“Thank you” for
having granting me
the opportunity to work in TAS TS! I never thought about leaving EY, since I had a great four and half years
of experiences
working in
the EY assurance team.
I never
expecting expected EY has such kind
of team culture like your TAS TS. However, I do need to “thank you”
the two to make me leave, especially Cathy!
And on behalf of other recent leaving staff (4 ppl in two months in a 17 ppl team including partners, and more people resigning after me), all
are credited to “thank you” Cathy! Without you there would
not be
no such
a high turnover rate! Without you, here would be a happy land, and not that many people
would need to leave.
As you refer your co-workers nick name as “error” and your co-worker as “呢隻野”, have you ever thought about
the EY slogan “people first”?
I never thought
about that I would leave EY in
this such circumstances. However, I learned a lot from you two. Within my 30 years
of life, 15 years
multinational life style overseas exposure, and nearly 5 years professional
life career, you two are the “greatest”
experience people which I
had ever
had encountered.
By the way, recently we received rumors that Cathy would be
on the fast track
to be promoted to senior manager. I am wondering if the following facts are true, how come she can be fast tracked?? Is this fair to other hard working and nice executive employees?
