加拿大報稅 你問我試答

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2022-04-11 10:47:11


只有你無residential ties,即係無買/租樓主,唔係以加拿大為主要居住地,屋企人唔係加拿大,而又少過183日先會係non tax resident。

如果你打長工/讀書 ,本身就係加拿大長住,本身就會係tax resident, 30/12 入境如果你31/12賺左錢(工資租金利息股息) 都要俾加拿大稅
2022-04-11 10:52:32

你老母可能因為香港免稅額唔洗交, or因為香港稅局查唔到唔洗交 ,要睇你老細配唔配合,同金額幾多。

香港稅例要求你老細報ir56b 俾稅局,even 現金出糧。但金額太細,老細係唔洗報(全年所有收入 $132000)

現實上幾多人現金出糧都有綜援or 無報稅大家都知乜的士佬乜私人補習果d
2022-04-11 11:27:15
But your boss may have to commit a few crimes such as:
2022-04-11 16:38:23
巴打係咪準備soft land?
2022-04-12 10:35:34
睇唒咁多回覆, 有以下問題想請教
1. 如果有個未補地價既居屋, 唔打算賣既, 入境前係咪都要做估價?
2. 港股美股贏緊錢既可以賣左佢先, 咁就唔計capital gain, 輸緊錢既, 可以記低入境個日既價錢, 到你之後想放先放, 報稅照報埋輸左錢, 咁就可以扣稅?
3. 不過係用咩方法 OR 點樣記低股票入境個日既價錢先OK? 如果我夜晚10點入境, 係咪就係以夜晚10點既價錢?
4. 香港個人資產超過100K CAD要申報?
我有個未補地價既居屋 (亦唔打算賣, 屋企人要住), 再加銀行有200萬HKD, 咁係咩時候同埋點樣申報?
5. MPF拎唔到, 但好似話好麻煩, 未有結論係可以點處理?
6. 上年買左份有saving既危疾, 應該要cut 定係可以繼續供? 佢既利息係咪每年睇返總結表申請返就得?

唔好意思, 咁多問題, 可能問到一舊舊
2022-04-12 13:52:12
2022-04-13 01:52:53
1. 最好做
2.錯,當你係香港$20買,入境日$15,然後遲d $22放,你要報$7 capital gain,無得扣loss 因為loss 果part 係你係香港loss 唔關加拿大事
3.簡單d 上yahoo 查收市價就得,稅局用日計,唔洗計時分秒
4.要,每年2月到4月 報稅期報。
5. 交唔交稅係一回事,越早攞越好,你唔攞都唔代你幾十年後攞果下唔洗交稅,如果無俾港共共產的話
6.如果你無點蝕你本身又無乜病就cut左佢,之後過黎先純買危疾la。一黎交稅麻煩,二黎未必保海外,三黎佢本身都無乜回報,加拿大活期promo都做緊2-2.8%,無promo virtual bank 長期做緊1.5%
2022-04-13 01:53:13
2022-04-13 04:05:45
Employees working at home due to COVID-19
Since the pandemic began in mid-March 2020, public health officials have asked Canadians to stay at home to help minimize the spread of COVID-19. As a result, an unprecedented number of employees have been asked to work at home.

Employees who worked at home in 2021 due to COVID-19 and meet certain conditions, will be eligible to deduct home office expenses (work-space-in-the-home expenses, office supplies, and other expenses such as employment use of a cell phone, long distance calls for employment purposes, etc.).


Computers, cell phones, and other equipment – Commission employee expenses
Go to Home office expenses for employees for more information.

If you lease computers, cell phones, fax machines, or other equipment, you can deduct the part of the lease cost that reasonably relates to earning your commission income.

Can I Claim My Cell Phone Bill On My Taxes?
The deduction of a cell phone as a small business for self-employed users If you utilize your phone for business purposes, you can claim your cell phone as a small business deduction. Using the 30 percent deduction you are eligible for, it is reasonable to deduct 30 percent of your phone bill for phone use associated with business.

How Much Of Your Phone Can You Claim On Tax?
In the case of mobile phones costing less than $300, there is an immediately taxable deduction for business use percentages; in the case of mobile phones costing more than $300, there is a 3 year term of depreciation for the equipment in use.

Can I Claim My Cell Phone As A Work Expense?
Those who are self-employed and use their phones in business will be able to deduct their cell phone expenses. to claim it, then you may need to provide an itemized bill. Nonetheless, the deduction for “unreimbursed business expenses” for personal cellphone use for work is no longer available.

How Much Of My Phone Can I Claim On Tax?
The term incidental means you need not keep an actual record if you didn’t claim more than $50 in total due to phone, data and internet use for work. Keeping records of how your work-related expenses are documented is required if you would like to receive a $50 deduction. If you are following IRS accounting policies, your records must reveal a four-week representative period in each income year of your tax return.

How Much Of My Phone Bill Can I Claim For Work?
What should I write down in expenses regarding costs of buying the cost of buying my phone in my phone expenses? In general, if you bought a cell phone you intended to use entirely for business purposes and the phone sold for less than $300, you can claim a tax deduction based on that proportion.

Can I Claim Cell Phone Expenses On My Taxes?
By virtue of signing up for fixed plans at reasonable rates and only using on personal occasion, any increase in bill is deducted from your monthly cell phone charges. Those costs would not be deductible if they are incurred for personal use for income tax purposes.

Can I Claim My Mobile Phone As A Business Expense?
The full amount of your mobile phone bills can be deducted as an expense in tax law since you must carry out your mobile phone bill payments directly from the business bank account in your limited company. A personal or business mobile phone cannot be used in this way.
2022-04-13 11:21:57
2. 係香港$20買,入境日$15, 然後遲d $10放, 請問咁樣就係咪capital loss, 咁日後可以扣loss嗎?
3. 即係我日後查返入境日收市價就OK?我以為要入境日cap圖
5. 好似去加拿大讀書拎唔到MPF?係咪要讀完書有job offer先可以返HK拎返MPF?
6. 我問左危疾就係保海外既,我見自己黎緊可能去加拿大讀書,唔係太熟外地野,所以先係HK買左先想問加拿大純危疾大概幾錢?如果唔cut, 要報稅係點樣報?
2022-04-13 11:38:23
2.capital loss只能offset 同一類,i.e. 炒其他股賺既capital gain。無得offset 人工or 租工收入
5. 得study permit 比較難,有owp 就應該得
同job offer無乜關係
6. 要睇你年齡性別一堆野,你要試下上網有無得quote 價
報稅好煩,要拆返幾多係利息收入幾多係capital gain,請問返你保險公司or agent
2022-04-13 14:13:25
2. 哦,如果可以cover到其他股既capital gain都好,好多蝕緊錢既貨
5. 有owp 但冇job offer 都拎到MPF? 因為我都有owp, 但聽講好似冇job offer 就拎唔到MPF
6. 詳情咁我問返佢啦,我以為每年係summary sheet 睇返有幾多係利息 或 紅利,報返稅就得
2022-04-14 00:36:38
2022-04-14 01:56:15
然後再轉番畀我 咁樣洗唔洗交稅
2022-04-14 03:09:01
where are u when you 轉畀屋企人香港戶口
2022-04-14 03:30:15
2022-04-14 03:31:50

你攞乜visa 同你係咪tax resident 係兩回事
你攞visitor visa 都好,唔一定代表你唔洗交稅
2022-04-14 03:32:38
5. 間間唔同,我當時唔洗job offer
2022-04-14 07:53:19
如果我已經係加拿大公民 然後番左黎香港先轉畀屋企人?
2022-04-14 07:59:42
So you mean you change to non resident and return to HK after you became a Canadian citizen.
Then you transfer your stock to relative?
2022-04-14 08:51:07
2022-04-14 09:20:26
Transfer my stock to relative after I become a Canadian citizen
2022-04-14 09:38:48


Departure tax
When you leave Canada, you are considered to have sold certain types of property (even if you have not sold them) at their fair market value (FMV) and to have immediately reacquired them for the same amount. This is called a deemed disposition and you may have to report a capital gain (also known as departure tax).

Your property could include the following:

For more information, go to Dispositions of property.

If the total FMV of all the property you owned when you left Canada was more than $25,000, complete Form T1161, List of Properties by an Emigrant of Canada.
2022-04-14 09:46:33
Gifting to parent and child over 18 is the same


Givers of stock face "a deemed disposition of the shares at fair market value, which could trigger a capital gain when you transfer the ownership of the shares,” says Fabio Campanella, a chartered professional accountant and investment advisor with Praetorian Wealth Advisory in Toronto and Oakville, Ont.

If you plan to transfer ownership of shares to a child, he or she must be age 18 (or 19 in some provinces and territories). The moment the transfer occurs, it’s as if you have sold them, and you will have to pay taxes on any gain in capital value while you owned the stock.
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