烏俄戰爭 Live

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2022-02-25 18:30:57
2022-02-25 18:58:33
. Defence Minister Alexey Reznikov appears to clarify that the loosening in age restrictions refers to people over 60. It made no mention of minors.
2022-02-25 19:00:38
.Russia's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov told reporters that Ukrainian people must now "choose their own future".
2022-02-25 19:01:48
.Sergei Lavrov said Moscow would be ready to hold talks with Kyiv if Ukraine's military had laid down its arms.
2022-02-25 19:07:06
.Ukrzaliznytsia will run an evacuation Intercity+ train to Kharkiv, limited service after. After this, Intercity express trains will not run from Kharkiv.
2022-02-25 19:11:57
仆街 要人放低武器任姦
2022-02-25 19:12:52
.Additional trains from Lviv to Polish border.
2022-02-25 19:14:03
.Air raid sirens sounded in Lviv
2022-02-25 19:15:50
2022-02-25 19:18:23
.Streets in Kyiv are now all empty

2022-02-25 19:20:20
2022-02-25 19:21:02
.An Ukrainian MiG-29 just destroyed a Russian Su-35
2022-02-25 19:26:11
.a missile hit in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv, but no explosion.

BBC Verified
2022-02-25 19:29:04
.The Ukrainian army is fortifying Dnipro to block Russian from advancing westwards
2022-02-25 19:31:48
2022-02-25 19:35:01

2022-02-25 19:38:33
.residential buildings at Koshytsa Street, a suburb of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, hit by Russian shell

2022-02-25 19:44:26
.Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad backs Putin on Ukraine. Syria stands with the Russian Federation.
2022-02-25 19:46:46
777: 市民回家先有得傾撤回
2022-02-25 19:49:09
.Zelensky: Russia should be cut from SWIFT and oil embarge should be imposed. "You can still stop this aggression. You have to act swiftly". He said
2022-02-25 19:54:46
"I am sure you see this - all of you, the whole of Europe. But we don't quite see what you are going to do about this, how you are going to defend yourself when you are so slow to help Ukraine."
2022-02-25 19:57:58
.Gun and grenade being distributed to Ukrainian citizens
2022-02-25 20:07:47
.China: Russia has the right to be concerned about security issues.


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