未來10年係BNO生死存亡既關鍵 ── 90後年青人對BNO既觀點與自述


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我唔賣比你 2018-02-17 12:14:14
中間嘅文化 upbringing 語言 甚至簡單如皮膚同眼睛嘅顏色都係無辦法融和嘅

所以有能力係咪一定走? 走左係咪一定更好?
就好似點解一 d 去左外國升學嘅年青人見到香港咁嘅撚樣都係要返嚟

所以 幾時都係靠自己爭取你想要嘅生活實際
光影不再 2018-02-17 14:36:27
Thanks for working on this!
I am a 90s and also not a professional...
Even worse than you, I am not among the top 3 uni.
The process would not be smooth since most of the locals would consider their interest too. But, we need to fight for our right at least.
This is the only way to show our intention, concerns and thoughts.

Thanks bro to work on this.

A fucking BNO holder
we need to fight for our right - I am sorry to say, you can fight all you like, but it is very unlikely for the UK government, under current circumstances, to allow BN(O) passport holders the right of abode in the UK.

If life is that hard in Hong Kong, the only suggestion I have is for you to come over to the UK and joined the British Armed Forces. You can get British Citizenship after 5 years' of service.

東網透視:憑一支單簧管 香港仔入選御林軍



It’s true but it’s related to career too...
I am not sure about it.
The thing matter is we all are now reaching to the early stage of the career.
We all have something we want to achieve.
Joining UK army, you get a passport, and nothing.
For me, taking the risk to try climbing up the ladder before moving out from HK, and to keep an eyes on how UK decide, would be the best move I guess...

Even though there is an army way, without the career you built beforehand, it is just the beginning of an unproductive immigrant...
Yup, most people seems to believe gaining BC will automatically grant them a spectacular future, as if the British land itself has some magical power.

Most ppl forget the fact that it is always harder to thrive when they are immigrant.
中間嘅文化 upbringing 語言 甚至簡單如皮膚同眼睛嘅顏色都係無辦法融和嘅

所以有能力係咪一定走? 走左係咪一定更好?
就好似點解一 d 去左外國升學嘅年青人見到香港咁嘅撚樣都係要返嚟

所以 幾時都係靠自己爭取你想要嘅生活實際

There are too many to be considered... friends, your spouse, your parents, your kids, your career. So it really depends on what job you have and where you are immigrating. It is definitely bullshitting saying moving out of Hong Kong equals Life Winning
村民 2018-02-17 15:58:28
True. That’s what I meant.

We have nothing in England. No resources, no connections and no job.
The early years moving to a new place is always tough, especially when you cannot feel secured on your living and earnings while you don’t have many friends to talk to.

The only way is really to try drawing attention and getting considered by the British government to give the BNO citizenship. Therefore, it can be an escape exit when Hong Kong is no longer belonging to and not caring about the interest Hongkongese.

And I think it is a fair point to state that the Hongkongese are not aiming on the welfare, and we all understood how tough the life it could be once we leave Hong Kong. However, this is the only way we can do for having a promising human right and freedom.
HKG3 2018-02-17 16:40:30
For me, taking the risk to try climbing up the ladder before moving out from HK, and to keep an eyes on how UK decide, would be the best move I guess - you can wait, but the Armed Forces would not accept anyone over the age of 33. I lived in the UK and knowing that immigration to the UK is now a hot political topic. Therefore, under the current circumstances, it is very unlikely that the UK will grant BN(O) passport the right of abode in the UK.

HKG3 2018-02-17 16:44:32
I never said the UK is a land of milk and honey. Fare from it! However, people like you are keep saying how bad Hong Kong is just now - 生活係香港,面對今時今日既政治經濟環境,我恐怕自己只能掙扎求存,係庸碌之中死去。I am only suggesting an honourable way out.

針無兩頭利 - you can't say life in Hong Kong is so bad and give us British Citizenship and then all stay in Hong Kong!
HKG3 2018-02-17 16:46:01
幾時都係靠自己爭取你想要嘅生活實際 - tell me when you can buy a reasonable size flat with a HK$20k a month salary!
HKG3 2018-02-17 16:53:56
The only way is really to try drawing attention and getting considered by the British government to give the BNO citizenship. Therefore, it can be an escape exit when Hong Kong is no longer belonging to and not caring about the interest Hongkongese. - If I may say, you are a bit naive. You need to understand that the UK government will never willingly grant people British Citizenship if it can help it. When British colonies became independent, special Acts of Parliaments were passed in London to remove British nationality from the people in these newly independent nations.

And I think it is a fair point to state that the Hongkongese are not aiming on the welfare, and we all understood how tough the life it could be once we leave Hong Kong. However, this is the only way we can do for having a promising human right and freedom. - If human rights and freedom are so important to you, moving to the UK with no connections and friends appears to be a price worth paying for!
HKG3 2018-02-17 17:00:07
It is definitely bullshitting saying moving out of Hong Kong equals Life Winning - yes it is true that life outside Hong Kong may not suit everyone.

Is this bullsh*ting? - 生活係香港,面對今時今日既政治經濟環境,我恐怕自己只能掙扎求存,係庸碌之中死去。我預見我既未來,但我唔甘心,我希望有人可以關心我地呢一班Minority,提供生存空間比我地。
我唔賣比你 2018-02-17 20:42:39
Not within 5 years
Because earning 20k / month means you are MEDIOCRE, and real estate was never a game for "mediocre" in Hong Kong

If you expect to own a flat after 5 years of graduation, i personally thinks you need at least 50k of family income
To achieve so, you will have to be either a single elite(1*50kup) , or a pair of above average couple(2*25kup) .

Do it's not about "buying" but "renting"
HK has too many people, too little public housing, both are the main problem.
矮毒柒 2018-02-25 16:03:14
懷念耶耶 2018-02-25 17:04:33
Smallpotato 2018-02-27 11:31:03
懷念耶耶 2018-02-27 12:18:52

習總 有排都未成功啦 唔洗咁早開心住

大家將目標放係2019 英國脫歐把啦
永恆星曲 2018-02-28 07:11:31
你唔應該post上呢度 你應該去同英國政府講 但遺憾你所講緊嘅嘢係冇可能傳到去英國政府耳中 因為佢地都有好多內憂外患 你都應該明 所以我都明你其實明英國唔會理 只係想打上嚟放下負
向好方面諗 HKU係香港大把機會 香港其實生活壓力大 但經濟市場好活躍 好多嘢係雙向嘅 諗嘢樂觀啲
懷念耶耶 2018-03-01 08:41:06
大家好 update 一下我既近況
話說最近諗住去歐洲留學 睇下有冇發展既出路
上網見到啲人話咩 BNO免學費

根據荷蘭既官方網頁 (link後補), BNO 並不屬於英國公民既一部分

而瑞典的話,雖然佢冇明確講明係點樣,但係如果你做蠢老鼠的話人地只會去gov.uk個網頁睇返British national overseas 既定義,然後quote 返 you aren’t considered a UK national by the European Union (EU).

所以基本上你地唔需要係email再問人地承唔承認 BNO 的地位。
1) 人地唔會知BNO係乜
2) 人地唔知係乜既時候只會上官網睇 或者 睇下英國政府對BNO既定義
3) 你其實係賭緊運,賭緊人地睇唔睇到護照上係寫British National (overseas) 而唔係 British National.

不過點都好 2019 年脫歐後情況一定有變,可能我地連賭運既機會都冇埋

英國唔要我地 又要同歐洲切割 再唔發聲 我地將會成為國際難民
風晴樣日 2018-03-01 09:15:26
風晴樣日 2018-03-01 09:29:20
三級懲教主任 2018-03-01 09:48:20
HKG3 2018-03-01 23:50:03
Have a look at the thread below for more information -

BNO與其去做慈母 不如加入英軍

乘腿而入 2018-03-02 02:31:21
十五步 2018-03-02 02:59:28
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞