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横野すみれ 2024-10-05 13:39:41
用P(n)表示第1個人無隨機坐, 之後第2~n-1個人跟題目規則, 最後第n個坐到自己座位嘅機率

n=2時第1個人有1/2坐啱自己位, 1/2坐第2個人個位, P(2) = 1/2

n=3時第1個人有1/3坐啱自己位, 之後其他全部人坐啱
有1/3坐第2個人個位, 之後第2個人個情況同n=2時差唔多, 只係自己個位同第1個人個位調轉, 對第n個人無分別
P(3) = 1/3 + 1/3*P(2) + 0 = 1/3 + 1/3*P(2) = 0.5

n=4時第1個人有1/4坐啱自己位, 之後其他全部人坐啱
有1/4坐第2個人個位, 之後第2個人個情況同n=3時差唔多, 只係自己個位同第1個人個位調轉, 對第n個人無分別
有1/4坐第3個人個位, 之後第3個人個情況同n=2時差唔多, 只係自己個位同第1個人個位調轉, 對第n個人無分別
P(4) = 1/4 + 1/4*P(3) + 1/4*P(2) + 0 = 1/4 + 1/4*P(3) + 1/4*P(2) = 0.5

P(1000) = 1/1000 + 1/1000*P(999) + 1/1000*P(998) + ... + 1/1000*P(2)

用MI設 P(2)=P(3)=...=P(n)=0.5
= 1/(n+1) + 1/(n+1)*P(n) + 1/(n+1)*P(n-1) + ... + 1/(n+1)*P(2)
= 1/(n+1) + (n-1)/(n+1) * 0.5
= 1/(n+1) * (1 + (n-1)*0.5)
= 1/(n+1) * (0.5n + 0.5)
= 0.5
飄移巴士 2024-10-05 13:40:14
泰國西炒飯 2024-10-05 13:40:19
成班copy and paste 自己都無理解過

炸醬清湯加雲耳 2024-10-05 13:40:30
第一題 998個人坐岩
旋風管家一拳超人 2024-10-05 13:42:35
題目睇唔明好小事 但你仲以為自己好醒 有啲可憐 你邊一日睇得明呢條題目再去諗下點樣解答
黑白不分 2024-10-05 13:43:48
小貓咪 2024-10-05 13:43:59
🔞🆗❓ 2024-10-05 13:44:01
花之戀壽司十萬件 2024-10-05 13:44:03
登入時才會顯示 2024-10-05 13:44:21
旋風管家一拳超人 2024-10-05 13:45:19
飄移巴士 2024-10-05 13:45:46
豬朋好友 2024-10-05 13:45:54
乘客遺失機票應該上唔到機, 完
花之戀壽司十萬件 2024-10-05 13:45:55
第一題1/1000 不解釋
飄移巴士 2024-10-05 13:47:14
標準咸迷 2024-10-05 13:47:24
This is an interesting probability problem! Let's think through it step by step:

First, let's consider what happens to the 10th person's seat:
If the first person doesn't take seat 10, it will be available for the 10th person.
If the first person takes seat 10, it won't be available.
The probability of the first person taking seat 10 is 1/10, as they choose randomly from all seats.
If the first person doesn't take seat 10 (which happens with probability 9/10), the 10th person will get their correct seat, regardless of what everyone else does.
If the first person does take seat 10 (probability 1/10), then the 10th person will only get their correct seat if they end up in the seat of the person who took their seat. This is essentially the same as if they were choosing randomly among the remaining seats.
In this case (first person took seat 10), the probability of the 10th person getting their correct seat is 1/9, as they're effectively choosing randomly from the 9 remaining seats.
We can now calculate the total probability: P(10th person gets correct seat) = P(first person doesn't take seat 10) + P(first person takes seat 10) * P(10th person gets correct seat in this case)
= 9/10 + 1/10 * 1/9
= 9/10 + 1/90
= 81/90 + 1/90
= 82/90
= 41/45
≈ 0.9111 or about 91.11%
Therefore, the probability of the 10th person having their own seat is 41/45 or approximately 91.11%.

This result is quite interesting and perhaps counterintuitive. Despite the potential chaos introduced by the first person's random choice, the last person still has a very high chance of ending up in their assigned seat.

Would you like me to elaborate on any part of this explanation?
標準咸迷 2024-10-05 13:48:17
This is an interesting variation of the problem. Let's think through it step by step:

First, we need to consider what can happen to the 9th person's seat:
It could be taken by the 1st person (who chooses randomly)
It could be taken by someone else who was displaced
It could remain empty for the 9th person
The probability of the 1st person taking the 9th person's seat is 1/10.
If the 1st person doesn't take the 9th person's seat (probability 9/10), we need to consider two scenarios:
a) The 1st person took their own seat (probability 1/10)
b) The 1st person took someone else's seat (probability 8/10)
If scenario (a) occurs, everyone including the 9th person will get their correct seat.
If scenario (b) occurs, it creates a chain of displacements. The 9th person will get their seat unless this chain of displacements reaches their seat before they do.
The key insight is that in scenario (b), the 9th person has an equal chance of being in any position in this chain of displacements, including the last position (which would mean they get their own seat).
Given that there are 9 people involved in this chain (everyone except the 1st person), the probability of the 9th person being last in the chain (and thus getting their seat) is 1/9.
Now, let's calculate the total probability:

P(9th person gets correct seat) = P(1st person takes 9th seat) * 0 +
P(1st person doesn't take 9th seat) * [P(1st person takes own seat) * 1 +
P(1st person takes another seat) * P(9th person last in chain)]

= 1/10 * 0 + 9/10 * [1/10 * 1 + 8/10 * 1/9]
= 0 + 9/10 * [1/10 + 8/90]
= 9/10 * [9/90 + 8/90]
= 9/10 * 17/90
= 17/100
= 0.17 or 17%

Therefore, the probability of the 9th person having their own seat is 17%.

This result is quite different from the probability for the 10th person (which would be 90%), showing how the position in the seating order can significantly affect the chances of getting the correct seat.
all-in-TSLA2022 2024-10-05 13:53:43
4o mini 出既答案唔同
自私一生 2024-10-05 13:54:50
f(x): 有x個人,第一個人沒有對的位置,只能亂坐,剩下的人有對位則坐對位,無則亂坐,最終導致最後一個人坐對位的概率

f(2) = (1/2)x[1 + 0] = 1/2
f(3) = (1/3)x[1 + f(2) + 0] = (1/3)x(3/2) = 1/2
f(4) = (1/4)x[1 + f(3) + f(2) + 0] = (1/4)x(4/2) = 1/2
f(5) = (1/5)x[1 + f(4) + f(3) + f(2) + 0] = (1/5)x(5/2) = 1/2

f(1000) = (1/1000)x[1 + f(999) + f(998) + … + f(2) + 0]
= (1/1000)x(1000/2) = 1/2

g(1000): 有1000個人,第一個人亂坐,剩下的人有對位則坐對位,無則亂坐,最終導致最後一個人坐對位的概率

g(1000) = f(1000) = 1/2

對於 f(3) = (1/3)x[1 + f(2) + 0] 的解釋:

h(3) = (1/3)x[1 + 0 + 1] = 2/3
h(4) = (1/4)x[1 + h(3) + 0 + 1] = (1/4)x(4x2/3) = 2/3
h(1000) = h(999) = h(998) = … = h(4) = h(3) = 2/3
かとうメグミ 2024-10-05 13:57:14
横野すみれ 2024-10-05 13:59:13
prob/combin用conditional probability+recursion簡化問題係頭一兩個prob course常用技巧嚟啦
誠哥走得快 2024-10-05 13:59:18
秀茂坪叔本華 2024-10-05 14:05:12
1. 1/2
2. 2/3
維尼熊仔糖 2024-10-05 14:06:17
因為只要其中一個人坐左 1 or 1000,其他既人都會跟位坐,唔會隨機架啦,所以1000上機個陣 1 or 1000一定會有其中一個位空左
財經台韭菜 2024-10-05 14:10:21

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