Do you have any passports from other countries?
JohnSmith2020-08-22 16:21:36
所記2020-08-22 16:23:39
酸民治日鮮2020-08-22 16:26:39
睇你咁問就知你又係無睇過Home office 份嘢啦
份嘢話個system 係base on EU settlement scheme 黎改嘛,咁咪去參考下EU settlement scheme 要幾耐時間囉
//Applications to the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa will be via a digital online application. This will be based on similar technology to the EU Settlement Scheme and will in practice mean that the majority of applications can be completed online without the need to send in physical documents by post or be interviewed.//
//It usually takes around 5 working days for complete applications to be processed if no further information is required, but it can take up to a month.//