[HKUST]科大討論區 (20) - 又要wait hall

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2017-06-02 06:55:42
唉 原來又f多科 咁攪法咪defer都似 😭 今次玩大左

冇上莊 冇心機讀書掛住玩 太hea

睇下到時個景先 搵唔到先再諗 唉
2017-06-02 09:49:58
Dear PHYS1003 students,

After conducting yesterday's paper checking session, we found out the following issues and will take corresponding actions:

1) One of our TAs, Shezhen Gao, who was responsible for grading Problem (C) and (E), did not give partial credits for some sub-questions in Problem (C) and also applied "error propagation" to Problem (E) (that means, if the answer of

(a) is wrong, he gave zero marks to the next few sub-questions even the students have written correct formulae), As Shenzhen has taken a leave due to a personal reason, other TAs and our IA, Ming will regrade these two problems within the next few days.

(2) Some students didn't consider the 85% efficiency of the generator given in (b) of Problem (E) in calculating sub-question (d). We agree with the argument from a student that the efficiency of the generator is better to be placed in the main text of Problem (E), so

we decided to give full credits to (d) even for those students who did every steps right except they did not take the 85% of efficiency into account.

(3) We also found that our IA, Robert, who has resigned two days ago, made many careless mistakes in adding the individual marks to give the total marks for the Final Exam papers, thus we will re-do this again.

Due to the above reasons, we have applied an extension for reporting the final grades of this course, the new deadline is 6 June (next Tuesday). We will post the new Final Exam Scores in the course web before we submit the final grades.

Best regards,
2017-06-02 09:51:22
學校d TA真係亂9黎
2017-06-02 09:56:02
學校d TA真係亂9黎

Dear TAs


2017-06-02 10:01:19
2017-06-02 10:05:03
學校d TA真係亂9黎

收到風 ching 之前個分加高左
2017-06-02 10:08:38
學校d TA真係亂9黎

Agger 尤其大陸/印度個班真係9黎
2017-06-02 10:12:10
2017-06-02 10:13:34

2017-06-02 10:21:40


2017-06-02 10:51:18
學校d TA真係亂9黎

Agger 尤其大陸/印度個班真係9黎

我試30 ---->70分 添
2017-06-02 11:03:36
2017-06-02 11:05:47
想問下engg啲course 得P/PP/F
2017-06-02 11:12:42
想問下engg啲course 得P/PP/F

2017-06-02 11:13:25
想問下engg啲course 得P/PP/F


Instructor Consent needed
2017-06-02 11:18:17
Dear PHYS1003 students,

After conducting yesterday's paper checking session, we found out the following issues and will take corresponding actions:

1) One of our TAs, Shezhen Gao, who was responsible for grading Problem (C) and (E), did not give partial credits for some sub-questions in Problem (C) and also applied "error propagation" to Problem (E) (that means, if the answer of

(a) is wrong, he gave zero marks to the next few sub-questions even the students have written correct formulae), As Shenzhen has taken a leave due to a personal reason, other TAs and our IA, Ming will regrade these two problems within the next few days.

(2) Some students didn't consider the 85% efficiency of the generator given in (b) of Problem (E) in calculating sub-question (d). We agree with the argument from a student that the efficiency of the generator is better to be placed in the main text of Problem (E), so

we decided to give full credits to (d) even for those students who did every steps right except they did not take the 85% of efficiency into account.

(3) We also found that our IA, Robert, who has resigned two days ago, made many careless mistakes in adding the individual marks to give the total marks for the Final Exam papers, thus we will re-do this again.

Due to the above reasons, we have applied an extension for reporting the final grades of this course, the new deadline is 6 June (next Tuesday). We will post the new Final Exam Scores in the course web before we submit the final grades.

Best regards,

2017-06-02 11:27:36
想問下engg啲course 得P/PP/F

Indeed you are failed
2017-06-02 11:42:42
學校d TA真係亂9黎

Agger 尤其大陸/印度個班真係9黎

我試30 ---->70分 添

2017-06-02 11:50:08
依家番緊去check 分
利申 ENVR 1050
2017-06-02 12:28:24
Dear PHYS1003 students,

After conducting yesterday's paper checking session, we found out the following issues and will take corresponding actions:

1) One of our TAs, Shezhen Gao, who was responsible for grading Problem (C) and (E), did not give partial credits for some sub-questions in Problem (C) and also applied "error propagation" to Problem (E) (that means, if the answer of

(a) is wrong, he gave zero marks to the next few sub-questions even the students have written correct formulae), As Shenzhen has taken a leave due to a personal reason, other TAs and our IA, Ming will regrade these two problems within the next few days.

(2) Some students didn't consider the 85% efficiency of the generator given in (b) of Problem (E) in calculating sub-question (d). We agree with the argument from a student that the efficiency of the generator is better to be placed in the main text of Problem (E), so

we decided to give full credits to (d) even for those students who did every steps right except they did not take the 85% of efficiency into account.

(3) We also found that our IA, Robert, who has resigned two days ago, made many careless mistakes in adding the individual marks to give the total marks for the Final Exam papers, thus we will re-do this again.

Due to the above reasons, we have applied an extension for reporting the final grades of this course, the new deadline is 6 June (next Tuesday). We will post the new Final Exam Scores in the course web before we submit the final grades.

Best regards,


2017-06-02 12:40:05
依家番緊去check 分
利申 ENVR 1050

我兩點都會番科大check out
2017-06-02 13:31:12
4星金 602,周dodo,孫策,周泰
2017-06-02 13:32:27
Dear PHYS1003 students,

After conducting yesterday's paper checking session, we found out the following issues and will take corresponding actions:

1) One of our TAs, Shezhen Gao, who was responsible for grading Problem (C) and (E), did not give partial credits for some sub-questions in Problem (C) and also applied "error propagation" to Problem (E) (that means, if the answer of

(a) is wrong, he gave zero marks to the next few sub-questions even the students have written correct formulae), As Shenzhen has taken a leave due to a personal reason, other TAs and our IA, Ming will regrade these two problems within the next few days.

(2) Some students didn't consider the 85% efficiency of the generator given in (b) of Problem (E) in calculating sub-question (d). We agree with the argument from a student that the efficiency of the generator is better to be placed in the main text of Problem (E), so

we decided to give full credits to (d) even for those students who did every steps right except they did not take the 85% of efficiency into account.

(3) We also found that our IA, Robert, who has resigned two days ago, made many careless mistakes in adding the individual marks to give the total marks for the Final Exam papers, thus we will re-do this again.

Due to the above reasons, we have applied an extension for reporting the final grades of this course, the new deadline is 6 June (next Tuesday). We will post the new Final Exam Scores in the course web before we submit the final grades.

Best regards,




炒左個TA佢仲開心 唔洗對住班UG做RA好過
反正prof唔會為左班ug投訴就踢個pg出校 少個人幫佢做research佢損失大好多
2017-06-02 13:36:49
矛盾只因深愛著 UST
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞