Last year I was nobody, this year I'm selling records
Now everybody wants to come around
Like I owe 'em somethin'
The fuck you want from me, 10 million dollars?
Get the fuck outta here
首歌個tone 係頹但係就好似見證住Eminem 出名嘅過程
B-rabbit2020-09-23 18:09:00
品煙師2020-09-23 18:15:53
hey rabbit
挪威的森林貓2020-09-23 20:13:24
I put that on everything like ranch I’ll never land🔥
品煙師2020-09-23 21:14:02
第一句yeah 嗰下已經覺得lit 🔥🔥
Say, bro, where you get them from?
Detroit? That machine gun
夜晚聽到好hyper 呀屌