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2018-05-17 13:36:44
Vidulgi ooyoo都冇左影兩年喇
2018-05-17 19:15:35
2018-05-17 19:17:12
我有ADD過Vidulgi ooyoo條友個Facebook
2018-05-17 19:18:07
我都聽緊Ghost bath

2018-05-17 20:34:55

X JAPAN 呢隻yoshiki系招牌pop ballad歌集, 老早就應該係炒價吧....
X JAPAN去到後期forever love, the last song, 呢種一撚定係yoshiki寫既歌早就例牌到唔例牌
string + 琴 + 結他 solo

ballad collection入面除左endless rain外最中意say anything既結他solo
tears呢首single版段string outro又長又chum氣但我好中意

2018-05-17 20:36:27

2018-05-17 20:53:11

nirvana bleach

paper cuts好恐怖
2018-05-17 21:22:07
呢張Ophelia好前衛好破格。當年我professor 教畫風格畫就係用呢張黎做例子:如何令作品合乎情理但在意料之外。
2018-05-17 21:55:56
2018-05-17 22:04:23

依條the hipster collection好抵死

This lazy-ass slacker band couldn't even bother to get the cover art right: the title talks about fists, and yet we see semi-stretched-out hands instead. So shouldn't the actual title be "Lift Yr. Skinny Floppy Hands Like Antennas to Heaven!"?


Anyway, non-metal hipsters love the fact that Alcest said goodbye to all metal traditions. Hipsters see that as a "band reformed", as "a band that has seen the light", as a band that "has left Dark Vader and joined Obi-Wan Hipsteroby"


Did I say torture? Nah, I'd never say that about the Swannies. After all, they're not Neutral Milky Hotel.
So how awesome is it?


They're indie, they're lethargic, they have a dress code, and they're from New York. You get the picture.

2018-05-17 22:35:25
上面GHOST BATH隻 Funeral我見到有個評諭都好好笑

Ghost Bath mixes the post-black metal style of Deafheaven with depressive black metal style focused on lengthy atmospherics and sad-sounding non-metal interludes. Tremolo-picking, blast beats, atmospheric synths, and lots of reverb - you get the idea. The band's style is characterized by moody interludes: clean guitar in "Silence," piano in "Sorrow," and organ in "March." I could tell you about that boring shit all day long, but I'm here to make a point more concisely than this 64-minute album.

This isn't a black metal band. They lean on eight-minute songs loaded with tremolo picking and blast beats like crutches, but all of the movement within the songs - hooks and the transitions - are phrased differently, as mood-reflecting hooks. Sad, mopey stuff, with varying instrumentation to achieve one texture. Aimless hooks repeated for two minutes and presented as interludes, or surrounding Orchid-esque screamo bursts bloated into eight-minute songs - either way the music is all about the moody licks. This is an indie-rocker Joy Division/The Smiths wannabe who can't write a chorus, can't sing, but can step on a distortion pedal. Just a melancholy frame without a picture in it.

This is an aesthetic with no purpose beyond that.
2018-05-17 22:39:06
10. If a band makes me seem more intelligent and world-wary than I am, they're in. The band's sole purpose is to make ME look good, to make ME appear special and unique. The bands I pretend to worship are like a hot girlfriend that I can flash around like arm-candy and impress people with. I have such low self-esteem, it's ridiculous.
2018-05-17 22:55:19
睇緊monsterhead post果篇hipster文
too long未得閒仔細read
一係佢就係hater既極致, 一係佢自己本身就係hipster既極致
2018-05-17 22:58:47
屌長到仆街, 原來仲有排scroll
2018-05-17 23:05:48
The seeds ARE bad, but Nick is worse. Cave Seeds and the Bad Nick would make more sense.

2018-05-17 23:41:44
2018-05-18 01:34:13
Kim Min Ki
Kim Min Ki 1

#korea #folk

2018-05-18 02:21:03
2018-05-18 02:22:54
2018-05-18 02:23:26
2018-05-18 02:24:01
2018-05-18 02:25:25
2018-05-18 02:25:36
2018-05-18 03:05:23
不過我噚日喺merch table 立下好似唔見, 得tee膠同埋bradford d 畫賣
2018-05-18 03:13:58
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞