黃字新加會唔會話 examine and expand the right of BNO 會好啲
We ask, if this bill was passed by the Legislative Council, the UK government consider:
• to take further actions to oppose the introduction of this extradition law for Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and freedoms enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration;
• to officially declare a breach by China on the Sino-British Joint Declaration should the government of Hong Kong and Beijing continue to neglect the further actions taken by the UK and the international communities; also
• to consider, in the United Nations, the possibility of voiding the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2908 that deprived Hong Kong people of the right to self-determination;
• to examine to expand the right of BN(O) passport holders to reside in the UK and/or some member states of the Commonwealth. Some British overseas territories such as Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands might also be considered.
可以提下居英權2.0 or other possible suggestions
Commonwealth 好似唔係好關事