另外好多嘢係設計用氣 未必轉到用煤
不過歐洲人離食草燒柴仲有好遠距離 的確有排未死得嘅

至弊佢d傻閪個腦唔知咩構造 呢兩日新聞 Ukraine嗌加拿大唔好還個turbine畀德國條俄氣輸氣管 網上d德文留言好多就話Ukraine恩將仇報 德國送嘢Ukraine居然想斷德國嘅俄氣

It should now be clear to the last one that our interests are not congruent with those of Ukraine. We can no longer risk the foundations of our prosperity for a country with which we are not allied. That is why I am in favor of lifting all sanctions that only harm us. States have interests. Then nothing.