加拿大報稅 你問我試答

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2022-04-09 09:42:30
如果報,係計49020到98040個rate,因為係 marginal income ,除非你有其他野扣細你個net income eg RRSP
2022-04-09 09:43:35
2022-04-09 09:45:38
2022-04-09 10:45:48
2022-04-09 10:54:43
前者我唔介意呀 我拎本金都心足架喇
2022-04-09 10:59:36

個argue point 咪係mpf 當係pension 定係你個人investment

如果你覺得係個人investment 咪增值稅lo
2022-04-09 12:12:42
可能因為最近search過tax所以youtube recommend呢條片比我
可唔可以講下係咩黎 前兩份係咪淨係關PR/citizen事?
bc479係咪就係我作為個零收入學生 會攞到嘅$75退稅?
2022-04-09 12:31:07
你上網報稅其實唔洗理d form number
用software 報完就得

gst/hst 要睇省,temp resident 都有,政府會assume 你一個月洗幾多,然後退返個gst/hst 當補助你

bc省無income 係會退$75
2022-04-09 12:58:19
如果我defi 做交易 佢點trace?
2022-04-09 13:02:18
2022-04-09 17:10:18
2022-04-09 20:17:21
defi ? what is this?
2022-04-09 20:18:45
why do you want to do it now?
2022-04-09 20:36:58
Defi = 去中化交易所
理論上係果度做交易 無身份認證 應該trace 唔到?
2022-04-09 22:54:13
2022-04-10 00:45:44
2022-04-10 00:46:47
有乜交易所cash out 唔洗身份認證?
2022-04-10 00:51:10
I will lose my license for suggesting that.
P.S. I am retired
2022-04-10 00:59:40
I think you should sit down with a tax accountant about the tax treatment on MPF. I am not familiar with MPF. Did you get a deduction when you contribute to MPF and do you have to add back to income when you withdraw? But in any case, I don't see how withdrawing the portion that you contributed and the portion that are income accumulated before you landed is taxable for Canadian tax purposes because you were not a tax resident for Canada. Your tax liability is probably to HK Inland Revenue.

Just my 2 cents worth.
2022-04-10 01:02:18

Can the CRA track cryptocurrency? Well, yes and no. The CRA can certainly link you with wallet addresses. As soon as you verify your account with the Canadian crypto exchange, you will be associated with everything that goes in and out of that account. Since most blockchains are public, anyone can view wallet addresses and their activity. It would not be difficult for the CRA to follow your transactions and link your wallets to your name. If you cash out to your bank account, this adds another layer of trackable information that the CRA can access.

On the other hand, if you use a decentralized exchange or one that does not comply with FINTRAC regulations, then the CRA may not be able to see your crypto trades. You could buy crypto on an exchange where you do not need to prove ID, then send that crypto to another wallet and decide from there what you will do with it. Remember, if you sell it, and transfer the money to your bank account, then the CRA will likely want to know where that money came from. But if the CRA cannot link you to your crypto wallets then it becomes much more difficult for them to track your activity.

We highly recommend that you abide by Canadian tax laws. The CRA does not take tax avoidance lightly and you could be in serious trouble if they find out you have undeclared income or capital gains. To make your crypto tax reporting easier, we recommend reading our guide to paying cryptocurrency taxes in Canada, as well as using a crypto tax calculator such as Koinly. With Koinly you can automatically import all of your trades from every exchange that you have used. Koinly will calculate your capital gains tax for you, making the tax reporting process easier. You can check our review and experience with Koinly here.
2022-04-10 01:38:10
1. yes tax deductible when contribution
2. withdrawal only occurs when you 65 ir permanent leave hong kong, non taxable if you one-off withdraw all, no liability to hong kong inland revenue
3. it is so called pension but not really a centralised govt controlled pension, you have your own account and responsible for profit and loss.

4. the main problem here is that Canada income tax law is based on cash basis.

5. some accountant claims it is a pension and CRA guidelines for foerign pension needed to be either 1. put all on rrsp 2. fully taxable as income if not put in rrsp

6.while some accountant claims it is personal asset/investment do no need to follow the rule in point 5 above and only pay capital gain tax after landing

7. It is werid because for a "pension" scheme, it is difficult to say that it is your own asset because you cannot liquid it.
IF hk mpf authority rejects your withdrawal request, you can only withdraw it at 65.
It is not same as RRSP as you can pay pealty and withdraw anytime before 65.
2022-04-10 01:43:32
我諗緊一個人黎 卡加利 貪佢租平。其實容唔容易搵野做? 利申想做燒焊
2022-04-10 02:28:10
I found this

I have been contributing to the pension scheme in Hong Kong, namely MPF. Is that taxable in Canada when I withdraw my MPF pension?​

a) Still a non-resident when MPF is withdrawn

If you are still a non-resident of Canada at the time of withdrawal of your MPF, it is NOT taxable in Canada. And for individuals who are immigrating to Canada, as well as for returning Canadians, the best option is to withdraw all your accrued benefits in your MPF account, if you can.

More details may be found "Early Withdrawal of MPF". ​

b) Resident status when MPF is withdrawn

If you are already a resident at the time your MPF is withdrawn or for some good reasons you could not withdraw your MPF before moving to Canada.

Note that Canadian residents are taxable, under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i) of the Act, on pension benefits in the year of receipt. This applies to benefits from a foreign pension plan that are attributable to services rendered while the individual was not a resident of Canada. Therefore, the periodic amounts and the lump sum payment from the Hong Kong pension plan will be taxable in Canada. In this case, your MPF is taxable in the year it's withdrawn.

Reference: Canadian Tax Interpretation.​

Nevertheless, foreign pension plans that meets the criteria from 60(j)(i) can be transferred into an RRSP. The mechanism is that the lump sum is included as taxable income in the year it’s withdrawn from the foreign pension but, by depositing it to an RRSP, the person receives a deduction against the income inclusion. If your foreign pension is eligible and everything is done correctly, tax is deferred until the year(s) your RRSP is withdrawn.​

4. What about payments from annuities?

​As mentioned above, benefits from a foreign pension plan is taxable in the year of receipt. Therefore, yes, any payment from foreign annuities is taxable.​
2022-04-10 19:31:01
我9月行stream a會去安省讀書 有幾個問題想請教下🙏🏻
1. 網上有人話落地有租屋就已經計稅務居民 但亦有人話住夠183日先計 請問應該跟邊個做法?
2. 打算keep幾份係香港既part time freelance補習幫補生活費 冇合約全部係香港現金出糧 呢類型海外自僱收入要點樣報?揾左好多資料但都係睇唔明啲form🥲
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞