[intel已死] intel被AMD,NVIDIA,APPLE,Qualcomm多路夾擊,象徵intel統治時代結束

233 回覆
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2024-06-15 16:45:26
2024-06-15 16:49:45
唯一出路痴埋中國度 不過比人斷埋條路
2024-06-15 18:07:19
2024-06-15 18:24:33
Tom's Hardware 引述 Intel 傳訊經理 Thomas Hannaford 的回應︰
「Contrary to recent media reports, Intel has not confirmed root cause and is continuing, with its partners, to investigate user reports regarding instability issues on unlocked Intel Core 13th and 14th generation (K/KF/KS) desktop processors," Intel said in a statement sent to Tom's Hardware. "The microcode patch referenced in press reports fixes an eTVB bug discovered by Intel while investigating the instability reports. While this issue is potentially contributing to instability, it is not the root cause.

近日的報導並不正確, Intel 尚未確認根本原因,並將繼續與合作夥伴一起調查有關未鎖頻 Intel 第13 代和第14 代 Core(K/KF/KS)桌面處理器不穩定問題的用戶報告。“新聞報導中引用的微碼補丁修復了英特爾在調查不穩定報告時發現的 eTVB 錯誤。雖然這個問題可能會導致不穩定,但它並不是根本原因。」

直接翻譯成大家聽得懂的是,eTVB 算法錯誤導致 13 / 14 代處理器在高溫狀態下仍然能夠進入更高的性能狀態,導致降低處理器的可靠性是事實,所以Intel 已經開發了微碼版本 0x125 來修復 eTVB 錯誤,但早前的問題仍然沒有解決,大家別高興得太早。

2024-06-15 18:27:23
快啲出core ultra 啦 等住換呀
2024-06-15 18:52:34
2024-06-16 10:33:51
有排 年尾

然後panther lake仲要2026先出
2024-09-21 20:10:38
apple 用家咁少邊會有廠做
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