記得有首歌一段係講完一堆名之後講pick a name
講班mumble rapper 個個餅印咁冇啲新意
大鎚升上天2020-09-17 10:29:38
同埋I need a doctor講緊Dre既低潮
But it just dawned on me you lost a son, demons fightin' you
It’s dark, let me turn on the lights and brighten me and enlighten you
It was you who believed in me when everyone was tellin' you
Don't sign me, everyone at the fuckin' label, let's tell the truth!
You risked your career for me, I know it as well as you
Nobody wanted to fuck with the white boy
Dre, I’m cryin' in this booth
You saved my life, now maybe it's my turn to save yours
But I can never repay you, what you did for me is way more
But I ain't givin' up faith
And you ain't givin' up on me — get up, Dre!
I'm dyin', I need you, come back for fuck’s sake!
呢段Verse Go Crazy
品煙師2020-09-17 10:30:33
一國一制好2020-09-17 10:30:44
佢又係一個不老既 legend
品煙師2020-09-17 10:30:49
呢個post 好多stan
品煙師2020-09-17 10:38:37
首歌講Nobody wanted to fuck with the white boy
eminem 作為第一個出名嘅白人rapper
由其是嗰陣仲要紅snoop dogg jayz
仲要俾班黑人話rap 咩呀死返去夾band 啦
今時今日有rap god 呢個朵真係好叻