[YELLOWKIES] SECHSKIES水晶男孩討論區 (38) 殷燕子與三崽子

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2020-11-17 12:53:00
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2020-11-17 21:41:49
11/22 Hoony's YouTube LIVE Stream!


Hello Hoony's Fans

Hoony will be streaming live on his official YouTube channel on Sunday, November 22nd @ 10PM (KST).

Hoony will be singing for all of you fans, and will also be creating a name for his YouTube Subscribers!

Please submit by Friday, November 20th @ 10PM (KST).

Click on "Name Contest" on the top of the official menu.

Please submit the names and the reason behind it. Hoony will choose the ones he likes, and will ultimately be voted by the fans

Please please please submit your creative ideas with Hoony~

Thank you so so much!

* Language doesn't matter, but please spell it out in English (or Korean), so that we can pronounce them

*This name contest is for Hoony's YouTube Subscribers and not for the name of his fan club.

2020-11-17 21:44:19
Copy cat
2020-11-17 22:17:59
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