烏俄戰爭 Live

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2022-02-24 22:55:12
.Lviv sounds air raid sirens for the first time since World War II
2022-02-24 22:55:53
俄爆未 正仆街
2022-02-24 22:57:22
.A Russian military convoy was ambushed in Sumy, west Ukraine.
2022-02-24 22:59:33
2022-02-24 23:03:19
2022-02-24 23:03:35
Javelin 係fire and forget 同埋高炒落裝甲車頂部
2022-02-24 23:04:43
2022-02-24 23:04:59
Dog fight有機嘅
2022-02-24 23:05:53
俄佬宜家搞埋切爾諾貝爾 咁仲可唔可以話唔關歐洲事?
2022-02-24 23:09:45
.Russia objectives may well be to isolate the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and to cut off and destroy Ukrainian forces in the east of the country;

.Intelligience shown that Russia might also "look" into Moldova, which borders Ukraine and Romania.

Source: BBC
2022-02-24 23:09:57
2022-02-24 23:10:34
2022-02-24 23:12:38
正面打同自殺無分別而家首要係有咁耐拖咁耐 等歐美班撚屌出手
2022-02-24 23:13:34
2022-02-24 23:14:49
2022-02-24 23:16:25
2022-02-24 23:17:23
.Ukraine now calls on EU countries to:

Provide air and missile defense systems;

Jam Russia's satellite signals;

Suspend software license for military and civilian equipment of Russia and Belarus
2022-02-24 23:18:40
退返烏西? 我覺得北約等緊藉口反攻,
2022-02-24 23:19:11
Brazilian in Ukraine 喎ching
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞