Unless you were born or naturalised in the UK, you are likely a British Citizen by descent. A British Citizen by descent cannot automatically pass on his or her British Citizenship to his/her child born outside of the UK.
HKG32018-02-14 01:52:47
本身國籍係一樣ga - yes, but at the time, you did not have the right of abode in the UK. Having CUKC without the right of abode in the UK means that you cannot live in the UK legally based on the fact that you got CUKC.
HKG32018-02-14 01:56:46
得香港人無 - under section 4B of the British Nationality Act 1981, a BN(O) passport holder can register to become a British Citizen if he does not have other nationality or citizenship. As BN(O) passport holders who are ethnic Chinese, you have been given Chinese nationality in 1997, so you cannot apply for British Citizenship via section 4B.
HKG32018-02-14 01:59:03
You can say what you want to the UK government, but whether anyone in the UK government is going to listen is another matter.
HKG32018-02-14 02:05:10
你去英國咪一樣冇福利 - returning British Citizens can get National Health Service (NHS) care as soon as he arrives in the UK to settle.
A returning British Citizen will not have access to UK welfare benefits until he established habitual residence. This usually takes at lease three months.
For university tuition fee - a British Citizen will only qualify for 'home' student fees if he lived in the UK for at lease three years before the start of his university course.
HKG32018-02-14 02:06:55
一直諗緊續唔續本BNO - UK passport fees are going up in March. If you want to renew your BN(O) passport, you should think of getting it done as soon as possible.
HKG32018-02-14 02:09:52
開放俾專業人士申請bc咪得 - professionals like doctors and nurses can get British Citizenship via the work permit system in the UK. If they are willing to come over to the UK to work and managed to get an UK work permit (Tier 2 General), they can get Indefinite Leave to Remain (永久居留) after 5 years and British Citizenship a year after getting Indefinite Leave to Remain.