2021-08-22 21:56:32
但講真個真相只 有在歐洲果面先有, 整個美媒同科網都腐爛哂, 好似話
將mRNA技術理論用在疫苖發展果個Robert Malone, 因為佢叫人唔好打針, 其實技術好有風險, 佢已經被維基取名, 再唔係呢個技術的創立人
基本上, 只要你唔合乎佢地想要的思想, 你的歷史, 意義, 存在都會消失左
2021-08-23 02:12:18
其實你呢篇文, 我都睇過. 我用佢做一個例子, FC撚點樣用文字技巧洗你腦
On his personal website, Twitter, and LinkedIn, Dr. Robert Malone has been promoting himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines. This is misleading.
In 1989, Malone published a paper titled "Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection." While this paper is an example of his important contribution to the then-emerging field, it does not make him the inventor of mRNA vaccines.
下一段話佢發表左論文, 講佢有重大貢獻, 但話鋒一轉, 又話咁都唔可以話佢係"發明者"
咁常理黎講, 係咪應該呢個時候指出邊個係發明者呢? 我當時都咁諗. 但佢下兩段係抄左媒報導.
According to Stat News, "for decades, scientists have dreamed about the seemingly endless possibilities of custom-made messenger RNA or mRNA." According to the New York Times, "For her entire career, Dr. Kariko has focused on messenger RNA, or mRNA — the genetic script that carries DNA instructions to each cell’s protein-making machinery. She was convinced mRNA could be used to instruct cells to make their own medicines, including vaccines."
佢帶你游左咁耐花園, 令你唔記得左問"咁邊個係發明者?", 我當時估, 佢係咪想講果個Dr. Kariko?
While Malone's research may have been important, scientific breakthroughs don't always boast a sole "inventor." Instead, they come about through the work of many.
跟住呢個FC撚開始打稻草人, 屈佢話自己係"sole inventor". 佢講到好合理咁, 無野係一個人發明. 我當時睇到想屌佢老母, 有乜現代野係"一個人獨自發明"? 每個人的發現或發明, 自然係過去發明發現一部份, 亦只會係未來發現發明的一部份
Ching, 我勸你睇少fackchecking, 佢仲衰過日日打飛機, 真係好撚傷腦傷身
結論: 佢真係好重要的發明/發現者, 連篇文都講important contribution
結論: 真係睇下同思考D factcheck撚點樣玩鳩你, 會對你智商好有幫助