
1001 回覆
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2021-02-01 00:01:21
2021-02-01 00:25:06
讀工程冇得輸,就算學店,只要HKIE accredited(Washington Accord)就世界認可
2021-02-01 03:21:24

當然呢個係我自己私心希望啦,雖然自己都係大學grad,但始終好多人未必有BNO+冇大學學位,有BNO又係U grad嘅又好多去做太空人
2021-02-01 03:33:37
2021-02-01 03:53:24
Youth scheme已經好鬆手
加拿大想收後生嘅精英 唔係英國咁收廢中廢老
2021-02-01 04:15:22
You become a spy now?

You don't have to call them. The wait is over 2 hours on the phone.
Why can't you create an account? You can use a sign in partner like your on line bank sign in


How do I register for a CRA user ID and password?
My Account for Individuals
You will have to complete two steps.

Step 1 – Provide personal information

Enter your social insurance number.
Enter your date of birth.
Enter your current postal code or ZIP code.
Enter an amount you entered on one of your income tax and benefit returns. Have a copy of your returns handy. (The line amount requested will vary. It could be from the current tax year or the previous one.) To register, a return for one of these two years must have been filed and assessed.
Create a CRA user ID and password.
Create your security questions and answers. You can also decide if you want a persistent cookie added to your computer, so you can access CRA Login Services using that same computer later without being asked for more identification.
After you complete step one of the registration process, you will have access to limited tax information on My Account. After you enter your CRA security code, you will have access to the full suite of services available in My Account, as well as the Auto-fill my return service.

Step 2 – Enter the CRA security code

To access your account, return to My Account for Individuals, select "CRA login," and enter your CRA user ID and password. When prompted, enter your CRA security code.

You can log into CRA Login Services with a Sign-in Partner. This option lets you log in with a user ID and password that you may already have, such as for online banking. For more information, see Sign-in Partners Help and FAQs.
2021-02-01 06:07:02
Get your tax refund yet?
You become a spy now?

You don't have to call them. The wait is over 2 hours on the phone.
Why can't you create an account? You can use a sign in partner like your on line bank sign in


How do I register for a CRA user ID and password?
My Account for Individuals
You will have to complete two steps.

Step 1 – Provide personal information

Enter your social insurance number.
Enter your date of birth.
Enter your current postal code or ZIP code.
Enter an amount you entered on one of your income tax and benefit returns. Have a copy of your returns handy. (The line amount requested will vary. It could be from the current tax year or the previous one.) To register, a return for one of these two years must have been filed and assessed.
Create a CRA user ID and password.
Create your security questions and answers. You can also decide if you want a persistent cookie added to your computer, so you can access CRA Login Services using that same computer later without being asked for more identification.
After you complete step one of the registration process, you will have access to limited tax information on My Account. After you enter your CRA security code, you will have access to the full suite of services available in My Account, as well as the Auto-fill my return service.

Step 2 – Enter the CRA security code

To access your account, return to My Account for Individuals, select "CRA login," and enter your CRA user ID and password. When prompted, enter your CRA security code.

You can log into CRA Login Services with a Sign-in Partner. This option lets you log in with a user ID and password that you may already have, such as for online banking. For more information, see Sign-in Partners Help and FAQs.

You should get your tax refund for 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 soon.
After you get those assessments notice, you can register then.

Enter an amount you entered on one of your income tax and benefit returns. Have a copy of your returns handy. (The line amount requested will vary. It could be from the current tax year or the previous one.) To register, a return for one of these two years must have been filed and assessed.
2021-02-01 10:24:08
You are welcome
2021-02-01 12:22:21
Civil HD畢業33歲,做左construction supervisor 6年,有老婆,資產得120萬,ielts 6-6.5。計分得3百幾,係迷無幾會?(想去Calgary多)
2021-02-01 13:46:46

2021-02-01 16:56:54
2021-02-01 19:05:22
有冇人知加拿大building services 行情係點呀?就業情況?行業需求?前景如何?

2021-02-01 22:55:18
加拿大係咪shut down左border? 即係就算你拎到pr都入唔到境?
2021-02-02 00:13:29
building maintenance?
2021-02-02 03:10:19

never say never
2021-02-02 03:36:02
應該可以。 https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/wizard-start

“An approved PR not yet in Canada”

You indicated that you are:

a foreign national
not showing signs and symptoms consistent with COVID-19
not coming from the United States
an approved permanent resident not yet in Canada

Based on your answers, you may be allowed; however, the final determination will be made by a government official at the port of entry.
2021-02-02 03:59:29
想請教下大家,加拿大係咪唔鍾意人可能有會計嘅degree,之後過去讀就揀會計嘅diploma咁. 俾人有讀返轉頭嘅感覺?
2021-02-02 05:06:52
2021-02-02 06:45:50
Are you a CPA ?
2021-02-02 13:00:18
Hi i am a member of Cpa Australia
i know it can convert to be CPA canada member
But is it possible i can find a accounting/audit job in Vancouver or Toronto with CPA Australia qualification only ?
2021-02-02 13:32:39
Possible but not easy.
2021-02-02 13:48:57
讀完diploma 或者master 再轉PR 已經係好容易
佢有policy 都唔會鬆太多
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞