ByulDaBang is going to start soon👍
Please paint it beautifully^^
迷彩企鵝大將軍2018-01-05 21:09:34
我與定仔(木木)2018-01-05 21:26:08
During the taking fan's request corner a moo literally asked byul to dress less conservatively at least once or have hyejin as her cordi and hyejin approved.
我與定仔(木木)2018-01-05 21:26:38
hyejin shared that time wheein and her went out on a drink together, she draw her a picture, but was embarrassed to show it to hwasa. hwasa also said that she was so impressed when she saw wheein's drawings and that wheein is very talented even tho she didnt learn art formally
我與定仔(木木)2018-01-05 22:28:05
我與定仔(木木)2018-01-05 22:28:43
日月大法好2018-01-05 23:36:02
During the taking fan's request corner a moo literally asked byul to dress less conservatively at least once or have hyejin as her cordi and hyejin approved.
洪真英2018-01-06 00:01:26
同一件事 點解容仙做得傻咁多
迷彩企鵝大將軍2018-01-06 01:05:13
我與定仔(木木)2018-01-06 02:22:42
The girls talked about how the key for Paint Me was supposed to be higher and showed how they did it during the recording.
Hyejin was like, “I did it like this and our ceo said that I improved a lot, so exactly how bad was I before” in her hyegi voice