we are sorry to inform you that we are not an expert on the Starbucks products. What we can share with you is that the Starbucks capsules are manufactured in Nespresso’s factories – but it is a different brand and product. The coffee sourcing, roasting and profile development are Starbucks’ specifications. Should you want more information about the Starbucks by Nespresso compatible capsules, we invite you to contact the dedicated Customer Service Center, which is fully knowledgeable about this partnership. Furthermore, you may visit the HKTV Mall platform if you are interested to purchase the capsules. Thank you for your understanding. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 8101 1007 should you have further inquiries.
阿笨與阿占2019-09-29 19:04:10
雖然近我 但唔係幾想去元朗
龍溟2019-09-29 19:11:58
我點知 你同佢講想試佢就沖俾你架啦
遊生玩水2019-09-29 20:41:48
你主動同佢講想試佢 佢就會沖架喇
阿笨與阿占2019-09-29 22:44:58
Lattissima one 同 touch 有冇人用緊
mini 係咪淨係岩沖齋啡