烏俄戰爭 Live

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2022-02-25 04:04:01
2022-02-25 04:05:03
2022-02-25 04:06:59
Joe Biden
.he believes Vladimir Putin "has much larger ambitions" that go far beyond Ukraine's borders. "He wants to, in fact, re-establish the former Soviet Union," Biden said

.US to send extra 7000 troops to Nato.

2022-02-25 04:10:51
. A transport plane crashes in Russia.
2022-02-25 04:12:38
2022-02-25 04:17:07
俄佬一定係想南北兩路進入基輔 切斷烏東
2022-02-25 04:22:04
2022-02-25 04:23:36
.In next few hours, 10000 machine guns will be distributed to Kyiv's self-organised residents to protect the capital. Receivers of the weapon are required to provide a passport.

俄佬等仆街啦 基輔同你玩Stalingrad
2022-02-25 04:27:42
Ukrainians sought protection underground inside the dark train cars, in emergency exits and on platforms

A man tries to calm his cat as he joins hundreds seeking shelter there

Source: BBC
2022-02-25 04:30:07
2022-02-25 04:32:04
.Snake Island is captured by Russia. Ukrainian soldiers has been lost and infrastructure is destroyed.
Source: Ukrainian Armed Forces
2022-02-25 04:33:47
2022-02-25 04:37:31
.Heavy battles taking place in Sumy, east of Ukraine/Northwest of Kharkiv.
2022-02-25 04:38:57
.Ukraine's Defense Minister said Russia is planning a new wave of attacks.
2022-02-25 04:43:55
.Moldova spoke with EU Commission President Von Der Leyen

仲攬住班左膠隻腳 快撚啲做好防禦工事仲實際啦
2022-02-25 04:44:38
2022-02-25 04:47:18
睇緊呢個bbc podcast : https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-europe-60454795

想問下有無其他電視台live / podcast 可以睇?
2022-02-25 04:47:27
2022-02-25 04:48:54
Snake Island, only 20 miles from Romania, a nato member.
2022-02-25 04:52:25
歐洲好多國家電視台都有, 法國,波蘭,烏克蘭, 立陶宛.
2022-02-25 04:54:31
.Taiwan's defense ministry on Thursday said that 9 Chinese aircraft had entered its air defense identification zone, just hours after Russia had launched an invasion into Ukraine.
2022-02-25 04:57:25
咁都唔還手等於北約自動瓦解 大家食自己
2022-02-25 05:00:23
.Ukrainian paratroopers taken back Gostomel/Hostomel airfield. Surviving Russian troops feld through the woods and fields.

Source: Adviser to Ukraine's minister of Internal Affairs
2022-02-25 05:08:19
2022-02-25 05:10:47
.Fighting taking place near Chernihiv, northern border of Ukraine.

.Russian army is also pushing through Mykolayiv, north of Kherson.

.60 Russian battalions have been put into Ukraine.

.Russia is likely planning to connect Crimea peninsula and the self-proclaimed Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞