彭博社:迄今為止最大的新冠病毒疫苗研究 發現疫苗與患上血液、神經和心臟相關疾病有關!

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2024-02-23 04:03:54
睇下份research, 入面講
ChAdOx1 was linked to a threefold increase in cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a type of blood clot in the brain, identified in 69 events, compared with an expected 21.

Possible safety signals for transverse myelitis – spinal cord inflammation – after viral-vector vaccines was identified in the study.

So was acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – inflammation and swelling in the brain and spinal cord – after both viral-vector and mRNA vaccines.
市民: 除左多3倍,仲有咁多問題既
苗撚: 靜啦,各國衛生單位無隱瞞

The study didn’t monitor for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, or POTS, that some research has linked with Covid vaccines.
市民: 咁其他linked with covid既呢?
苗撚: 唔會影響13種 medical conditions 結果
市民: cls咁樣搬籠門,問其他就就返果13種

Exercise intolerance, excessive fatigue, numbness and “brain fog” were among common symptoms identified in more than 240 adults experiencing chronic post-vaccination syndrome in a separate study conducted by the Yale School of Medicine. The cause of the syndrome isn’t yet known, and it has no diagnostic tests or proven remedies.

市民: 屌你,腦霧喎
苗撚: 病因不清楚,但疫苗救左無數既人

Hepatitis B vaccine is considered to be the vaccine with most autoimmune manifestations among current vaccines. In an analysis of 93 individuals with a mean age of 26.5 years, Zafrir et al. [44] reported symptoms at a mean of 43.2 days. Of the sample, 70% of the participants had neuropsychiatric symptoms, 60% showcased neurological manifestations including photosensitivity 30%, paresthesia 23%, short term memory loss 15%, dizziness 14%, gait disturbance 8.6%, burning sensation 7.5%, paralysis 7.5%, optic neuritis 7.5%, cognitive dysfunction 7.5%, neurogenic bladder and bowel 6.5%, ataxia 6.5%, seizure 5%, nystagmus 4%, vertigo 4%, hyporeflexia 4%, Lhermitte’s phenomenon 3%, hyperesthesia 3%, urinary retention 2%, dysarthria 2%, tinnitus 2%, nuchal rigidity 1%, myoclonic jerks 1%, and tics 1%. Moreover, 32% of the patients also displayed ophthalmological manifestations; among these were eye field visual changes 20.4%, diplopia 6.5%, visual loss 6.4%, uveitis 3%, conjunctivitis 2%, gaze disturbance 2%, and retinopathy 1%. Musculoskeletal signs were demonstrated by 59% of the patients, these symptoms involved arthralgia 36.5%, myalgia 25.8%, joint stiffness 19.3%, back pain 14%, arthritis 10.7%, muscle spasm 7.5%, muscle tone 3%, and muscle wasting 3%. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss, decreased appetite, diarrhea, and constipation were among the GI symptoms found in 50% of the patients. Skin-related side effects were registered in 30% of patients including rash, malar rash, photosensitivity, and Raynaud’s phenomenon. Finally, 60% of patients displayed general symptoms such fatigue 41.9%, weakness 20.4%, fever 18%, chills 7.5%, and lymph node enlargement 5%.

市民: 份野只係睇42日咋喎,你點演繹入面D數據都好,咁42日後呢?
苗撚: 42日去assess vaccine safety 係一個common practice,你要指控42日為covid 而設就提出証據
市民(心諗你翕乜鳩指控呀):評估疫苗安全由未面市前的phase 1到phase3 都有做,主要係藥廠做,GVDN做緊既係vaccine safety surveillance
苗撚: 反苗以為睇左D反苗資訊就識野,睇下我果三條link 既42日common pratice
市民: 條link有冇phase1-3 既42日common pratice 呀?
苗撚: 講咁耐都未分到post introduction 同phase123
市民:cls 又搬龍門
2024-02-23 04:04:11
市民: 其他research講接種完疫苗後,D問題分別升左2佰幾倍同2500%
苗撚:佢個limitation 鬼拍後尾枕
市民: 咁42日果份呢?not all populations studied喎
苗撚: 你唔識統計學,confidence interval addres 左sampling 不確定性
市民心諗 ,莫非升左2百幾倍、2500%果份冇運用統計學? Confidence level?苗撚咁尊崇GVDN,去睇下佢點做啦,見到
Overview of vaccine safety surveillance and the essential role of background rates呢個分區入面提到limitation如下,嘩!鬼拍後尾枕

limitations that may include:

They are based on national administrative data, which are not coded or collected for use in health research.
Codes are determined by presenting signs and symptoms, and/or diagnostic tests, and/or response to treatment, but the condition will rarely have been verified against a standardised case definition before being coded.
Codes and coding practices may change over time.
Usually, they are crude rates. Rates may be influenced by:
Age, gender, and distribution of the population, socioeconomic status, comorbidities, medication use, and study methodology to derive the data.
Time, such as seasons, and change over time.
Access to and use of healthcare services can affect where and when health outcomes are identified and coded.

再睇下苗撚講J Rose份野既limitation,There are also limitations when comparing myocarditis rates between two time periods, including less effective myocarditis detection tools in the previous period and extensive worldwide acknowledgment of myocarditis during the COVID-19 era that might skew reporting. We recognize that myocarditis has been keyed for reporting in VAERS since the 2021 U.S. FDA warnings80 were placed on the COVID-19 mRNA products.


日日親身經歷左幾年,進化史根本就己經係常識,苗撚仲要CLS到話比人知佢無common sense 要人比圖,Common sense is not a gift, it’s a punishment. Because you have to deal with everyone who doesn’t have it.特別係對住D 無common sense 既苗撚

現實就係疫苗副作用、後遺症比當初推出時所宣傳的多,除左果13種medical conditions,其他問題不停出現,不論苗撚如何鳩翕、老屈都改變唔到呢個事實
2024-02-23 07:53:17

2024-02-23 08:56:09
終於肯睇內文 但原來唔係research 篇原文,而剔除引文部份你俾既comment 又再一次反映反苗撚不求甚解,咁啱我頭先訓覺發夢有個叫B仔既反苗撚又引左呢幾段野,我就因利成便回憶番同呢個反苗B 既對話俾你參詳下
反苗B: ChAdOx1 呢隻苗有成3倍咁多呢隻好似叫 cerebral venous sinus thrombosis既病
普通巿民: ChAdOx1 咪即係Astrazenca 嗰隻viral vector vaccine,一早2021年既新聞講左la wor, 你真係Old news is so exciting! Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis 咪即係腦血栓
反苗B: 成3倍咁危險點解唔即刻停,政府谷針害死人
普通巿民: 其實你知唔知呢69單係come from 幾多劑疫苗? 係2300萬劑,所以即使多3倍,中招率都係非常罕有。而同時間中左Covid引致腦血栓既機會係差唔多因為打呢枝針而中既3倍,而一般blood clot 更加係差唔多二百倍(https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-magazine/news/coronavirus-and-your-health/astrazeneca-covid-vaccine), 所以喺未有足夠數量既其他疫苗供應前,逐步減少同停用係最好應對方法
反苗B: 唔同你講呢個住,咁仲有另外嗰兩種病呢?
普通巿民:呢兩個就冇咁明顯,數值上都係較marginal case,所以原文都係寫possible safety signal,反而因為中covid 而有呢兩種病就有好多paper mention 過;當然科學精神要繼續去study 佢既關聯性同因果關係,但Public Health 角度就唔會因為概率極低既併發症去停晒所有疫苗; 另外美國我唔知,但英國政府係有regular update 任何報告過既所有副作用,個list 仲好長。當然唔同人對副作用都有唔同觀感 ,政府係應該尊重唔想冒呢個風險既人,我就始終反對逼針
普通巿民:每個research 都有佢既scope,而呢個post 就係講呢篇文,你想討論其他condition 就自己揾有關research,大個la 唔好下下做伸手黨, 你去M記都冇得叫叉燒包,想食叉燒包就去番茶樓
Research in this area has the risk of being embroiled in debates about vaccinations. The net benefit of the covid-19 vaccination program is clear, and there are concerns about vaccine hesitancy. But fears of inciting vaccine hesitancy should not impede efforts to research this condition—and make progress for people who are suffering.
普通巿民:點樣玩弄呢?42 日好多疫苗既post introduction monitoring study 都有用,都好common,你係咪想質疑呢個日子?
反苗B:。。。。。。我係想講"演繹",唔理LA,乙肝疫苗都有份paper 話堆副作用平均43.2 日出現,42日後咁點算
普通巿民:你又唔駛咁擔心,如果真係發現42日後有significant既condition,一定大把人會出紙講,呢個世界冇deep state 壓住資訊流通,你可以等下。藥品疫苗過晒phase123去到post introduction 先發現其他罕有副作用都時不時發生,主因係phase123 個sample pool 點大都好都唔會夠roll out 出黎既使用人口多,罕有既野要sample 多先construct 到statistical significance。不過講番份paper 話乙肝疫苗咁多副作用,反苗B 你之前話淨係反covid vaccine ,你又會唔會反埋乙肝支苗?
2024-02-23 14:53:24

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最搞笑係post d link 出黎自打嘴巴,講AstraZeneca 2021年停用,不過支針係2020出,苗撚親自証明左個進化史,一路修正緊

D長篇大論問非所答唔影響13 medical condition,明既,點解要問13種以外既condition?咁係因為你悲觀,佢睇到13 medical conditions 帶來既好處。最衰就係市民有揾過其他research ,所以咪見到其他research 有唔係42日囉,苗撚無啦啦又拉去deep state 意圖模糊焦點

再講多次現實就係疫苗副作用、後遺症比當初推出時所宣傳的多,除左果13種medical conditions,其他問題不停出現,不論苗撚如何鳩翕、老屈都改變唔到呢個事實,呢個係苗撚一直迴避既事實
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞