烏俄戰爭 Live

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2022-02-24 18:18:43
03:00 GMT/ 11:00 HK Time

.Putin announced a "military operation" in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region

.Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba: “Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Peaceful Ukrainian cities are under strikes"

04:00 GMT
.Ukraine closes its airspace to civilian flights

05:00 GMT
.Ukraine imposes martial law
.Air raid sirens goes off in Kyiv
.Kyiv, Kharkiv and other major cities are under Russian rocket attacks

06:00 GMT
.Russian forces are seen also crossing into Ukraine from Crimea and Belarus.

08:00 GMT
.People fleeing Kyiv

09:00 GMT
.50 Russian troops and 4 tanks destroyed east of Kharkiv.
.50 Russian troops killed in Luhansk.
.6 Russian aircraft downed
.Ukrainian troops wounded and killed in southern Kherson (近克里米亞)
2022-02-24 18:22:29
10:00 GMT

.In the first hours of war, more than 40 Ukrainian soldiers and around 10 civilians died. President Zelensky said.

.Lithuania imposes state of emergency
2022-02-24 18:24:14
Ukrainians seeking shelter in underground metro stations in Kyiv

Source: Reuters
2022-02-24 18:26:28
Air raid sirens go off in Kyiv earlier this morning
2022-02-24 18:30:00
.Modolva closes its airspace and declares state of emergency
2022-02-24 18:36:20

.Bombing and conflicts in Ukraine so far
2022-02-24 18:44:03
10:10 GMT
Russian tanks enters Kharkiv, Ukraine's second largest city.
2022-02-24 18:49:53
.President Zelensky says fighting is now taking place in the east, north and south.
2022-02-24 18:55:19
.Poland's ready to take in Ukrainian refugees

Reception centres would be launched for refugees in two Polish provinces bordering Ukraine.
2022-02-24 18:59:51
.President Zelensky says Ukraine will not surrender.
2022-02-24 19:22:44
.Latvia closes its embassy in Kyiv
.Iran urges its citizen to leave Ukraine
2022-02-24 19:26:54
.Latest illustration on Russia's action
Arrows indicate invasion Russia's advances by land
Stars indicate Russian attack from the air

Source: France24
2022-02-24 19:29:12
.A missile hit an airport in Ivano-Frankivsk in Western Ukraine filmed.

2022-02-24 19:35:17
.Ukrainian defence intelligence headquarter in Kyiv on black smoke.
2022-02-24 19:38:40
.18 Ukrainians confirmed dead in an air strike on a military base near Ukraine's Black Sea port city of Odesa
2022-02-24 19:51:10
.Video reportedly from North of Kharkiv shows destroyed Russian tanks and dead Russian soldiers.

2022-02-24 19:53:47
.Long lines formed at a bus station in Kyiv. Residents waited in line for up to an hour to buy fuel. Kyiv’s main airport was bombed and its major roads were jammed with traffic as people fled

Source: NY Times
2022-02-24 19:56:53
.Over 100 Nato jet fighters now on high alert, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said.
2022-02-24 20:05:33
.The Polish soldiers are ordered to report to barracks. Holidays cancelled
2022-02-24 20:07:47
.Chinese Embassy in Kyiv: Chinese citizens should place Chinese flag on their car if they are traveling.
2022-02-24 20:12:49
.Ukraine President Zelensky urges for blood donation.
2022-02-24 20:16:14
.Russian seized control of Hostomel, 15 mins west of Kyiv.
2022-02-24 20:25:58
.Russia's air raids in Lviv region. Russian jets are reported almost reached Polish border.
2022-02-24 20:33:12
.Russian Forces into North Kyiv.
Confirmed Ukraine Border Guard
2022-02-24 20:36:20
.Lithuania declares state of emergency

.Lithuania prepares to accommodate Ukraine refugees

Source: LRT
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