文西都有畫過類似直升機既草圖,但發明直升機既唔係達文西,當然你可以一路同我 argue,邊個多d credit


其實你硬要話佢係疫苗發明人無非都想拉去「連發明人都唔同意打疫苗」> 「唔應該打疫苗」者

故勿論佢自己都認自己唔係Covid vaccine發明人,就算發明者本身唔經過實驗都冇能力斷定疫苗既有效性,真實數據已經證實左「疫苗係有效,因變種而變弱,唔係完美但暫時都仲係 the best we have」,如果你想推翻呢個結論,show me some data

三民主義 2021-08-24 06:05:43
全世界得兩個國家響唔玩lockdown 清零嘅情況下,靠打疫苗打足60+%人口黎頂住Delta.




MolaMolaMola 2021-08-24 13:29:35
你係好過癮, 不過我都會認真回你

成篇就係講佢1989年起左個頭之後已經去左私人市場,冇做學術研究,之後30年有人 pick it up當時算非常冷門既 idea做左好多 break through先制成今時今日既疫苗

1. 你講野其實係好有濃烈的左膠臭味, 一個發明者佢為錢貪財有道德缺失佢就唔係發明者, 從呢度我都閒到你個意思. 但我唔怪你, 你應該都係比人毒害.
2. 發明者佢地不嬲係咁, 不論Steve Job到Tesla, 甚至今日的Elon Musk. 都唔似係聖人, 咁係咪因為咁, 佢地就唔係發明者?
3. 你講「之後30年有人 pick it up當時算非常冷門」,呢句完全係想誤導,篇論文寫於1989年, 而Dr.Karikó 問大學要grant做研究係1990年, 1年後你都想唔比credit人, 係咪你要出完論文1個月後佢遞支復必泰比你, 你先叫佢做發明者?
In 1990, while a research assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, Karikó submitted her first grant application in which she proposed to establish mRNA-based gene therapy.
4. 達文西佢無做到個實體出黎, 如果佢做左架直升機飛到, 你當唔當佢係? 屌你, 如果你肯花幾秒, 去search佢篇論文, 睇下佢abstract, 你都唔會咁戇鳩用達文西去做比喻
We have developed an efficient and reproducible method for RNA transfection, using a synthetic cationic lipid, N-[1-(2,3-dioleyloxy)propyl]-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride (DOTMA), incorporated into a liposome (lipofectin). Transfection of 10 ng to 5 micrograms of Photinus pyralis luciferase mRNA synthesized in vitro into NIH 3T3 mouse cells yields a linear response of luciferase activity. The procedure can be used to efficiently transfect RNA into human, rat, mouse, Xenopus, and Drosophila cells.

Robert Malone已經羅左老鼠仔黎做左實驗啦, OK? 架直升機已經起左機,在你頭上霍霍霍轉緊, 你抬高頭望下, OK?

當然你可以一路同我 argue,邊個多d credit

你完全搞撚左錯, 我係阻止你discredit人, 我完全覺得佢係inventor, 但我唔認為因為咁, 佢成就一定比Katalin Karikó 高. 呢兩樣野係唔一樣.
直白D講, 我係阻止緊左膠又玩返人身攻擊去discredit所有佢地唔想有的野, 就好似2020年佢地都discredit武漢實驗室理論. 動機? 因為佢地怕幫阿侵選舉造勢. 怕佢用愛國主義連到任, 所以明明大把證據證明係實驗室, 佢地故意唔提唔報, 就係玩鳩你呢D傻仔.

2020年先剛剛食完屎炒完車, 點解FC撚仲咁如狼似虎? 我唔撚知囉

其實你硬要話佢係疫苗發明人無非都想拉去「連發明人都唔同意打疫苗」> 「唔應該打疫苗」者
其實發明者佢覺得呢樣野行唔通, 唔代表佢真係行唔通. inventor唔係神, 佢都會錯. 但我其實好佩服你地左膠諗野, 因為你地會唔小心將真心果句講出黎, 你就係想「發明人無同意打疫苗」> 「應該打疫苗」
做科學的人(醫學都係), 一定會成日錯, 又一定會成日修正自己講的野. 如果我有日引用佢(其實我無), 係因為想指出一個反論, 果個反論就係"唔係全部科學家都同意疫苖無問題"
你明唔明呢個分別? 左膠一直以"我係人類文明同科學自居", 而呢個科學家只係用黎指出"屌你老母, 唔係人人同意你疫苖無問題架"
但我完全明白你想點, 因為你以為人地想點
你覺得呢D文宣係洗人腦, 係用黎鼓勵人唔打針, 就好似過去左膠扭曲事實, 攻擊他人只為左"鼓勵人打針"
sorry, 真理就係真理, 佢係高過其他野架, in short "做人唔應該講大話"

故勿論佢自己都認自己唔係Covid vaccine發明人
你係咪痴左, 佢1989年寫篇文, 只係講RNA技術點樣實際應用, 咁梗係唔係2019年果個病的疫苖的發明人

睇論文唔該, 佢係有用老鼠做過實驗

,真實數據已經證實左「疫苗係有效,因變種而變弱,唔係完美但暫時都仲係 the best we have」,如果你想推翻呢個結論,show me some data
幾個月前, 你地仲講"疫苖係可以打左唔中肺炎" , 你又無諗住解釋下個龍門做咩搬左?

我覺得人最勁係炒左一次車, 然後下一次仲覺得"一定唔會再炒"

你睇下你個statement咁撚長, 就係因為佢比現實打臉打到要左穿右轉先唔會講錯, 咁你有乜野自信佢幾個月後仍然會係啱?

我真係有資料同數據, 但我為左屌柒你所以我唔比, 引蛇出洞等你reply再比

對你其實無惡意, 但你真係唔好以為你係理智同清醒, 事實上你只係一個pawn
J3J4 2021-08-24 13:57:05
1,佢唔係 inventor
2,比 data

MolaMolaMola 2021-08-24 15:47:51
1. 你話唔係姐, 咁就係唔係架啦? 你鍾意露底啦
2. 梗比你, 你呢D人搏大霧, 以為人地懶同無, 係咪? 唔係個個好似你咁下爬輕輕架



我當你唔識英文, 我㨂幾個重點比你啦


Rapid and efficient memory-type immune responses occur reliably in virtually all unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to SARS-CoV-2. The effectiveness of further boosting the immune response through vaccination is therefore highly doubtful. Vaccination may instead aggravate disease through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

總結係, 打針唔單止無咩用, 而且仲會加劇ADE效應

咁我地返去呢篇野度, 呢篇野係歐洲D醫生度黎, 我個人祝福你唔好再睇美媒了. 佢地已經腐爛哂. 我雖然個個學位都係美國度黎, 但我已經對個傳媒失去哂信任.

Discovery 1: SARS-CoV-2 spike protein circulates shortly after vaccination

This means that a) the immune system will attack those endothelial cells, and b) the circulating spike protein molecules will activate thrombocytes. Both effects will promote blood clotting. This explains the many clotting-related adverse events—stroke, heart attack, venous thrombosis—that are being reported after vaccination.

點解會有血栓? 呢度解釋係, 因為免疫系統同血小板反應, 令到人出現血栓

Discovery 2: Rapid, memory-type antibody response after vaccination

Overall, these findings indicate that our immune system efficiently recognizes SARS-CoV-2 as “known” even on first contact. Severe cases of the disease thus cannot be ascribed to lacking immunity. Instead, severe cases might very well be caused or aggravated by pre-existing immunity through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE, see below).

第2個發現講, 其實身體一早有抗體, 重症好多時唔係因為佢唔夠抗體, 而係因為ADE.

Discovery 3: SARS-CoV-2 elicits robust adaptive immune responses regardless of disease severity

The goal of the vaccination is to stimulate production of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, but we now know that such antibodies can and will be rapidly generated by everyone upon the slightest viral challenge, even without vaccination.

疫苖目的係為左刺激抗體生產, 但原來我地本身已經會生, 而且生得夠. 理由就係

Severe lung infections always take many days to develop, which means that if the antibodies generated by the memory response are needed, they will arrive on time. Therefore, vaccination is unlikely to provide significant benefit with respect to the prevention of severe lung infection.

肺部感染需時多日, 所以真係要抗體, 其實一定夠時間. 所以至少對肺部感染黎講, 打針係"做多左", 又或者如佢內文講, 係"無乜大作用"

Discovery 4: Rapid increase of spike protein antibodies after the second injection of mRNA vaccines

The situation changes dramatically with the second injection. Then the spikes are produced and protrude into the bloodstream that is already swarming with both reactive lymphocytes and antibodies. The antibodies will cause the complement system [9,10] and also neutrophil granulocytes to attack the spike protein-bearing cells. The possible consequences of all-out self-attack by the immune system are frightening.

佢講第1針仲好, 打第2針就好大鑊, 因為身體裡面已經出現大量抗體, 再打一針就好有機會出現免疫風暴.

Overall, the antibody will then have enhanced the replication of the virus. Clinically, this antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) can cause a hyperinflammatory response (a “cytokine storm”) that will amplify the damage to the lungs, liver and other organs of our body.

而且多抗體係無作用, 而且仲有害, 但對唔住, 字數已經唔夠, 我下一個reply再講.
MolaMolaMola 2021-08-24 15:54:05
Antibody-dependent enhancement of disease

Regardless, we should not assume that high antibody titres against SARS-CoV-2 will always improve the clinical outcome. With several virus families—in particular with Dengue virus, but also with coronaviruses—antibodies can aggravate rather than mitigate disease. This occurs because certain cells of the immune system take up antibody-tagged microbes and destroy them. If a virus particle to which antibodies have bound is taken up by such a cell, but it then manages to evade destruction, it may instead start to multiply within the cell.

簡單講, 抗體唔係多多益善. 佢一來會引起免疫系統反應攻擊返自己, 二來就係ADE.


The collective findings discussed above clearly show that the benefits of vaccination are highly doubtful. In contrast, the harm the vaccines do is very well substantiated, with more than 15.000 vaccination-associated deaths now documented in the EU drug adverse events database (EudraVigilance), and over 7.000 more deaths within the UK and the US [13].

結論係, 打針個效用非常有疑問, 相反, 打針的禍害卻非常清楚. 例如高達15000件打針死(歐洲), 同7000件打針死(美國同英國)

篇野係7月9日出, 其實歐洲依家應該死左2萬幾人

到呢度你可能發現一件事, 就係美國人肯定身體好. 打針死佢地相對於歐洲, 唔知點解 個機率係低好多. 你唔信有造假,我就信囉

你仲要搵咩野出黎? 我睇你都係要無賴落去架啦, 你仲要我搵乜野出黎打你臉?
底褲都濕埋 2021-08-24 17:24:31
MolaMolaMola 2021-08-24 17:35:27
唔想自爆自己係咪在香港, 但我假設我在香港

港共做咩你好難估, "一定要打針先比出境"更似靠嚇, 但如果真係要打, 香港唔係只有復必泰同科興兩個選擇? 咁無得揀自然係復必泰

但個人建議唔好打住, 針個效用好明顯係唔得, 但"美媒聯同科網統治全球言論"呢個唔係講笑, 好多反對打針的資訊, 都出唔到去

但點都要面對現實, 唔駛一年全球政府只能放棄追針, 而用其他方法防疫

我可以講今日打針呢樣野, 在美國已經係完全政治化. 民主黨政府勁推打針, 而共和黨好多人尤其係平民係反抗

呢件事其實好諷刺. 如果阿侵連到任, 咁打針呢單野就變返係佢功勞, 咁反而美媒同科網就會用盡全力"揭發"打疫苖的禍害, 而唔會好似今日咁
狂風掃浪蝶 2021-08-24 17:36:29
約喺煲底見大家 2021-08-24 17:44:26
大嶼山林布蘭 2021-08-24 19:25:17
大嶼山林布蘭 2021-08-24 19:36:47
按你呢個講法, 打針又爆廠唔打又爆廠
hugo 2021-08-24 19:43:13
大嶼山林布蘭 2021-08-24 19:54:49
結果搞咗兩年而家點, 有冇重大傷亡財物損失
大嶼山林布蘭 2021-08-24 19:55:44
咁中國造既嘢好, 人人都知道既
予一人 2021-08-24 19:58:13

大嶼山林布蘭 2021-08-24 20:04:19
然後人口咪又一樣升, 生活如常
約喺煲底見大家 2021-08-24 20:34:40
約喺煲底見大家 2021-08-24 20:42:29
MolaMolaMola 2021-08-24 20:55:36
其實我唔勁, 我都係當自己係平民角度去睇件事姐, 我唔係學究, 亦唔係甚麼勁人, 但我唔鍾意講大話, 亦唔鍾意被人呃
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞