跟本除咗contract 同report 錯咩都唔會有人理
睇得明就算啦 邊撚個會咁得閒Q你封email
Thank you and never see again
"Please kindly"
Ho ball ching
例如Dear Judy, and Cathy,
I am very grateful to have Cathy as my teammate, she has encouraged most (if not all) of our team members to review our time here. Without her, I believe most of us will still be working day and night in EY instead of seeking other opportunities to pursue our career.
呢段就差唔多 兩三句就表達到意思 又睇落得體
原本個段真係睇到打哂冷震 表達都有問題完全搶哂fo
不過如果佢係大陸高官個仔 打中文都無人笑啦![]()
利申:公司email 90%美國/英國人
Secret #718
#EDPK0718 #E記