[突發] 率先出手!大英國會 Urgent Question on Hong Kong


737 回覆
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冇緣人 2019-06-11 00:52:14
我記得當年移交嘅時候講到明英國會持續關注 香港 但係佢而家就手旁觀嘅話 就這是違反咗協議

閪米露 2019-06-11 00:52:16
どりゃ猫 2019-06-11 00:53:16
O_Giroud 2019-06-11 00:53:48
佢咪解釋佢地有關注同express concerns比chinese government囉~
失業仔 2019-06-11 00:53:56
We ask, if this bill passed the Legislative Council

用passive voice會好啲?
if this bill was passed by the...
if the Legislative Council passed this bill
厲害了! 2019-06-11 00:54:16

但屋企人收埋左 唔知去邊
失業仔 2019-06-11 00:55:09
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-06-11 00:55:35
聯署信draft - 求討論/指教
June 12, 2019

Andrew Heyn OBE
Consul General to Hong Kong & Macao,
British Consulate-General Hong Kong

Petition Letter
by a Group of British Citizens and British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong

Your Excellency,

We are writing urgently to express our deepest concern for a currently proposed change to the Fugitives Offenders Ordinance (often referred to as Extradition Law) put forward by the government of Hong Kong.

On 9th Jun 2019, a million of Hong Kong people has marched a day and night onto the streets to protest against the introduction of this proposed extradition law. Hong Kong currently has extradition agreements with 18 countries, including the UK and four other EU member states. The proposed amendment will extend extradition coverage to laws of communist mainland China. This bill, if passed, will pose an imminent threat to civil rights of and the very safety to British nationals with connections to or living in Hong Kong.

Although the Chief Executive Carrie Lam has given assurances that there will be room for further discussions and there will be safeguards in place, we do not trust the legal system in China nor do we trust that the government of Hong Kong will stand up against Chinese authorities.

We ask, if this bill was passed the Legislative Council, the UK government consider:
• to take further action to oppose the introduction of this extradition law for Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and freedoms enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration;
• to examine the possibility for BN(O) passport holders to reside in the UK and/or the Commonwealth member states.

Yours Sincerely,
A Group of British Citizens and British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong

We ask, if this bill passed the Legislative Council

用passive voice會好啲?
if this bill was passed by the...
if the Legislative Council passed this bill

已改 可以睇返引用 我唔再PASTE 新VERSION 太長了
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-06-11 00:56:37
聯署信draft - 求討論/指教
June 12, 2019

Andrew Heyn OBE
Consul General to Hong Kong & Macao,
British Consulate-General Hong Kong

Petition Letter
by a Group of British Citizens and British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong

Your Excellency,

We are writing urgently to express our deepest concern for a currently proposed change to the Fugitives Offenders Ordinance (often referred to as Extradition Law) put forward by the government of Hong Kong.

On 9th Jun 2019, a million of Hong Kong people has marched a day and night onto the streets to protest against the introduction of this proposed extradition law. Hong Kong currently has extradition agreements with 18 countries, including the UK and four other EU member states. The proposed amendment will extend extradition coverage to laws of communist mainland China. This bill, if passed, will pose an imminent threat to civil rights of and the very safety to British nationals with connections to or living in Hong Kong.

Although the Chief Executive Carrie Lam has given assurances that there will be room for further discussions and there will be safeguards in place, we do not trust the legal system in China nor do we trust that the government of Hong Kong will stand up against Chinese authorities.

We ask, if this bill was passed by the Legislative Council, the UK government consider:
• to take further action to oppose the introduction of this extradition law for Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and freedoms enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration;
• to examine the possibility for BN(O) passport holders to reside in the UK and/or the Commonwealth member states.

Yours Sincerely,
A Group of British Citizens and British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong

We ask, if this bill passed the Legislative Council

用passive voice會好啲?
if this bill was passed by the...
if the Legislative Council passed this bill

已改 可以睇返引用 我唔再PASTE 新VERSION 太長了
冇緣人 2019-06-11 00:57:09
其實有陣時 係要砌佢生豬肉㗎啦
* 最緊要係新聞講講到明英國政府 幫助嚴重不足夠 接近袖手旁觀
支那快撚啲滅亡 2019-06-11 00:58:27
37 分鐘 ·
英國下議院就香港星期日的大示威進行了緊急質詢,由外交部國務大臣(副部長)田銘祺(Mark Field)回答。縱觀整個答問,田銘祺只能重覆英國政府原有立場及至今行動,較新的資訊是他透露,他5月下旬會見到訪英國的香港商務及經濟發展局局長邱騰華時曾當面向對方提及逃犯條例修訂的關注。除此之外,他未就示威發表新的立場。
提出這次質詢的Catherine West(工黨)說,英國必須信守承諾,「香港永遠不會孤單前行」;Helen Goodman(工黨)和Alistair Carmichael(自民黨)都有提及香港立法會將在星期三就修例進行二讀表決,詢問英國會採取什麼行動;Desmond Swayne(保守黨)問英國有什麼方法可游說香港和中國政府;Steve Double(保守黨)提及當天剛與一些來自香港的BN(O)持有者會面,查詢英國政府如何確保BN(O)持有人的權利和自由不受修例影響。另外,曾出任威爾斯事務大臣的Stephen Crabb(保守黨)也有提問。
大波波打波波 2019-06-11 00:59:37
之前睇過一篇野講 果陣英國佬無諗過支那會咁樣
失業仔 2019-06-11 01:02:22
小小蟲少少 2019-06-11 01:04:14

同埋照計Home Office 有record?正如我renewal 佢唔會比返本BNO 我
或者用你爸爸媽媽嗰本幫你申請British Citizenship by descent ?
冇緣人 2019-06-11 01:04:41
都係嘅 過咗12號之後 可以 即刻開始 呢件事 爭取13號 就已經做到

因為過咗條條例我哋仲有少少時間 佢唔會第一時間拉人, 咁樣對個社會製造嘅白色恐怖太過大 希望呢個時間夠我哋組織呢件事出嚟 可以做到同send到資料畀唔同嘅記者
失業仔 2019-06-11 01:05:30
冇緣人 2019-06-11 01:08:23
我覺得一陣間如果大家再討論多少少呢樣嘢嘅資料 就已經可以出 多個post
同大家討論下 過咗末日點樣勾結唔同嘅外國勢力

我哋【唔係求人幫手】, 而係大家係呢件事都可以得到利益 對方得到啲【咩利益】 或者【點樣迫佢】
膠山有福 2019-06-11 01:09:09
厲害了! 2019-06-11 01:12:02
冇apply到 仲有我年紀咁大
By decent 都仲ok ma?
小小蟲少少 2019-06-11 01:15:29
不過如果係British Citizenship by descent ,你嘅仔女如果唔係英國出世就無得申請英國籍
失業仔 2019-06-11 01:17:34
厲害了! 2019-06-11 01:18:05
數據撚 2019-06-11 01:22:10
唔太明點解FCO is clear (如果has clearly stated 就話,一個org 點樣clear 我真係唔識)
想搵人再次proof read 但唔想洗版,又唔想開po但個個focus 係譯錯的地方
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞