加拿大報稅 你問我試答

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2022-03-31 05:44:31
冇呀 一直都一樣
2022-03-31 05:47:48
2022-03-31 05:49:07
試下有無得reset password or 可能要打去CRA 問
2022-03-31 05:49:22
2022-03-31 05:50:59
2022-03-31 05:51:34
2022-03-31 05:54:10
CRA之前就係覆我要physical報先可以重開到個account 所以先想搵人報
2022-03-31 06:06:45
2022-03-31 06:07:26
想請問第一次報係無CRA acc咁要點樣報?
2022-03-31 06:10:04
yes if netfile
2022-03-31 06:14:20
唔報你自己要take 風險,逃稅係犯罪

唔夠cad100000 唔洗報資產,但收入幾多錢理論上都要報
2022-03-31 06:18:22
冇pr,用owp入境,有加拿大銀行户口,但冇做野,住唔夠183日,咁係咪tax resident?喺其他國家嘅股票使唔使報稅?
2022-03-31 06:19:37


CPA 要攞牌(regulated service)先可以幫人報稅,反而non CPA 就唔洗,所以街邊好多報稅公司根本無CPA
2022-03-31 06:20:45
2022-03-31 06:23:02
2022-03-31 06:25:09
2022-03-31 06:28:25
咁未必係tax resident, 但加拿大銀行户口如果有interest都要報稅 non resident唔洗報overseas income

睇你點plan, 如果你owp 係為左返工行stream b/EE 的話你遲d 一返工點都會變做tax resident.
2022-03-31 06:30:02
我入境嗰日就係早排閪冧嗰期 有d依家仲坐緊
如果我等到回左血先放股 然後直接入錢加拿大銀行
2022-03-31 06:32:02
但係公司俾我帶住份FULL TIME 工係加拿大REMOTE做

咁應該點報稅? 謝謝
2022-03-31 06:32:37
用h&r 早一兩日報完,好多可以報既唔係呢度睇都唔知
Eg moving cost
2022-03-31 06:33:32
2022-03-31 06:35:41
sorry, i will be in ontario
2022-03-31 06:36:54

What are residential ties?
Residential ties in Canada include:

a home in Canada
a spouse or common-law partner (see the definitions in the Federal Income Tax and Benefit Guide) or dependants who move to Canada to live with you
personal property, such as a car or furniture
social ties in Canada
Other residential ties that may be relevant to determine your residency status include, but are not limited to, a Canadian driver's licence, Canadian bank accounts or credit cards, and health insurance with a Canadian province or territory.

Newcomers to Canada who have established residential ties with Canada may be:

protected persons (including refugees) within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
individuals who have applied for or received permanent resident status from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
individuals who have received "approval-in-principle" from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to stay in Canada
If you were a resident of Canada in a previous year, and you are now a non-resident, you will be considered a resident of Canada for income tax purposes when you move back to Canada and re-establish your residential ties.

Do you need help determining your residency status?
If you are not sure if you are a resident of Canada for income tax purposes, complete Form NR74, Determination of Residency Status (Entering Canada). Send your form to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as soon as possible to receive an opinion on your residency status before your return is due.

For more information about residency status, see Income Tax Folio S5-F1-C1, Determining an Individual's Residence Status.

Canada's tax system
Canada’s tax system is similar to that of many countries. Employers and other payers usually deduct taxes from the income they pay you whereas individuals with business or rental income usually pay their taxes by instalment.

Many of the benefits people enjoy in Canada are made possible through taxes. Canada's tax system pays for roads, schools, health care, social security, and public safety.

Each year, you determine your tax obligation by completing an Income Tax and Benefit Return and sending it to the CRA. On the return, you report your income and claim your deductions, calculate your federal and provincial or territorial tax, and determine if you have a balance of tax owing for the year, or a refund of some or all of the tax that was deducted from your income during the year. For more information, see Do you have to file a tax return?

Under Canada's tax system, you have the right and responsibility to determine your income tax status and make sure you pay your required amount of tax each year according to the law.

Guide RC17, Taxpayer Bill of Rights Guide: Understanding your rights as a taxpayer, outlines the fair treatment you are entitled to receive when you deal with the CRA. For more information, go to Taxpayer Bill of Rights. You have other rights under Canadian laws including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Each year, the CRA promotes compliance and taxpayer education through review programs.

The CRA reviews deductions and credits on the Income Tax and Benefit Return and ensures that income amounts have been correctly reported. The CRA also reviews benefits and credits such as the Canada child benefit (CCB) and the goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit.

Keep all receipts and documents for at least six years after you file your return. If the CRA chooses to review your return, you will have to provide your receipts to support your claims.
2022-03-31 06:41:31
2022-03-31 06:41:42
I just checked some cases. You are right .
In Song v The Queen (2009 FCA 278), the court held that a Japanese taxpayer failed to be a Canadian resident even though her husband lived in Canada. Although the taxpayer hoped to eventually live in Canada with her husband, her settled, daily routine revolved around her job in Japan.

In Mahmood v The Queen (supra), a Guyanese taxpayer owned a condo in Canada, used Canadian banks to facilitate business transactions, and had a son who lived in Canada. The taxpayer regularly stayed at his Canadian condo and attended a mosque in Canada. Yet the court decided that the taxpayer was not a resident in Canada because his day-to-day activities concerned the business that he ran in Guyana.

In Yoon v The Queen (2005 TCC 366), in 1975, a Korean-born taxpayer moved to Canada, where she later met and married her spouse, had a child, and obtained citizenship. In 2001, she moved back to Korea for work. That year, she spent 135 days in Canada and 224 days in Korea. Her husband remained in Canada. The court applied the Shin decision and concluded that the taxpayer was not a Canadian resident during the 2001 taxation year.

Yoon also illustrates that, despite the CRA’s contrary view, the acquisition of landed-immigrant status seemingly isn’t a significant residential tie. The Yoon taxpayer entered Canada and obtained not only landed-immigrant status but also Canadian citizenship. Yet the Tax Court of Canada held that the taxpayer was not a resident in Canada. Affirming the Tax Court’s decision, the Federal Court of Appeal noted that “residence is not simply a matter of a person’s status under the Immigration Act… .”

In summary, Canada’s tax-law jurisprudence has apparently accepted a principle whereby the CRA’s purportedly significant residential ties prove far less significant when determining whether a foreigner has become a Canadian tax resident.
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