多倫多生活討論區 57

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2023-02-18 21:32:44

2023-02-18 21:49:14
2.咁如個半個月個Maximum working hours係點計 Bi-weekly就話60
例如1月1到1月15咁樣 就30x(15/7)=64.2857142857
2023-02-18 22:38:17
打電話或者email俾CPA Ontario 攪清楚先再嘥時間讀Australia CPA 啦。人哋一定有理由停止同Australia既Agreement.
2023-02-18 22:44:06
2023-02-18 22:49:59
2023-02-18 23:26:07
2023-02-18 23:29:54
2023-02-18 23:42:11
2023-02-19 00:12:41
明白uncle 我再去研究下 問一問佢地先
Btw 如果我想宜家未係CPA student 但想進修tax方面既野 仲有冇其他途徑/course可以學下?
2023-02-19 00:17:53
都未知你住邊頭, 點幫你呀
2023-02-19 00:24:43
TM Gadgets
+1 833-423-4389

2023-02-19 00:31:41
You can try search on internet for Canadian income tax courses.
There are two main area of income tax. Personal and Corporate.
I started with taking a taxation course at U of T. (I was a CPA from NY)and exposed to personal and corporations tax while working at Accounting firm . Then I joined the tax department and took the in-depth tax course.
I specialized in Corporate tax. Within Corporate tax, there are many special areas such as Banking, Insurance, Mining, Real Estates etc.

There are other areas of taxation, such as GST (HST), EHT (Ontario) etc.

You should learn at least the basics for personal income and Corporations tax and then you can decide if you want to specialize in what area.


If you are planning to go for Ontario CPA, I suggest you find out from CPA Ontario which courses would meet their certification requirements and how long can you keep that credit.
2023-02-19 00:33:09
2023-02-19 00:34:21
Does insurance cover bicycle accidents?
Bicycle accidents may be covered by insurance, depending on the scenario. If you're involved in a collision on your bike with another cyclist or pedestrian and you're not at fault, your medical bills and damage to your bike may be covered by the at-fault party’s personal liability coverage on their home or renters policy. If you’re hit by a car while riding, the at-fault driver's auto liability coverage may pay for damages and injuries. If you’re at fault in a bike accident, personal liability coverage on your home or renters policy may pay for the damages and injuries you caused, up to your coverage limits.

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How insurance covers bicycle accidents
Here are some accident scenarios for cyclists and how different types of insurance may apply.

Accident between two bikes
When you're at fault: If you're riding and cause an accident with another cyclist, personal liability coverage on your homeowners insurance or renters insurance policy may cover the cost of the other rider's injures and property damage. Your personal injuries could be covered by your health insurance. The cost to repair or replace your bike may be covered by your home or renters insurance, assuming you've added a specific insurance rider to cover your bicycle on your policy.

When the other cyclist is at fault: If another cyclist is at-fault in a bicycle on bicycle accident, your injuries and the damage to your bike may be covered under their personal liability coverage on their homeowners or renters insurance policy.

Accident between a bicycle and a motor vehicle
When the cyclist is at fault: If the cyclist is at fault in a car accident, personal liability coverage on the cyclist’s homeowners or renter's insurance policy may cover the driver's property damage and injuries. The cyclist’s medical expenses could be covered by their health insurance, and damage to the bike may be covered if they have a specific rider for the bicycle on their homeowners or renters insurance policy.

When the driver is at fault: If the cyclist is hit by a car, the at-fault driver's auto liability coverage can pay for the cyclist's medical expenses and the cost to repair or replace the bike. If the driver is uninsured, the cyclist will need health insurance to cover injuries. Whether or not damages to the bike are covered depends on how the bicycle is insured on the cyclist’s home or renters policy. The cyclist could also sue the uninsured driver for damages and injuries caused by the accident. If the driver is injured in the accident, medical payments coverage or personal injury protection on the driver’s auto policy may pay for the driver’s medical expenses.

Accident between a bicycle and a pedestrian
When the cyclist is at fault: The pedestrian's injuries and property damage may be covered under personal liability coverage on the cyclist’s homeowners or renters insurance policy. The cyclist's injuries may be covered by their health insurance. Damages to their bike may be covered by the cyclist’s home or renters insurance, depending on the policy or if a rider was added to cover the bicycle.

When the pedestrian is at fault: If a pedestrian causes an accident by wandering into the bike lane, their personal liability coverage on their homeowners or renters insurance may cover the cyclist's injuries and bike damage. The pedestrian's own medical expenses will fall under their health insurance.
2023-02-19 00:44:04
會喺香港自費打埋輪狀腦膜炎乙型流感先出發 巴打意思係過到黎有強制打針要求定會有免費針打?
2023-02-19 00:49:50
Got it, thanks CN uncle
2023-02-19 00:51:11
呢個pdf 可以睇到係安省小朋友有咩針要打

2023-02-19 00:51:34
等兩年半咁癲 巴打你間Daycare特別出名定general都要排咁耐?未搵到工未敢實牙實齒plan定住邊頭呀 打算都係大人就細路 住家近Daycare 大人返工自己揸車返
2023-02-19 00:53:50
不過ymca 好平好多人一出世就報左先
2023-02-19 00:54:58
YMCA 個價錢係平好多好多
2023-02-19 01:03:16
2023-02-19 01:04:35
2023-02-19 01:06:21
2023-02-19 01:07:32
2023-02-19 01:27:46
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