加拿大報稅 你問我試答

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2022-04-02 01:33:02
2022-04-02 01:33:16
2022-04-02 01:34:00
2022-04-02 01:36:41
thanks!! will consult a tax accountant later
2022-04-02 01:40:22
年薪130k, 老婆無做野,租屋住,要交幾多稅?
2022-04-02 01:41:14
2022-04-02 01:59:17
That's a good start
2022-04-02 02:01:58
You are deemed disposed and re acquire upon entry anyway. No need to actually sell and buy it back. Just make sure you have the closing FMV of the stock on the day or closest trading day's closing price as record for future final disposition to calculate the gain/loss since you landed in Canada.
2022-04-02 02:02:53
here in Canada? which province?
2022-04-02 03:00:46
追晒樓上d post
2. 如果我做左pr,申請我老母黎,佢會唔會即刻變tax resident? 就算只係住1日?
2022-04-02 03:16:51
Yes, in Toronto.
2022-04-02 03:20:11
呢樣叫做 Tax Planning , 在你無或低收入果年你賣d 股票 take profit
加拿大有一定數目免稅額,與及 progressive tax rates. 低收入 marginal tax rate % 係低d

又或 tax loss selling 有虧本貨在某一年賣 offset 你 其他 capital gain
2022-04-02 03:24:18
when you are losing money
2. 如果我做左pr,申請我老母黎,佢會唔會即刻變tax resident? 就算只係住1日?Most likely. Significant family ties

tep 1: Determine if you have residential ties with Canada
The most important thing to consider when determining your residency status in Canada for income tax purposes is whether or not you maintain, or you establish, significant residential ties with Canada.

Significant residential ties to Canada include:

a home in Canada
a spouse or common-law partner in Canada
dependants in Canada
Secondary residential ties that may be relevant include:

personal property in Canada, such as a car or furniture
social ties in Canada, such as memberships in Canadian recreational or religious organizations
economic ties in Canada, such as Canadian bank accounts or credit cards
a Canadian driver's licence
a Canadian passport
health insurance with a Canadian province or territory
The information above is general in nature. For more information on your residential ties, see Income Tax Folio S5-F1-C1, Determining an Individual's Residence Status.
2022-04-02 03:31:41
estimated before any possible tax credit or deduction


2022-04-02 04:15:43
Thanks uncle
Read the link you give to me, but still confusing.

If I just have a open work permit( then I’m a tax resident, but not a PR) and working in Canada, but my mon travel to Canada and have a short vacation here, will she be counted as tax resident?
2022-04-02 04:44:19
You have to pay tax on your world wide income.
2022-04-02 04:47:37
Your mom most likely not if she stays less than 183 days.
2022-04-02 07:01:45
Significant residential ties to Canada include:
a home in Canada
a spouse or common-law partner in Canada
dependants in Canada

The family member in this case include your spouse and your dependents
Your mom's issue has nothing to do with you. Family ties in this section does not include your mom because you are an adult child.

2022-04-02 08:02:34
我嘅情況有咩tax credit or deduction?
2022-04-02 08:14:01
記得好似係十年內考曬指定嘅papers? (聽講有十份)

利申:中學雞嗰時有修PA, 有諗過做會計,所以記得ddd, 但最後做咗it 狗
2022-04-02 08:25:52
Depending on your situation. An accountant can help you.
2022-04-02 08:31:35
Understand, thanks uncle
2022-04-02 10:09:05
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